Destroyers OnLine

Robert A. Scott
[email protected]

Date: Thu, 2 Jan 1997 22:41:05 +1100 (EST)
From: Robert A Scott
X-Attachments: C:\PHOTO\IMAGES\HULL_2.JPG;

Dear Sir.

I am Robert A Scott and I live in Canberra Australia. I was a Radio Operator on the HMAS Brisbane DDG 41 in 1971 when we had an opportunity to work with the USS HULL. Here is a JPEG photo of us along side her in Danang harbour. If you can figure out why the "Jack" flags are at half mast during mid 1971, then you will have the exact day as to when this photo was taken. Please let me know what ya come up with.

Rob Scott

Attachment Converted: c:\eudora\attach\HULL_2.jpg

Date: Tue, 7 Jan 1997 10:51:31 +1100 (EST)
From: Robert A Scott


Got ya message. Great!!!! ITs Stinking HOT here!!! Summer is here. If ya know any one that has photos of the BRISBANE DDG 41 please zap them to me. We have a HMAS Brisbane association going here in Aust which covers members from the original Brisbane (a Collins class cruiser of WW II) to the present ship. Only two Brisbanes have been made in History. I'm sure other members here have photos of the USS Hull, so I will find out for ya and see what I can do???

Ships that served in Vietnam on the gun line were

HMAS PERTH DDG 38, Hobart DDG 39, Vendetta D-08, Brisbane DDG 41, Got any photos on these ships, please zap to me?? Vendetta was a daring class destroyer that had 4.5" guns fore and aft. Hobart was a DDG that got clobbered by a "yank" Phantom jet from the carriers. The pilot assumed that the ship was a low flying helicopter from the NVA and let two missiles into the ship. one hit the fwd stack and killed an ordinary seaman (butterfield) who was sitting on the flag deck watching the fireworks on shore at the time. one missile hit the fantail, went thru the tiller flat, machine shop & laundry and stopped in the middle bunk on the stb side of the aft seamens mess. A Chief PO was also killed when machine gun fire hit the aft stack under the SPS 51 radar. He was in the passage way there and got stitched up. A sad story hey??? I suppose you could relate this to several "mistakes" that happened in that useless war!!!!

HMAS Sydney P 214,(VUNG TAU FERRY) carried Aust troops to and from Vietnam from 1967 to 1973. I was on her in 1967/68 on runs #6, #7, #8 at the age of 17 yrs. Then on the Brisbane in 1971 when I was 21. Had my birthday at sea in the Gulf of Tonkin at Station Piraz. Unbelievable hey??

Catch ya later

Rob Scott

Date: Wed, 15 Jan 1997 22:21:08 +1100 (EST)
X-Sender: [email protected] (Unverified)
From: Robert A Scott

Hi Richard,

The HMAS Brisbane has a NET address:

This is the "steel Cat" herself NOT the HMAS Brisbane Association (past crew members) who can be contacted through our secretary Peter Maher on E-mail address [email protected]

George Hicks is our official photographer within the association and he was a photographer in the NAVY on the ship in Vietnam. He should have some great photos of just about any USS ship that you could imagine that was in the war zone - maybe. I dont have an E-mail address for him yet but I will find out or you could ask Peter Maher for it??

Hold the line on the "phantoms" I will get an exact account of that for ya. Hyper links - great I have asked Peter to talk to ya about that.

Here is another copy of that HULL/BRISBANE photo which I reduced to 33%.

I have seen the one that you put on the NET and I agree that it is a little bit too big for a page. What percentage size is the best for this for you??

I see you have FLOODS over there??? Hope you are safe!! I have been through a 100 year flood in Brisbane city in 1974. Not a very nice place to be or to have happen to ya if ya get caught up in it.

Dont suppose ya work for BOEING, HEY?? Seattle and all!! Unluck for Sea Hawks this season. I usually barack for the REDSKINS - Bummer hey??

C U Later
Rob Scott

Attachment Converted: c:\eudora\attach\HULL-1A.jpg

From: [email protected][SMTP:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 26, 1997 1:38 AM
To: Richard McMichael
Subject: ddg41 association

Hi Richard,

Just thought I would pass this bit of news on to you. You may be able to used it for your internet pages. Work is still da same but it sure is HOT here... had some 97/98F temps here lately. Lucky I got a big aircond unit here..

best regards Rob Scott 24 Feb 97


The BRISBANE BROADCAST has entered a new phase in its life by being transmitted via the 'net to those who have E-Mail addresses. Please let us know your E-mail address and watch for our home page on To facilitate this advance, please note that we have changed our E-Mail address to [email protected].


Peter Maher

Date: Thu, 13 Mar 1997 09:17:10 +1100
From: Robert Scott
Subject: Chat

Hi Richard,

My you have been busy with the home pages...look'n good!! The HMAS brisbane association home page is now at You may wanna check it out.

How's spring come'n on over dere??? I dread winter but the fall is great...we have lots and lots of Deciduous trees here in Canberra therefore we get the same colors and fall responses as you do for autumn...a great time for weddings and the camera bugs...

catch ya soon
rob scott

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Destroyers OnLine
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