FRtR > Biographies > The Story of Ethan Allen > Notes

The Story of Ethan Allen (1738-1789)

A Right to Liberty


*** Quote ***

  1. Edward Countryman, "`Out of the Bounds of Law'": Northern Land Rioters in the Eighteenth Century," The American Revolution: Explorations in the History of American Radicalism, ed. Alfred F. Young (Northern Illinois UP, 1976) 39-40.
  2. 2 Countryman 39-40.
  3. Frederic F. Van deWater, The Reluctant Republic: Vermont 1724-1791 (New York: Cornwall Press, 1941) 37.
  4. Van deWater 37-45.
  5. Van deWater 37-50.
  6. Van deWater 50-53.
  7. Van deWater 53-55.
  8. History of Vermont 96-98.
  9. History of Vermont 99-101.
  10. Michael A. Bellesiles, Revolutionary Outlaws: Ethan Allen and the Struggle for Independence on the Early American Frontier (Charlottesville and London: UP of Virginia, 1993) 32.
  11. Stewart H. Holbrook, Ethan Allen (New York: The Macmillan Company, 1940) 23.
  12. Holbrook 24.
  13. Bellesiles 6.
  14. Bellesiles 6.
  15. Bellesiles 10.
  16. Bellesiles 9.
  17. Bellesiles 11.
  18. Bellesiles 15.
  19. Nash, ed., The American People: Creating a Nation and a Society, 3rd ed. (Harper Collins College Publishers: New York, 1994) 162-163.
  20. Nash 162-163.
  21. Nash 162-163.
  22. Nash 162-163.
  23. Nash 162-163.
  24. Nash 162-163.
  25. Countryman 56.
  26. Nash 163-164.
  27. Bellesiles 15.
  28. Bellesiles 15
  29. Bellesiles 21.
  30. Bellesiles 22.
  31. Bellesiles 23.
  32. Bellesiles 34-41.
  33. Bellesiles 93.
  34. Bellesiles 93.
  35. Bellesiles 97.
  36. Bellesiles 88-89.
  37. Bellesiles 96.
  38. Bellesiles 96.
  39. Bellesiles 97.
  40. Bellesiles 103.
  41. Bellesiles 104.
  42. Bellesiles 108.
  43. Bellesiles 108.
  44. Bellesiles 109.
  45. Bellesiles 147.
  46. Bellesiles 122-155.
  47. Bellesiles 135-136.
  48. Bellesiles 159.
  49. Bellesiles 189-190.
  50. Bellesiles 190.
  51. Bellesiles 191.
  52. Bellesiles 192.
  53. Bellesiles 193.
  54. Bellesiles 195.
  55. Bellesiles 197-200.
  56. Bellesiles 207.
  57. Bellesiles 207.
  58. Bellesiles 208.
  59. Bellesiles 214-215.
  60. Bellesiles 248.
  61. Bellesiles 249.
  62. Bellesiles 250.
  63. Bellesiles 250-251.
  64. Bellesiles 251-252.
  65. Bellesiles 251-252.
  66. Nash 227-229.
  67. Bellesiles 252-253.
  68. Bellesiles 253.
  69. Bellesiles 254.
  70. Bellesiles 254-256.

[Gelston Hardy of Sheffield Massachusettes spoke to the Rotary Club of Salisbu