Damages of the "Ferdinand" tank destroyers which were knocked out near the Ponyri railstation and the "Pervoye Maya" farm

Number of TD Type of the damage Reason Notes
731 Track damaged Destroyed by mine Vehicle was repaired and sent to Moscow's exhibition of the captured tanks.
522 Track and roadwheels damaged Hit by HE shell, fuel exploded Burned out
523 Track and roadwheels damaged Knocked out by mine, destroyed by the crew Destroyed
734 Track damaged Hit by HE shell, fuel exploded Burned out
II-02 Right track and roadwheels damaged Knocked out by mine, ignited by "Molotov Cocktail" Burned out
I-02 Left track and one roadwheel damaged Knocked out by mine then ignited Burned out
514 Track and one roadwheel damaged Knocked out by mine then ignited by "Molotov Cocktail" Burned out
502 Idler destroyed Hit by HE ammo Later vehicle was tested by Soviet gunfire
501 Track destroyed Knocked out by mine Was repaired and sent to Kubinka's proving ground
712 Right driving-wheel destroyed Hit by AP shell Abandoned by the crew.
732 Chassis damaged Hit by AP shell then ignited by "Molotov Cocktail" Burned out
524 Track destroyed Knocket out by mine then ignited Burned out
II-03 Track destroyed Hit by AP shell then ignited by "Molotov Cocktail" Burned out
113 or 713 Both idlers were destroyed Hit by a shell then ignited Burned out
601 Right track damaged Hit by a shell, burned Burned out
701 Compartment destroyed Commander's hatch was hit by the 203 mm shell -
602 Side hit (armor was penetrated) near the fuel tank A 76 mm round probably of a tank or a divisional gun Burned out
II-01 Burned Ignited by "Molotov Cocktail" Burned out
150061 The idler and the track were damaged, gun's barrel penetrated by a shell AP hits to the chassis and the gun Crew was captured
723 Track damaged, gun jamed AP hits to the chassis and the gun's mantlet -
? Completely destroyed A direct hit from "Petlyakov" bomber -

M.Svirin "SAU Ferdinand", Armada 1998

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