Panagioths Liakopoulos |
Return-Path: Sender: [email protected] Date: Thu, 06 Feb 1997 10:39:58 +0200 From: Panagioths Liakopoulos Subject: Greek Navy during W.W.2
hello there ...i am Panagiotis Liakopoulos and i am studying physics in
crete , Greece....
it's my first attemp this page and contains informations for now , but
next week i am going to
fill with some realy excelnt and unique photos of destroyer action in
i would be oblidged if you stop and see for a while what i
constuct...and help me if there
is some problems of course..well it was nice typing to you boys...thanks
Thank you very much ...i am very happy to see at the
best destroyers-maniac nest my page....i also forgot
to tell you that my father was an officer in greek navy
from 1954 - 1981...it's a perion where many of U.S. navy old vessels
followed a "new" career under the greek flag...i have some
authentic photos of "themistoklis" Gearing class during
a 1971 campaign with NATO forces..there are some other ships too in aegean
i can find what was the former name of "themistoklis" if
you are interested..and yes i can also find pictures of anything you
want about "tombazis"...i also want to tell that in the next few
days i'll scan some realy FANTASTIC photos of "adrias"
after the mine collision...you have to see these photos...
all the bow is cutten and the front turret has ejected over the
bridge.....i have also from my grandfather a book
with original photos from 1941-1944 period where all greek vessels were in
alexandria , egypt..he was on "kountouriotis"
weel that's for now ..here in university i am interested in most in
multimedia than for real and pure physic..!!!
Panagiotis..(Pete in english..i think so ..!)
[email protected]
i am 21 , and this page it's my first attemp to construct
something realy interested an i hope good in the web...see you
At 01:52 PM 2/14/97 +0200, you wrote:
i am looking forward to coming here and see mail from you richard..
it's realy the best...you said that you put my previous news
onto my pages..sorry but what do you mean by that?
i am crazy about learning history most of world war 2 era and of course
Navy history...i have some books of salamander , conways , janes that
contains informations about ships of all the countries during the war..
it's realy fascinating to see what mighty and glorious vessels
were floating those years....and i am inderested in most
about destroyers and heavy cruisers....i am realy proud
that you suggest my father to make a page in the web...thanks...
but it's a little difficult for me now to find informations
about that because i am staying in crete... i was born in
kalamata...south of greece....so i have to go there first, in easter
holidays.... as you said the greek destroyers have a glorious
history...i posses a realy good history document which contains
amazing stories from the life into a destroyer during the war...
a little problem appeared to find a scanner machine but
i think i'll find a solution in a few days...
and something else ...when you watch my page the browser is ok?
it does not fall when you chose a toppic? ..because
someone said that frames had these problems...
well that's for now...i hope to be well and to continue your
realy excelent job...see you
can you join irc?
if you do it will be grate to talk a little on live...
i may be here on the weekend if you can too...
Hello again Panagioths,
I hope that it is correct to call you Panagioths. Is that how you begin
in your letters in Greece?
When I refer to "your pages" I just mean your "contributors page" is all
and I hope you find a scanner as I am especially interested in old family
photos of destroyers and their crews, etc. It would be really great if,
over the Easter holidays, you can find out more about your fathers
experiences on destroyers. We have plenty of time and shortly I will be
out of the creation/development phase of the Destroyers OnLine and solely
into the collection/input phase.
The problem some people may be having with your frames is that many
browsers and even older versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer cannot
handle them. That is why I keep the Destroyers OnLine pages sort of
"low-key" technologically speaking. The problem can be overcome by running
special software on the server which recognizes what browser is being used
(that information is embedded in the packets of data sent be the browser)
and supplies pages that are tailored to that particular browser, but that
requires more maintenance on the webmasters part.
I will have to get some more IRC software and get back into the IRC
because it would be great to start some sort of "Destroyers" channel.
I was into the IRC in my former Internet Service Provider but my current
one does not offer the service so I will have to set it up myself.
If you hear anything about the Tombazis in particular I have some friends
who were on her when she was in the American navy and they are very
Talk to you later Panagioths
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 19:11:07 +0200 (EET)
are ready at last.....go and see...it's amazing......
Date: Fri, 14 Mar 1997 10:24:58 +0200 (WET)
Richard..you made me very proud......to hear something so good
from an expert it's the best.....not from anyone.....
when i read your mail i shouted ..!!!!YES!!!!
all these in my page it's my work...the only help i got
was from the fellow who scanned the photographs....
now i am not interested about tombazis because as you
see the era it's about world war two...the ship served
under greek flag in 1977...but yes in easter i 'll go home
and of course when i return i 'll have some personal things and
stories from my father's life in "Themistoklis"
a gearing class destroyer....it's the ex-U.S.S "Frank knox"
so if you know anyone -except from you of course..!!-
who cares or have served on this vessel inform me....
i only want to tell you that : PAY ATTENTION!!!!!
a greek military magazine went there where all old warships are hold
under in no so well condition......:
it's an Allen M.Sumner 1944 "Miaoulis"!!
"Themistoklis" , two fletchers and one Buckley type D.Escort..
like to "Aetos" who is now preserved in New York if i
remember well ...it's beside a world war two
aircraft carrier....i can't remember now the name...although
i 've got a model one in 1/700....shame on me....xeexexe
it's extremely fantastic Photographs...but it's a little
sad to see those gallant ships stay there one by one waiting
the time to cut in pieces...some of the fletchers was
from the first ones which came in service..in 1942...!!!
i will tell you the next time more about their ex names...
well about Destroyers OnLine it takes about 10 -15 seconds..
realy fast....
i hope to be well to keep on the good job.....
Sender: [email protected]
how are you..?...it's being too long since we talk for last time.....i
am preparing my self for the Easter vacations....
i need them as nothing else.....i am leaving from Crete on
wednesday....The day of the big Exodus....!!!!!!!
mother...i am coming...!!!!!!!!!well as i said to you i am going to
collect all the informations i can get from my father's
memories about the life into a destroyer....i am thinking to name it
"one simple day in a destroyer"....how do you find it....?
i will scann the photograph of "themistoklis" - i think it's the ex-uss
Frank Knox gearing class - in a 1971 photo....
during an excersise with other NATO forces...there i 'll write the
memories of a destroyer-man from the time he wakes-up
until the time of sleeping....that's for now....well have a nice and
wonderfull Easter-vacation in order to
continiue the excellent work you do....see you...
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 18:50:37 +0200 (WET)
hello Richard...How r you..? i hope fine...well at last i scanned the
photographs i've been told you so a month ago....!!!it's really great
pictures...well as you will see it's my father's ship Themistoklis...
the name of the ship is in honour of the admiral of Hellenic Fleet in 480
b.c. at the seabattle of Salamina vs the Persians..really amazing ee..?
well also it's the ex-U.S.S. frank knox....i think so there is somewhere
in the web someone who created a site for that ship...i really want to
find him...well as i watched the photo i found some really unique
from left to right are:
1)a greek destroyer , fletcher-class
3)a uss destroyer , adams class
4)two british fregates . could you recognize these 2 ships..?
5)one which i dont know the type...i suppose it's from w.germany...am i
6)and the last one it's really UNIQUE..!!!
it's a buckley type destroyer with a different bridge - due to
reconstruction she took- and i think it's from turkey or uss
she has a heavy tripod mast to support the radars and in the foredeck
only one -new type- gun....well send me your opinion and comments..
do you think the size of the photos is the right one....?
otherwise i 'll use bigger files....
i 'll been waiting.....i hope to be healthy and happy..as i am..!!!!!
see you
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