Destroyers OnLine

Tom DiGiovanna for his father
[email protected]

Date: Fri, 7 Feb 1997 08:19:44 -0500 (EST)
From: [email protected]
Subject: benson

I have been busy writing the benson history and my photos are being scanned today. I will have them to you soon. Interesting note on the benson... it was with the reuben james when it was sunk and attacked the sub that did it. at the other end of the war it was the first allied ship to enter tokyo bay. my mom found some letters from my dad... seems he was standing 5th sailor from the bow when it entered tokyo bay and he wrote that he was the fifth American to occupy japan.



Date: Thu, 20 Feb 1997 03:42:12 -0500 (EST)
From: [email protected]
Subject: Benson pics

Attached you'll find

Ship1, benson1, benson1a: Picture of Benson in the Atlantic

Ship2, benson2, benson2a: Picture of Benson in the Pacific coming home from war in 1946. I think that is San Diego. Notice the different paint job. Atlantic camoflage didn't work well in the Pacific.

Ship3: Missouri at the time of surrender. Benson class destroyer in background.

Ship4: Another scan of the same picture but different source. This is the official Navy picture that they give you at the memorial computer database.

Capt: Edwin E. Lord... last commander of the Benson.

Awards: Taken from the 1946 "log" of the Benson. The action took place off of Gela Sicily. The Benson was hit by friendly aa fire during an attack by the Luftwaffe. Some of those injured are from that incident. Several near misses caused the others.

The other photos are from the log book

I am writing the history of the ship and will send it when finished. It's in a Word document.

I lost the page addresses you sent me could you please repeat...


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Destroyers OnLine
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