[Ealge with Flag]

We find that the uniform of the New Jersey regiments raised for the Continental service was blue faced with red, the regiments distinguished by the numbers stamped on the pewter buttons of the coats.

In the plate, we see the dress of Captain John Ross's company, of the 3rd New Jersey Regiment, commanded by Colonel Elias Dayton.

It should not be understood, however, that in looking at this uniform we have the exact dress of all the New Jersey troops, for while their coats were alike, their small clothes or waistcoats and breeches varied even in the same company. Some of the men wore leather caps, some wore hats bound with white wool, or broad yellow binding. Their waistcoats were of various colors. Some wore breeches of buckskin, others of blue cloth. Many had white cotton overalls, and long blue overalls in winter. As these uniforms wore out, they were replaced with any clothing obtainable.

The origin of the name "Jersey Blues" probably comes from the dress of Captain Littell's company of volunteers formed at Newark, N. J., in 1776. This company was furnished by the women of Newark with tow frocks and overalls dyed blue, as a working dress, and it became very famous in New Jersey throughout the war. In 1779, Washington ordered that the uniform of the New Jersey Line should be blue faced with buff, and white small clothes, but it is very doubtful if this dress was ever worn.

[REFERENCES: Martha J. Lamb, "Newark," in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, LIII, 668 (Oct., 1876); see post, deserters' descriptions, from the Pennsylvania Gazette, May 1, 1776, and June 11, 1777.]

Third New Jersey Regiment, 1777 Continental Line

Third New Jersey Regiment, 1777 Continental Line

[SOURCE: Uniforms of the Armies in the War of the American Revolution, 1775-1783. Lt. Charles M. Lefferts. Limited Edition of 500. New York York Historical Society. New York, NY. 1926.]

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