Various Reference Materials: The following
is a list some of the books, and reference material I have found with
information on the French and Indian War. Some of the works
are fiction, most are historical.
Note that not all
"historical" references are worth reading. Even historians can be swayed by
propoganda, and national pride.
Read all historical narratives with care! The Radeau
LAND TORTOISE - North America's Oldest Intact Warship
Aabbass, D.K. and Zarzynski, Joseph W.; M-Z Information, 1993 A Compleat
history of the late War Annual Register of World Events;
Dublin: J. Exshaw, 1763 Old Forts of
the Great Lakes - Sentinels in the Wilderness Barry, James P.; Thunder Bay Press,
Lansing, Michigan; 1994 Sails and
Steam in the Mountains Bellico, Russell P.; Purple
Mountain Press, Fleishmanns, NY; 1992 Battle for a
Continent Bird, Harrison; Oxford University Press, 1965 Report on
Canadian Archives Brymer, Douglas: Ottawa; Maclean, Roger
& Co. 1888 Wolfe and
Montcalm Casgrain, H.R.: Makers of Canada Series. Oxford Univeristy Press,
1926. The King's
Secret: being the secret correspondence of Louis XV, with his diplomatic
Agents from 1752-1774 Cassell, Peter & Galpin, 1879, London, NY etc. The French
Colonial Soldier in Colonial America Chartrand, Rene; Museum
Restoration Service, 1984 Les plans de
la guerre de sept ans contenans les batailles, combats, prises de villes,
camps et c. Dessines par L. Therbu, Lieutenant-ingeneurs graves et mis au
jour aux depens de l'auteur meme Contgen, George Joseph; Maience 1789?91? The French
Occupation of the Champlain Valley, 1609-1759 Coolidge, Guy Omeron; Harbor
Hill Books, Mamoroneck, NY 1989. Last of the
MohicansCooper, James Fenimore. (Fiction) The book that
periodically spurs a movie, which draws new interest in the French and
Indian War. Northwest
Passage (Fiction) Deals mostly
with Robert Roger's Rangers. Read
the book. See the movie. England in the
7 years war Corbett, Julian; London, Greenhill books; and
Novato, CA: Presidio Press 1992 Robert Rogers
of the Rangers Cuneo, John R.; Fort Ticonderoga Museum, 1988 Work of the
Archives Branch Doughty, Arthur G.; Ottawa Etudes sur le
Guerre de Sept Ans: le ministere de Belle-Isle Dussage, Andre; Paris: L.
Fournier, 1914. Wilderness
Empire (Fiction) Eckert, Allan; Bantam Books The General
History of the late War Entick, John; London, E and C Dilly
1764-1766 The Seven
Years War Furneaux, Rupert; St. Albans: Hart Davis MacGibbon LTD, 1973 Memoir of a
French and Indian War Soldier - "Jolicoeur" Charles Bonin Gallup,
Andrew; Heritage Books, inc; 1993 Fort William
Henry Gifford, Stanley M.; 1955 Wampum, War
and Trade Goods - West of the Hudson Hagerty, Gilbert W.;
Heart of the Lakes Publishing, Interlaken, NY, 1985 Massacre at
Fort Bull - the de lery expedition against Oneida Carry - 1756
Hagerty, Gilbert; Mowbray Co, Providence, RI, 1971 Adventure in
the Wilderness - The American Journals of Louis Antoine
de Bougainville Hamilton, Edward. Univeristy of Oklahoma Press, 1964 The seaman's
faithful Companion: being religious & moral advice to officers in the
Royal Navy ... with an historical detail of the many glorious victories
obtained by his majesty's arms in the late war; and a list of the enemy ships
taken. Hanway, Jonas; London: sold by John Rivington in St. Paul's
Churchyard, 1763. Dictionaire
