Site created by R. V. Droz in Bartow, Florida, near the junction of US 98 and US 17.
". . . everything looks worse in black and white." - Paul Simon, Kodachrome
Click any of Florida's rainbow colored US shields below.
Alternate and Business Routes are listed with their parent road.
Click here to see a map showing all the current federally-numbered highways in Florida, in color.
Florida in Kodachrome follows this format:
![]() |
US Route Number | Length of the route in Florida |
Termini, both in Florida and US | Commissioning / Decommissioning years in Florida | |
Routing: Longer roads are identified by the major cities and towns is passes or passed though (10,000+ pop). Major junctions or bends in the route are noted. Shorter routes are identified by city or cities located in, or smaller communities passed through with the shortest routes identified by street names. Exact termini are listed. Also listed are the routes that replaced the decommissioned routes. | ||
Counties the route passes or passed through in Florida. Florida's county structure has remained stable since the beginning of the 20th century. | ||
"Hidden" State Route Numbers. Every state highway in Florida has a distinct state road number, different from its federal number. Florida's Highway grid is similar to the US system, with low numbered two or one digit odd roads on the east coast. High numbered two or one digit odd routes are on the Alabama border. Even numbers are similar, with FL 2 along the Georgia border becoming GA 94 in the Peach State. Three digit routes are more complex. See the SPUI Freeway link below. | ||
Other federal and major state numbered roads the route is and / or was multiplexed with. | ||
The Drive: Reported field conditions of the US highway with a date. If someone else drove the route, his or her name and E-mail will be posted with the report, I try to give credit where it is due. |
Florida started using colored US highways signs in 1956, and the language of the MUTCD of that time allowed it. By the 1980's, the verbiage in the MUTCD had changed to prohibit the use of colors other than black and white on the standard US highway shield. Florida's colored US highway signs were now non-standard, after three decades in use. Replacement and new shields could not be paid for using Federal funds. The colored US shields were no more expensive than a standard US marker. Yellow (like US 17) and Orange (US 41) markers did require more frequent replacement. FDOT maintenance forces placed colored shields up at state expense. Florida officially ceased using colored US route markers on August 27, 1993. No new colored US shields were made after that time, and old stocks were used until they were exhausted. The last of the old colored shields were placed circa 1996. Each day that passes, there are fewer of the old colored signs left. They are being replaced with standard MUTCD black and white signs. Photos of the old colored signs taken from 1993-1999 are shown in the web site, which is meant to be a photographic record of this unique experiment as well as informative. All the existing signs are being recycled for the scrap aluminum content as they reach the end of their service life.
"Momma don't take my Kodachrome away" - P. Simon
Other Websites
relating to Florida Highways
Bradford County
Traffic Safety Team (Collecting Florida
transportation links)
US Highways: From US 1 to (US 830):
My main site, covering the US numbered highway system.
Historic Florida Roads and
Highways: the US Highways and Interstates, their
growth and history.
Freeway: This is the unofficial website
on Florida's state road system, Interstates, and Toll Roads.
ViaGuide has Florida signage and road related links.
Nitzman's site covers highways in Pensacola, Florida and
Mobile, Alabama
Special thanks go to Jeff Leadbetter of Orlando, Florida, who maintained the first webpage about Florida's Highways until other duties and responsibilities caused him to take a break from webmastering.
Last update to this page on Wednesday, February 16, 2000 04:56:44 PM Eastern Standard Time.
If you have a question or comment about
this website please click here to E-mail me.
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LinkExchange Counter installed January 27, 1999.
This East Coast Highways Webring site
created and maintained by R. V. Droz
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This is not an official FDOT
site, although my day job is working in the FDOT District One
Roadway Design Office.
Kodachrome is a trademark of the Eastman-Kodak
Corporation, who also have nothing to
do with this site.