Ronald d Flournoy |
From: ronald d flournoy
Dear sir.
I served on the
Macdonough (ddg39)
from august of 1986 until
November of 1987. I served in first division and also I have some
of the information
about the upcoming reunion which will be in Orlando Fl from 01 May 97
until 04 May 97. please place this in the appropriate place thank
Date: Sun, 25 May 1997 03:15:55 -0400
Hey richard long time no see mainly because my browser is snafu and I can't
get on, but I wanted to let you know so you could update the page the next
reunion is now set for Gatlinburg Tennesee sometime in 1999 but I don't
know the dates because the people sponsoring it have to check when the best
time would be for the hotel rates and other matters.
I will let you more as I get the info.
I have a favor to ask of you since I can't get on the site. Could you tell me
who else has checked in on the site between aug 86 - nov 87 especially if
a Byron Seckinger, or I think his name was Eric London but he was the BMSC
from mar 87- if you could either send me their e-mail address or give them
mine I would love to hear from them.
thanks ron
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