genealogique des familles du Quebec, des origins a 1730 Jette, Rene 1759 - The
Battle for Canada (Fiction) LaPierre, Laurier L.; McClelland & Stewart
Inc., 1990 Papers of
William Johnson Lauber, Almon W. edit.: Univeristy of the State of New York,
Albany, 1939. Histoire de
France Lavisse, Ernest: AMS Press, NY l'Emigration
des Alcasiens et des Lorraines du XVIIIe au XXe Siecle
Laybourn, Norman: Association des publications pres les
universites de Strasbourg, 1986 Montcalm - The
marvelous Marquis Lewis, Meriwether Liston; Vantage Press,
1961 Stories of
Lake George - Fact and Fancy Lord, Thomas Reeves; Pinelands Press, 1987 More Stories
of Lake George - Fact and Fancy Lord, Thomas Reeves;
Vantage Press, 1994 La Haute Aventure de Guillaume de
Palmoye Lorimier, Louis Raoul de; Montreal, Granger Freres, 1930 History of
Lake Champlain 1609-1814 Palmer, Peter S.; Purple Mountain
Press, Fleishmanns, NY 1992 Traites de la
paix generale de l'Europe in MDCCLXIII Paris: de l'Imprimerie
de la Gazette de France, 1763 Montcalm and
Wolfe Parkman, Francis Fort
Ticonderoga Pell, Stephen H.P.; Fort Ticonderoga Museum, 1990 Histoire de la
guerre contre les Anglois Poullin de Lumina, Etienne; Geneve, 1759-60 Dictionnaire
biographique du Canada Les Presses de l'Universite
Laval, 1969. Thunder in the
East (Fiction) Roarke, Mike; Saint Martin's Paperbacks,
1993 Histoire de
l'Assomption Roy, Christian. pp129-135. Lists of soldiers who
remained behind at the end of the war in the l'Assomption area. Bulletins des
Recherches Historiques Roy, Pierre Georges: 70 Volumes. Inventaire des
contrats mariage Roy, Pierre Georges. Inventaire
d'une Collection de pieces Judiciares, Notorials, etc. etc. Conservees aux Arichives Judiciares Quebec
Roy, Pierre Georges Century of
Conflict Rutledge, Joseph Rister. Doubleday, 1956. Lord Chatham:
Pitt and the 7 years war Sherrard, Owen Aubrey; London, Bodley Head, 1955 Rogers Island
Archeological Site Starbuck, David R.; Rogers Island Yacht
Club, 1992 Military Sites
of the Hudson Rover, Lake George, and Lake Champlain
Corridor Starbuck, Dr. David R.; Adirondack Community
College, 1994 Betrayals -
Fort William Henry & the "Massacre" Steele, Ian K; Oxford
University Press, 1990 Dictionnaire
Genealogique des familles Canadiennes Tanguay, Cyprien: 7 volumes, Montreal. America's
<i>First</i> First World War: The French and Indian War, 1754-1763
Todish, Timothy J.; Eagle's View Publishing Co, 1988 Sir William
Johnson Papers University of the State of New York,
Alexander C. Flick Director and Historian; 1939 Dictionary of
Canadian Biography Univeristy of Toronto Press. Lake Champlain
and Lake George Van de Water, Frederic F.; The Bobbs-Merrill
Company, 1946 La Guerre de
Sept Ans Waddington, Richard; Paris, Firmin-Didot, 1899-1914 Dangerous
Journeys - 1757 Wells, Parrish; Free Press Printing Co., Burlington, VT, 1940 Reels F-787
through F-792 National Archives, Ottawa. (These reels
contain various regimental listings and Officer ratings for
the pertinant regiments). Histoire de la
Derniere Guerre, commencee l'an 1756, et finie par la paix d'Hubertsbourg, le
15 fevrier 1763 Berlin, 1768 Bulletin of
the Ticonderoga Museum "Company
of the Regiment of La Sarre" "La
Campagne du Regiment de La Sarre au Canada" Histoire des
Infantrie Report de
l'Archiviste de la Province de Quebec |
This page Created and © 2000 Larry Roux |