Lowell Rickett |
Date: Sat, 04 Jan 1997 09:31:33 -0800 Richard, My name is Lowell Rickett and I served aboard the Hollister from 1970-1972. I found Hollister's "page" through Alta Vista. Mainly was just doing searches to see what I could find when someone suggested I search for hollister +dd788. You can't imagine the hoots and "good goshes" when before my very eyes, there she stood. It certainly brought a flood of memories rushing through the old brain cells after 27 years. I'm basically new to all this computer stuff, and know and understand very little about the workings of such, like scanners, attaching files, and the like, but I do e-mail fairly well! :) Don't know what kind of history about the Hollister you are looking for, but I have a brochure about her that I saved from a "middie" cruise I was on when we stopped in Puget Sound and Seattle and had an "open house" for the public. The crew I was on board with knew the Hollister as the "jolly holly". I served in several positions on the ship, such as postal clerk, weapons officer secretary, along with the normal deck hand stuff, standing watches, down in the galley, forward gun mount, etc. Rank of Seaman is as far as I ever got. Got an early out just about the time I was up to go to the next rank so I chose the early out due to the ruling that came out that those who serven in Viet Nam would receive early releases, so I took the release and came home to Arkansas. While on board we visited such ports as Taiwan, Hong Kong, Subic Bay, Yokuska (?) DaNang, Pearl Harbor, Midway, and Quam. On our "WestPac" cruise we plane guarded for the carriers, did some gunline duty and fished some pilots out of the Gulf of Tonkin. We were in drydock once while I was aboard and we were in one typhoon that I remember when we went up close to where the Pueblo was seized by the N. Koreans so many years ago. While we were there we were "checked out" by two Migs and what I suppose was either a bomber or a photo recon plane. Any way, they flew around us for a while and then left. Well, this is getting rather lengthyso I guess I better cut it off. If you need info on Hollister such as things like who it was named after, length, speeds, armament, capacities and some of her activities, I will be glad to e-mail it to you. I think I could condense it down where it wouldn't be so lengthy. BTW, I currently have three online services going, AOL, one local, and I'm on Microsoft's 30 day trial period now. I mainly use this address, and my AOL address is [email protected] and for now, at least, microsoft address is Duh [email protected]. Good talking to you and good luck with your project. Lowell
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