USS Wiltsie
DD 716 (Gearing Class)

Fleet Post Office:
E-mail posted for the USS Wiltsie

Subject: RE: USS WILTSIE DD 716
Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 23:01:49 -0800
From: "Peter G Meyer" "[email protected]"
To: Destroyers Online

>From Peter G. Meyer
I served as a member of Wiltsie's Reseve crew from 1972 till a few months
before she was turned over to, (I believe), the Pakistani Navy about  mid
1976.  Her last head of the Operations Department was LT Richard E. Seaman
Who was my Boss on USS Mckean DD 784 in 71 and 72. He was transfered to USS
Carpenter DD 825 in the same position.

Subject: Wiltsie reunion
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2000 21:37:29 -0500
From: "Ron Mardis" "[email protected]"
To: Destroyers Online

     Mr. Lane:
              My name is Ron Mardis. I was on
      the Wiltsie late 49 until the end of 52.
      SK3. I am co-ordinating the 2000
      reunion to be held in 
      San Antonio, TX   Oct 5 - 7th.
              I have some  pictures which
     may of interest to you. My e-mail
     address is "[email protected]"


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- DD 716
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