"State Highway Signs have gotten boring over the years. Lots
of states have opted for plain circles and squares. Now the
justification for this is that such designs provide for visibilty,
and easy recognition. True enough, but nothing says you can't
design a useful sign that's graphically attractive. Following are
some examples of redesigns. Now these signs are based on square /
rectangular blanks which are reasonably easy to knock off. The
difference is what you put in the square. "
This page
last updated Wednesday, March 01, 2000 10:15:22 AM Eastern Standard Time.
additions / changes: Michigan, West Virginia, Hawaii, Wisconsin,
North Carolina
M. Dietrich : This contains an improvement to the
classic Ark. figure sign. It's debatable what colors would show
up clearer at night with the brights on. Either way, it's
CCS: Now the new
bit may be a bit busy; but I think it hits all the high points-Including
what, in my humble opinion is an important addition: the Highway
NAME. In our 49th and 50th states, people generally refer to
highways by name rather than number. Tourists aren't hip to this.
The new design associates name and number to the benefit of
visitor and native alike. (Large version on Big Signs page)
That green blob thing Caltrans uses is a miner's spade? I'd bet
few Californians know that. This shield was inspired by the
Alaskan and Hawaiian shields CCS came up with. A freeway name has
been added to reflect the California fondness for referring to
their state roads and highways by names as opposed to a number
like most the rest of the lower 48. California's silhouette was
shaded yellow in honor of the "Golden State".
Connecticut has used the same boring square for a decades. It is
worse than the unimaginative circle because the black numbers in
a white box concept is also used by speed limit signs. This
shield uses the FHWA encouraged state outline method, with a
traditional state abbreviation. During the 1950's or 1960's,
Connecticut did use a state outline on their state highway shield,
they should have stuck with the idea.
I don't know why Delaware uses a circle when they are "The
Diamond State". They are not overly close to North Carolina
or Michigan, so this shield would stand out locally. Even simpler
colors like black and white would be as functional and
recognizable as the state flag's colors shown. I do prefer color.
From Alexander
Nitzman : I
have been wanting to submit this image for awhile now. It's what
I'd like to see DE state highway shields look like. Notice the
blue / gold scheme (well imagine it's gold :o), matching the
state's colors. Also I love geographical representations of
states, so I added Delaware's shape to the sign. (Bigger picture
on the Big Signs page)
District of Columbia:
CCS: I was
dissapointed when I saw the official sign on James Lin's site. I
was always hoping that any D.C. sign would incorporate the
District flag which I always thought looked sort of spiffy. So
for my sign, I tossed it in; and added blue, for complete
patriotic effect. It is the Nation's Capitol,
after all.
Jeff Leadbetter of Orlando, FL sent in this updated
version of Florida's state highway shield, with the state flag
and name, like the CCS Maryland shield. (Bigger picture on the
Big Signs page) The toll version, on the right, uses red numbers
as well as keeping the rounded bottom of the current FL toll
shield, while shifting the state name and shield.
Here is my idea for Florida's state highway shield. This one
is based on a recent successful license plate design that had an
orange yellow Florida watermark behind dark green numerals. I
used coral for the state 'watermark', hoping for a durable but
light color. The toll shield version would keep the green TOLL
banner and the rounded bottom.
Florida sign was submitted by Jim Gieger. He favors a coral and sea green
scheme, enhanced by a central yellow sunburst and black numbers.
(Larger version on Big Signs page)
Dan "SPUI" Moraseski would like to see special shields for
Florida's "FREE" limited access freeways to match the
TOLL shields, especially on the free portions of the tollways and
turnpikes. Note the blue state outline as opposed to the orange-red
outline sported by TOLL FL 417 around Orlando. (Note:
Spui's submittal is on the right, my interpretation is on the
left. The red banner is supposed to aid in the identification of
the 'free' way and to resemble the Interstate shield. - RVD)
Since I've done the page anyway, Here's my idea for a new Hawaii
Sign. Why all this? Have one look at my Oahu page (Now maintained by Oscar Voss). If you know the highway names in
Hawaii, you'll never get lost. For those of us who go by numbers,
though - it's pretty scary . . . Like Alaska, this represents a
compromise between systems - all the more important in Hawaii,
where a stretch of road can change name or number at a moment's
The Aloha state has that bean / nut / seed / umm . . . whatever.
They also use a rainbow on their license plates, to their credit.
Color is good. I took half the rainbow and big black numbers off
the license plate. I added the highway name in a smaller font
underneath, since CCS mentioned the local importance of the road
names. In my opinion, Hawaii has the worst shape of any state for
the state outline method, followed closely by Rhode Island.
