Destroyers OnLine
Ron Vaughn
[email protected]

From: [email protected] (Ronald W. Vaughn)
Subject: Richard B. Anderson DD786
Date: Sat, 24 May 1997 17:17:47 -0500

Served on the Richard B. Anderson from July 1962 til February 1965. Here is a jpg File of this Gearing Class Tin Can taken before the FRAM II Mod done in 1960. To my knowledge this ship is still in commission in the Taiwan Navy. Sold to Taiwan in late seventies after decommissioning and read an article where it was in South Africa in 1994. Her sister ships the Agerholm DD826 and Bausell DD845 were both deep sixed. The Agerholm appeared in Airport 75 (747 under the water) and was deep sixed soon after. The Bausell was taken out for weapons test in about 77 or 78 and deep sixed.

Ron Vaughn STG3 [email protected]

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Destroyers OnLine
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