Association News
By: Ron Lingard

Please allow me to introduce myself. I was a crewmember on the mighty WHIPPLE, 1978-1981 PN3 Lingard, Ron. I, like most of you have many memories of the time I spent aboard as a member of a very distinguished ship and crew.

I have visited the WHIPPLE website ( many times to read what�s new and update myself on reunion information and possibly get another connection to a long lost shipmate and friend.

The WHIPPLE does have a members association, established by the �original� crewmembers of the USS WHIPPLE DD-217, ( for history see this site. These brave few, these stout men who over the past 47 years have banded together and rendered honor to the WHIPPLE they served in remembrance and continued friendships and reunions.

In the year 2000, this association �grand fathered� the USS WHIPPLE FF-1062, in the hopes that we as members of the �new� WHIPPLE, would continue with the traditions they established so long ago. The association and these gallant men are in need of our assistance. Over the years, members have died; or relocated beyond contact due to illness or a necessity to be near family members later in life. Their membership has dwindled to 11 men. Gentlemen, this association is in danger of closing and losing its non-profit status.

New members are needed, older members are being actively sought to re-establish contact. These original members, dedicated to preserving the memory of the WHIPPLE are now in their late 80�s and with so few left, a new course must be charted, and we will proceed to �get underway.� These men have many items of memorabilia, numerous picture albums and ship�s gewgaws that need to be preserved and �passed on� to those willing to continue in the remembrance of the WHIPPLE. As a crewmember and association member, I have adopted the motto the ship used while I was aboard �CAN DO.�

I, along with Steve Langley IC2, and plenty of help from the association�s president, Joe Russell, have taken up the endeavor to bolster the association�s membership. Having seen the current membership roster of 28 men (FF-1062) with 10 members current in dues and 17 with paid dues in 2000, I would like to personally extend to you an invitation of membership in this association.

Dues of course are required for the continuation of the news updates and for mailing purposes. Now the hook�these dues are $10 a year, and should be mailed along with a brief letter of introduction to:

    The USS WHIPPLE Association

    Joe Russell, President
    42 High Street
    Union, MO 63084

To some this may not be much and to others it may seem to be too much. In the past, these banked dues have been used to �stock the bar� in the hospitality room and provide door prizes at reunions. Membership cards were printed this year in preparation for this springboard event. You will receive greetings from Joe and current news and reunion information, (San Antonio � Sep 2001) along with an information form to fill out and return.

It is our sincere hope that you will join us. We, living in the age of technology will, with your help be able to rebuild and continue in the fine WHIPPLE tradition that I know you experienced while you were aboard. The website has given us much hope for the future, as over 120 crewmembers have gone in search of the old glory days and have found them, much to the surprise of many!

I have personally read the written response of everyone who asked �permission to come aboard� discovered old shipmates and left information on where they and others could be located. It is my hope that you will join us in the rebuilding of the association and contribute in the search for �Long Lost Shipmates and Friends.�

Destroyers OnLine
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