The Prairie State used to use a state outline on their highway
sign, but dropped it in the 1960's or 1970's. This sign brings
that back, though squashed to fit a square sign blank. The full
state name was kept from the current boring square blank. A
silver-grey wash was added outside to help it stand out from the
surrounding states. Using BGS green might work in that area as
well, the same color as on the Hawaii sign above.
From Jeffrey
Ammons :
Here's my idea for a revised Illinois state route shield. You
will notice I kept the state name at the top of the shield while
coloring the background black and placing the route number inside
a silhouette of Abraham Lincoln's head since Illinois is the Land
of Lincoln. You will also notice I colored Lincoln's silhouette
yellow since Illinois is also the Prairie State.
From Brandon
M. Gorte :
Illinois does have a boring shield (it is a square after all).
However, it could be changed slightly. The state does not lend
itself to a states outline type shield, and there really is no
symbol that both the northern 1/3 and the southern 2/3s would
agree upon. I chose a flower pot shape as it is neutral to both
sides, and the state isn't too close to Nebraska :-) .
M. Dietrich : I also did an Illinois just for
Kim Harvey requested this one. Basically it's still the same
square, but with a touch of colour to it. I think the panel and
the nonstandard typeface make the state name more noticeable-which
in my opinion, is important.
The Hoosier State also used to use a state outline on their
highway sign. The state's true shape in my proposed sign has been
modified to fit a standard sign blank while retaining the state's
unique identity. The state seal is unsuited for use as a highway
sign. The blue coloring is the base of the state flag.
From M.
Dietrich : I
also did a couple for Indiana just for laughs.
Iowa has used a circle for their state highway shield a long time,
which is a shame because their state has a beautiful shape for
signs. The state name was easy to add to the remaining space on
the sign blank.
Kentucky also uses a black circle for their state highway sign,
and has for decades. This sign is intended to complement the
Tennessee State Highway sign with the fancier script at the
bottom. I considered adding a racehorse in the upper left corner,
but dropped it to reduce clutter.
From Kevin Hewlett : As many know, we (KY)
use the same, stupid circle that bunches of other states use, and
frankly, a white circle on a black background dosen't reflect our
state! I thought that we oughtta go along with our neighbor
Tennessee's design, except we splash some blue on our state's and white is, of course, what our state worships
(University of Kentucky's colors). And for the county highways,
why don't we keep the circle, but instead use a blue background
with blue numbers....that way, we'll all know the difference
between the main roads and the dinky little county roads.
I think mentioned before that a blank white square or rectangle
is boring. They litter New England, and have since the New
England Interstate Trails of the 1920's. This shield gives more
identity to the Pine Tree state. Blue was chosen as a background
color because it offers better visibilty and recognizability in
forested areas than green, and would show up in the snow as well.
CCS: I've hated Maryland's
sign for years. Boring, boring, boring. Minnesota had a sign like
this, and they gave it the old heave-ho for a much more
attractive and equally functional design. My new Maryland design
follows in that tradition, I think. I added the State shape and
the State Flag to give the state identity a bit more exposure. It
might make the tourists think we have a bit of pride here... (Large
version on Big Signs page)
Squares are more boring than circles, and can be mistaken for
anything. This marker would be unmistakable as a highway marker
for the Bay state. A state name should be added, like on this
shield. I used the italic version of Arrus BT font for a modern
classic feel. The color is supposed to be a deep cranberry-like
purple red which will stand out among the New England states.
From M.
Dietrich :
Although the Diamond M figure for Michigan is sort of unique....
it's still a basic figure. I'll think of some colors later, for
now.. the standard black and white will do. I am shocked no one
tried to fit numbers inside the state outline... here's proof it
can! Also... all the state highways actually DO start with M (i.e.
M 49, M 14, etc). Therefore, I put the "M" in the upper
penisula so they won't be left out. C'mon M.D.O.T.!!.
The basic description of the existing Michigan shield is a
diamond, the same shape reserved for warning signs since the 1920's.
Due to an improvement in the roads and highways in this state,
the shape no longer seems appropriate. Also, the existing numbers
are shrunk to fit in the reduced area. On this new shield, the
numbers are expanded across the sign face. A state outline was
added behind the numbers in yellow, one of the state colors. The
numbers and border are in blue, the other color on the state flag.
The singular 'M' was dropped in favor of a more descriptive state
name, also in blue. Michigan's claim to the singular 'M' can
easily be made by seven other US states, the countries of England
and Australia for their Motorways, and even a Canadian province.
It's time to modernize,and join the world.
From M.
