To 16th Irish Division portal page
Main source: Ireland's Unknown Soldiers by Terence Denman, Irish Academic Press
Late April 1914 Larne & Bangor Ulster Volunteers land arms from Germany
April 1914 The Curragh Army officers, under Gough, refuse to move against the Ulster Volunteers (The Curragh Mutiny)
May 1914 London Home Rule Bill receives its Third Reading
28 June 1914 Sarajevo Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand and his wife
24 July 1914 Howth, Dublin, Belgrade, Vienna Irish Volunteers land arms from Germany
British soldiers shoot unarmed civilians
Austrian ultimatum to Serbia
28 July 1914 Vienna & Belgrade Austria declares war on Serbia
3 August 1914 Belgium Germany invades Belgium
4 August 1914 London & Berlin Britain declares war on Germany. Unionists and Nationalists agree to delay Home Rule for the duration of the war
5 August 1914 London Lord Kitchener appointed Secretary of State for War
6 August 1914 London Kitchener refuses to use Ulster Volunteers
7 August 1914 London Kitchener refuses to use Irish Volunteers
August 1914 The Curragh Formation of 10th(Irish) Division
Early September 1914 London & Belfast Kitchener authorises incorporation of Ulster
Volunteers into the British Army as 36th(Ulster) Division
Early September 1914 London & Dublin Kitchener authorises reservation of 47th Brigade of 16th Division for recruitment from Irish Volunteers
18 September 1914 London Home Rule Bill becomes law but is suspended for the duration of the war
20 September 1914 Woodenbridge, Co Wexford Redmond commits the Irish Volunteers to serve abroad.
Irish Volunteers split.
23 September 1914 Dublin, later Mallow Sir Lawrence Parson takes command of the 16th(Irish) Division
Spring 1915 Fermoy
47th Brigade HQ
48th Brigade HQ
49th Brigade HQ
September 1915 Blackdown, near Aldershot Final training commences
5 December 1915 Aldershot Major General William Hickie takes command
18 December 1915 Le Havre, France Leading elements of 16th Division land in France
25 December 1915 near Merville The division suffers its first fatal casualty
25 February 1916 Bethune Final elements of Division arrive
January-February 1916 Hulluch and elsewhere Introduction to trench warfare
24 April 1916 Dublin and elsewhere The Easter Rising
Declaration of Irish Republic
27 April 1916 Hulluch, near Loos Germans attack using gas.
48th and 49th Brigades suffer heavily
29 April 1916 Hulluch, near Loos Germans launch another gas attack, which blows back
May 1916 Dublin Martial law declared in Ireland
15 leaders of the Rising shot
May 1917 London Coalition Government formed. Carson in Cabinet
May - July 1916 Loos front Raiding activity by 16th Division
30 May 1916 Loos front 9th Munsters disbanded because of losses
Replaced by 1st Munsters, a Regular battalion
31 August 1916 Somme front 16th Division takes up new positions
3 September 1916 West of Guillemont 47th(Irish) Brigade takes Guillemont
VC to Pvt Thomas Hughes 6th Conn. Rang.
VC to Lt John Holland 7th Leinster Regiment of Athy
9 September 1916 Ginchy 48th Brigade takes Ginchy
19 September 1916 Locre & Mont Kemmel, Ypres front 16th Division joins Plumer's 2nd army on Ypres front
October 1916 Locre 7th & 8th R. Irish Fus. amalgamate because of losses
November 1916 Locre 2nd Dublin Fusiliers join 16th Division
February 1917 St Jans Cappel 16th Divisional School set up
8/9 March 1917 Mont Kemmel German attack on 16th Division
April to June 1917 Messines front Intensive training for attack on Messines Ridge
7 June 1917 Wytschaete sector Battle of Messines; Wytschaete taken by 16th and 36th
John Redmond's brother, Major Willie Redmond MP, 56, dies of wounds
July 1917 Ypres front 16th Division transferred to Gough's Fifth Army
and receives 'stormtroop' training
Early August 1917 Zonnebeke sector Brigades of 16th under constant heavy shelling
Persistent rain
16 August 1917 Zonnebeke sector Battle of Langemarck; heavy losses with no gain
Victoria Cross to L Cpl Room 2nd R. Irish Regt.
21 August 1917 Bapaume-Miraumont sector 16th Division transferred to Third Army
7th & 8th R. Innis. Fus amalgamated due to losses
October 1917 London HQ Redmond claims policy of depletion of 16th Division has been adopted by General HQ
20 November 1917 Bullecourt sector 16th and 3rd Divisions capture 'Tunnel Trench'
Early December 1917 Tincourt, east of Peronne 16th Divison transferred to Gough's Fifth Army
December 1917 - February 1918 Peronne front 16th Division, in common with other divisions, is restructured and the number of Battalions reduced from 12 to 9

6th R. Irish Regt. disbanded
7th Leinster Regt disbanded
48th Brigade now all Regular:
1st Royal Dublin Fusiliers
2nd Royal Dublin Fusiliers
2nd Royal Munster Fusiliers
49th Brigade consists of:
2nd Royal Irish Regiment
7th Royal Irish Regiment
7/8th Royal Inniskilling Fusiliers.
10 February 1918 Peronne front Major General Hickie sent home sick
Major General Sir Amyatt Hull takes command
6 March 1918 Dublin Death of John Redmond
21 March 1918 Ronssoy The Kaiserschlacht; German Spring Offensive.
Germans breakthrough at junction of 16th and 66th Divisions
25 March 1918 Somme river line Retreating 16th Division transferred to Third Army
28 March 1918 Hamel 16th Division remnants form part of Carey Force
31 March 1918 Hamel 16th Division makes its last strength return
3/4 April Hamel 16th Division relieved
9 April 1918 London Extension of conscription to Ireland announced
Lloyd-George offers Home Rule in return(!)
10 April 1918 Aire 16th Division transferred to First Army
16 April 1918 London Military Service Bill rushed through Parliament
Irish Party withdraws from Parliament
Ireland on brink of rebellion
New Act not enforced
14 June 1918 Samer 16th Division ordered back to England
June-July 1918 England 16th Division reconstituted with only one Irish battalion(5th Royal Irish Fusiliers) despite 14 southern Irish battalions of the line in other divisions.