John E. Taylor |
Return-Path: Date: Tue, 4 Feb 1997 19:20:18 -0500 (EST) From: [email protected] Cc: [email protected] Subject: USS Sarsfield (DD-837) John has supplied us with a 24 year old POD from the Sarsfield.
_________________________________________________________ NOT TO BE TAKEN ASHORE USS SARSFIELD (DD-837) CDR. M.H. HANSON, COMMANDING FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY PLAN OF THE DAY SATURDAY, 14 JULY 1973 SUNRISE - 0501 ELECTRICAL COLOR CODE OF THE WEEK - RED SUNSET -2011 DUTY SECTION - II DUTY DEPARTMENT - ENGINEERING JULIAN DATE -196 CDO-LT BRANT DUTY WEPS - ENS DEREGT DUTY SUP-DK2 JOHNSON DUTYOPS- ENS DEREGT DUTY ENG-MMC MCPHIE DUTY MAA -BM1 RAINWATERS COLOR GUARD - SN ROSE, SN JOHNSON, SN ROMEO, SR LANDRY DUTY SECURITY- SN ROSE, SN JOHNSON, SN ROMEO, SR LANDRY UNIFORN OFFICERS AND CHIEFS CREW of the Day Tropical Khaki long White Long Liberty Civilian Attire Civilian Attire Working Tropical Khaki Long Clean Dungarees CARRY OUT THE STANDARD INPORT PLAN OF THE DAY AS PROMULGATED IN SARSFIELDINST 5400.1C WITH THE FOLLOWING EXCEPTIONS AND ADDITIONS. ALL HANDS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE. 0630- Reveille. Breakfast for the crew. 0730- Liberty expires onboard for Section 2. Clean down all weather decks. sweepers. 0745- Turn to for the duty section. Liberty call for sections 1,3,4, to expire onboard for section 3 at 0730,, 15 July 1973, for sections 1 and 4 at 0730 16 July 1973. 1000- Knock off ship's work. Commence holiday routine for the duty section. 1100- Noon meal for the food service personnel and the First Class Petty Officers. 1115- Noon meal for the watch relief. 1130- Noon meal for the crew. 1330- 1500 - Swim call off the fantail 1600- Sweepers 1700- Evening meal for the crew. 2000- Movie call. 2130- Sweeper 2200- Taps SHIP'S NOTICES AND INSTRUCTIONS: 1. SCHEDULE CHANGE: Due to a recent change in our schedule, the ship will return to Mayport approximately, 10 NOV 1973. There is a strong possibility that we will hit one or two NorthAtlantic ports on our return. 2. BASTILLE DAY: Today , 14 July is Bastille Day (French 4th of July). Have fun but remember that you are your country's ambassadors. Have fun, but don't make an ass or a liberty risk out of yourself. 3. SUNBURN: All hands are reminded to use caution while enjoying the beaches. Sunburns can be painful and are no excuse for not being able to perform your duties. 4. OUTGOING MAIL: While in France all mail must be in by 1130 daily so that it may be sorted and prepared for daily flights leaving Nice at 1400. 5. UNDERWAY: We are scheduled to get underway Tuesday 17 July for fleet ops. Liberty call expires for all hands at 2400, 16 July. 6. COKE MACHINE: Anyone who throws soda cans over the side will cause the vending machine to be secured. Think of your shipmates and yourself. 7. SWIM CALL: Swim call will be held daily from 1330 until 1500 under the direct supervision of the Command Duty Officer. Have fun, but be careful and always keep your eye on your partner in the water. The buddy system must be utilized. Do not swim under the ship. 8. FRESH WATER: All hands are reminded to conserve fresh water while, moored. Water consumption should be monitored as if we were under way. /s/ E. E. Williams LTJG USN Command Duty Officer __________________________________________________________________ submitted by John E. Taylor 212 Boular Ave Bay Minette, Alabama Former YN-3 attached to USS Sarsfield (DD-837) 1971 - 1975 attached to 2oth NCR Gukfport MS 1975 Captain - National Guard USS SARSFIELD (DD-837), a destroyer, is named in honor of Commander Eugene Sarsfield, USN. Commander Sarsfield perished with the loss of his ship as a result of enemy action off Gela, Sicily, on 10 July 1943. He was posthumonusly awarded the Navy Cross for Heroism as Commanding Officer of the Maddox when she maintained alert and accurate gunfire in support of the assault at Gela, despite aerial bombardment. Sarsfield was built at Bath Iron Works, at Bath, Maine. Her keel was laid 5 January 1945, and was launched 27 May 1945. After a shake down cruise, the ship was ordered to Key West, Florida and reported to Commander Surface Anti-Submarine Development Detachment. Sarsfield's mission during her first 15 years was to assist in testing new equipment being considered for fleet use. She was used as a launching platform for many types of torpedoes, including the forerunner of ASROC. Christmas day 1960 ushered in a new era for Sarsfield: the long periods spent in Key West were at an end. Later deployment of the Cuban Crisis resulted in the ship's departure to Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where she assumed shore bombardment responsibilities. Unrest in the Caribbean called the ship away again during the month of June 1961; this time to the south coast of Hispaniola. In 1962 the Sarsfield was selected to undergo FRAM (Fleet Reabilitation and Modernization) which extended the useful life of the ship about eight years. She was given ASROC, DASH, long range distant air search radar and long range sonar in this period. (More Later)
From: [email protected] On June 11, 1992 the Taiwanese Ship "Te YANG " (DDG-925) (formerly the USS SARSFIELD (DD-837) with the "KAI YANG (DDG-925) (formerly the USS Richard B. ANDERSON DD-786) made a port visit to Port Elizabeth, Republic of South Africa. Mount 51 and Mount 52 have been removed. Mount 51 has been replaced with an Italian 75mm system. Mount 52 has been replaced with a missile launcher systen. Mount 53 has been removed and replaced with six missile launches with three facing port and three facing starboard. Directly above then was a Phalanx gatling gun type system. Forward of that was a Swedish automatic 40mm antiaircraft system. Information from: Alasdair Mac Donald (Former RD3) USS John A. Bole DD-755 October 1992 issue of "The Tin Can Sailor "
From: [email protected]
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