Dietrich :
Once again, the transportation board neglected a good opportunity
to plaster the state outline on highway markers *(they certainly
do for license plates!)* I added "Minnesota" in Daniela
script for a touch of elegance. I believe Minnesota also has
"county trunks" similar to Missouri's alphabetic
highways. Maybe some one will explain to me why letters were used
in only a few states like MN, WI, and MO.
by Steve Riner: Concerning the
proposed route markers: Actually, Minnesota does not have
lettered "County Trunk" routes like Missouri's
supplementary routes. There is an extensive network of marked
county highways, but they are marked with numbers almost
exclusively. There are very few lettered county routes in the
state, and these are generally on special purpose routes like
park roads. Also, county routes are not called "trunk"
routes. Only state highways in Minnesota are properly called
"trunk highways." (In Wisconsin, county roads are
properly called "County Trunk Highways.") County roads
are marked with either the older style white square marker, or in
many counties the standard blue pentagon. A final comment on the
proposed state route marker: the current sign does have the state
outline, albeit a very small figure next to the state name.
RVD: As part of the
campaign to eliminate blandness, the circles all have to go,
including the Magnolia state's. The possible new shield on the
left would stand out locally, the inverse of Alabama's FHWA-acknowledged
highway sign. (It is used as a MUTCD example of what a state
shield should look like.) Someone (I forget who) suggested using
Mississippi's 1990's advertising logo, that possible shield is on
the right, a light grey state silhouette under the state route
From Adam "Froggie" Froehlig : Here's my idea for
remaking the Mississippi shields. I've always liked how Minnesota's
(my home state) looks, so I used a similar design for Mississippi.
I've also made them out in red, white, and blue, which
incidentally are Mississippi's state colors. They're wide enough
to accomodate 3dis, yet don't look crappy with 1 and 2 digit
From M.
Dietrich : The
state outline is perfect for numeric routes. But why the dreaded
square for alphabetic? I decided to go 2 steps further, first
using the same outline of MO, then coloring it in (blue, silver,
whatever), then whiting the letters in to make it stand out. Also,
the words "State Road" are added even techinically it's
a secondary road. I really don't see much difference between
their primary and secondaries. Both have potholes, speed limit
signs, and the abundance of road kill. Besides that, it's a
pretty state.
"Big Sky Country" has another one of those boring
squares. This proposed shield keeps the state name while adding
the distinctive state outline and adding color. Brown was used to
stand for Montana's namesake, the mountains, Green for its wealth
of timber, and Light Blue for the sky.
M. Dietrich : Although, I like the traditional
Conestoga design with state name... the inverted trapezoid left
much to be appreciated as unique. I decided to keep the Conestoga
with a basic sunset pattern in the back. Below it is the state
pattern with the state name and highway number below it. (Large
version on Big Signs page).
This sign
was contributed by Nick
Christensen, who
maintains the Vegas Highways page. His design incorportates the
state's colors of blue and black, while moving the name out of
the state outline.
New Jersey:
Sometimes you don't want to mess with tradition. New Jersey has
used a circle for it's state highway sign since at least 1926, as
far as I know. (before that, they used a state outline
cut-out -RVD) But since Delaware uses the same design,
why not add just a touch of state identity to the Old Traditional?
Mess with tradition. Ring the bells of revolution! All boring,
generic circles must go. But what to replace it with? Why not
follow the New York example, and use the state seal as a highway
shield? The colors are from the state flag, as is the general
shape of the state seal.
North Carolina:
The diamond shape used by North Carolina has had a long tradition
of service. It also says nothing about the state. Since we have
established 'Tradition is No Protection', here is another entry.
This new proposed shield includes a state shape in brown and the
state name, with a white background. Brown was chosen to
represent one of the state's primary industries . . . agriculture.
Oklahoma uses yet another boring circle. The Sooner State used to
use a diamond sign. On the top point of the old yellow diamond
was an OK, so it was added to this new-style state outline in a
western style font. The outline is not dimensionally accurate,
but it is instantly recognizable.
This sign
was contributed by Jeremy Lance, who maintains the Arkansas Highways
page. His home state already has a great highway marker, so he
looked across the border for a sign to improve. His design
incorporates the 1970's era circle, while adding a state name in
a font from a recent (1990's) license plate, and a Native
American symbol commonly used in OK behind the numbers.
CCS: Ah, Yes,
Pennsylvania-the Keystone state. To their credit, they use this
as a symbol. But a lot more could be done to liven up state
roadsides. You'll note I retained the Keystone in the background.
