Destroyers OnLine
Larry Wilson
[email protected]

Date: Sun, 16 Feb 1997 17:50:08 -0800
From: Larry Wilson
Subject: crew

I wish for you to include my name in the crew list for the U.S.S.Chandler DD717. I was on it from Oct. 1960 to May 1961. When I left she was at San Fransisco Navy shipyard for FRAM. I was a EMFM working out of the electrical shop. Also I was on the U.S.S. Mahan DLG11 in 1963 and 1964. I was a EM2 when I was discharged in March of 1964. I went on two westpac cruises on the Mahan. Sure would like to hear from some of the old crew.

Thank you
Larry Wilson
[email protected]

USS Mahan and USS Theodore E. Chandler replenishing from USS Oriskany
Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 15:44:47 -0800
From: Larry Wilson
Subject: DLG11


This is a shot of the USS Mahan DLG11 on her way to Westpac in Aug. 1963. I was due to get out of the Navy in Aug, but I extended 6 months just to go back overseas one more time. Duty on the Mahan was like paradise compared to the old tincans, but it lacked the personality of the old ships. We still managed to tuff it out. Thanks, Larry

Date: Mon, 10 Mar 1997 15:37:21 -0800
From: Larry Wilson
Subject: myself


Hi, would you put this picture on my page, If you will. I don't know if anyone will recognize me, but its worth a try. Would like to hear from some of the old Mason crew of 1961 and 1962. My nick- names were "Willy" and "Slick". I guess it was from my thinning hair on top. The Mason was stationed out of Yokosuka Japan the whole year and a half I was on her. We got to go to a lot of different ports and had a heck of a good time. This photo was taken while we were on our way to Taiwan from HongKong. The Taiwan straits were usually a lot rougher than this photo shows. Thanks, Larry

your doing a GREAT job with DOL.

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Destroyers OnLine
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