Destroyers OnLine
Bill Culbertson

Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 17:54:15, -0500
Subject: Re: USS FRANK E EVANS DD754

Hi Richard,

Just a short reply to your response on the info I would like to appear on the crewmembers list for the USS Frank E Evans DD754:

William Michael Culbertson BMSN 778-19-60 Dates served: 10/64 to 06/68 Fellow crew members I especially want to contact: Thomas M. Rhodes, Billy Baker, Tom Sawyer (My Best Man), Warren Kennaugh and many more.


Thanks for all your help and 4.0 work. A job well done!

Please keep me posted as to any further works of yours that would pertain to the " FRANK E."

Bill Culbertson

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