This could also make a pretty cool licence plate. (Large
version on Big Signs page) (Pennsylvaina spelling on original ccs
Rhode Island:
"Little Rhody" also uses a white square, adorned with
only the state's initials. This is unimaginative and boring. With
RI's recently revived tourist industry, a sign more
representative of the state would be nice. This design features a
yellow anchor and a yellow border, just like the state flag. The
state initials were kept, but moved to the upper corners of the
South Carolina:
This sign is based on the state highway shield from the 1920's
and 1930's, when the Palmetto State's highway sign featured a
state outline and the words, "State Highway" in a arc
over the number, and S.C. below. This sign would lend itself to
coloring, filling in the state or the border with a color to make
it stand out.
CCS: The Lone Star State
got rid of the star around 1950. The original sign was a Texas
Ranger Badge type bit. My design reincorporates the star without
changing the current sign excessively.
Texas is an odd state. Their primary route makers are black and
white squares, with the state name. Boring and sad considering
they had a unique Ranger-Star shield before that. Their secondary
routes, the Ranch-to-Market (RM) and Farm-to-Market (FM) routes
use a white state outline on a black shield. That shield looks
great, and should have been the state highway marker. Taking this
a step further, I added the state flag colors to this shield, and
kept the state name.
Heaton of Kanab,
Utah sent in this rework of his home state's shield, adding some
color to the existing Beehive design. His website has a few more
graphic variants on new Utah beehive coloration.
West Virginia:
CCS: Again in the "Not
Messing Too Much With Tradition" Line, here's a makover of
the West Virginia State Highway sign. (Large version on
Big Signs page)
Again in the "Messin' With Tradition" Line, here's my
rework of the Mountain State's Highway sign. Much as I like the
look of the blue fading on CCS's sign, solid colors should be
easier to manufacture, post, and maintain in the field. Also, the
state's shape is hard to make out on his version. The "Mountaineers"
logo from WVU and West Virgina University colors should be very
popular, a recognizable symbol of state pride.
Just when you thought the topic of new state highway signs had
been milked dry, here's an udder one. A butter one. The cream of
the crop. Wisconsin has clung to a cheezy triangle for so long no
one remembers why it was chose in the first place. Time to get
churning on a new design. The most noticable improvement is
adding colors, green and orange. The bovine was added because of
the dairy industry, in orange, a good cheeze color. Green is
readable and relates to a minor port near the top of the state.
Despite my best intentions, I'd bet someone has a cow about this,
no matter which way I slice it.
A few parting shots at the Interstates:
<-- A
sign much like this has been rumored to be a serious choice to
replace the Interstate shield. It has the twin 'advantages' of
being ugly and generic. (Not my
design- RVD)
2000? A four digit sign may look this way.-->
<-- Is this what Intertstate H-201
signs will look like, if they ever post them? The road does exist.
Right now there is no difference in
the shields used on a 'TOLL' or a 'FREE' Interstate Highway. My
proposed shield for the tolled ones is a white shield with black
numbers, with a green banner area with the word 'TOLL' in big,
bold letters. It would be easy to translate on weather maps, too,
an interstate shape with a green top. I can not claim credit for
the basic idea, Florida does something similar with its tolled
state highways.- RVD
Maybe future Interstate signs will
look like this? It is not very likely that they will change the
Interstate shields soon. It is the only place a USA lower 48
outline might ever get used, besides it is a non-cutout design.
If they must change to a square / rectangle, a two-tone blue
background with the lower 48 states would look nice in the main
body area, Alaska and Hawaii would use state shapes in this area.
The state name could get printed in white in the lower left
corner. RVD
These signs were also contributed by Nick
Christensen, who
maintains the Vegas Highways page. These designs for the
Interstate and US highway shields are based on a stylized eagle's
head / I for the interstate, and a red eagle's head with an
upraised blue wing for the US shield.
Those of you wanting to avoid eyestrain can look at larger versions some of these shields at Big Signs.
U.S. Highways: From US 1 to (US
830): Your
host site.
More parts of the former CCS site are at Dan Moraseski's SPUI Freeway.
E-mail Robert V. Droz with
additions, corrections, suggestions and comments about this web
These pages were originally part of C.C. Slater's website, he has since left the Internet. There has been changes since then. All the graphics of existing signs are available at James Lin's Road Signs Pages. Mr Slater's words are quoted to him as CCS. My words are marked RVD. If you have a better design for a state highway shield, send it in. Preferable size of submitted signs is 75 x 75 pixels in JPG, GIF, or larger zipped BMP format (Scaled 24" x 24" square). Wide-sized sign submittals should be approximately 94 x 75 pixels (Scaled 30" x 24" rectangle). Oversize submittals will be shrunk before display. The best new designs will be added, time and space permitting. Well-reasoned commentary may be added, at the webmaster's discretion. If you wish any sign you had posted here earlier removed, E-mail me and I will remove it. |