In addition to strings of boxcars and other standard rolling stock, several types of cars with specialized uses appeared during the Civil War era.  Sometimes these were just conversions of standard cars, while others were specifically built to meet dedicated uses.  Military railroading introduced some car types that had no civilian equivalent.

(Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 1861-1865, Plate CLXXIV, Sketches 29 & 30)

The drawing above depicts a baggage and commissary car as used by the Army of the Cumberland.  This car illustrates how multiple functions can be incorporated into a single piece of rolling stock.

(Atlas to Accompany the Official Records of the Union
and Confederate Armies, 1861-1865, Plate CLXXIV, Sketches 32 & 33)

This kitchen car was used by the Army of the Cumberland.  The car included food storage, preparation, and cooking areas, and could efficiently feed large numbers of military personnel.  Note the wood-burning stove with stovepipe vented through the clerestory structure.

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Last update:  May 10, 2000