Hand grenade RGD-33

The Soviet hand grenade RGD-33 is an anti-personnel fragmentation double action hand grenade. The double action is achieved by fitting the grenade with the so-called "jacket" -- a cover of thick metal, providing heavier fragments during the explosion, flying to greater distances. The picture on the left shows the offensive version of the grenade, on the right -- the defensive version (with the "jacket" fitted over the body). The grenade was developed by Diakonov in 1933. It was based on V.I.Rdutlovskiy's grenade Model 1914. Total weight of the grenade without the defensive cover -- 600 grams, weight of the cover -- 100 grams. Weight of the explosive (TNT) -- 200 grams, the throwing distance -- 35-40 meters. Delay time (from the moment of the throw) -- 3.5-4 seconds. Fragment dispersion -- 15 meters, of the defensive cover -- about 30 meters. Individual fragments (parts of the handle, trigger) could fly as far as 100 meters.

The powerful explosive charge provided for good HE and fragmentation action. Nevertheless, the preparation of the grenade for the throw demanded too many actions. Besides that, the grenade did not explode without the prior throw or a forceful shake. The complexity of the trigger, which demanded precise finishing of parts, did not allow for mass production of these grenades during war time. Already in 1941 the RG-41 grenade was developed to replace RGD-33, and after a short testing in the field it was slightly modified and entered service under the index of RG-42.