No. 21
The German Armed Forces must be prepared, even before the conclusion
of the war against England, to crush
Soviet Russia in a rapid campaign
("Operation Barbarossa").
The Army will have to employ all
available formations to this end,
with the reservation that occupied
territories must be insured against
surprise attacks.
The Luftwaffe will have to make available
for this Eastern campaign
supporting forces of such strength
that the Army will be able to bring land
operations to a speedy conclusion
and that eastern Germany will be as little
damaged as possible by enemy air
attack. This build-up of a focal point
in the East will be limited only
by the need to protect from air attack the
whole combat and arsenal area which
we control, and to ensure that attacks
on England, and especially upon
her imports, are not allowed to lapse.
The main efforts of the Navy will
continue to be directed against England
even during the Eastern campaign.
In certain circumstances I shall
issue orders for the deployment against
Soviet Russia eight weeks before
the operation is timed to begin.
Preparations which require more time
than this will be put in hand now,
in so far as this has not already
beendone, and will be concluded by
15th May 1941.
It is of decisive importance that
our intention to attack should not be known.
The preparations of the High Commands
will be made on the following basis:
I. General Intention
The bulk of the Russian Army stationed
in western Russia will be destroyed
by daring operations led by deeply
penetrating armored spearheads. Russian
forces still capable of giving battle
will be prevented from withdrawing into the
depths of Russia.
The enemy will then be energetically
pursued and a line will be reached
from which the Russian Air Force
can no longer attack German territory. The
final objective of the operation
is to erect a barrier against Asiatic Russia on
the general line Volga-Archangel.
The last surviving industrial area
of Russia in the Urals can then, if necessary,
be eliminated by the Luftwaffe.
In the course of these operations
the Russian Baltic Fleet will quickly lose
its bases and will then no longer
be capable of action.
The effective operation of the Russian
Air Force is to be prevented from the
beginning of the attack by powerful
II. Probable Allies and their Tasks
1. On the flanks of our operations
we can count on the active support of
Romania and Finland in the war against
Soviet Russia.
The High Command of the Armed Forces
will decide and lay down in due
time the manner in which the forces
of these two countries will be brought
under German command.
2. It will be the task of Romania
to support the attack of the German
southern flank, at least at the
outset, with its best troops; to hold down the
enemy where German forces are not
engaged; and to provide auxiliary
services in the rear areas.
3. Finland will cover the advance
of the Northern Group of German forces
moving from Norway (detachments
of Group XXI) and will operate in
conjunction with them. Finland will
also be responsible for eliminating Hango.
4. It is possible that Swedish railways
and roads may be available for the
movement of the German Northern
Group, by the beginning of the operation
at the latest.
III. Conduct of Operations
A. Army (in accordance with plans
submitted to me)!
In the theater of operations, which
is divided by the Pripet Marshes into
a Southern and a Northern sector,
the main weight of attack will be delivered
in the Northern area. Two Army Groups
will be employed here.
The more southerly of these two Army
Groups (in the center of the whole
front) will have the task of advancing
with powerful armored and motorized
formations from the area about and
north of Warsaw, and routing the enemy
forces in White Russia. This will
make it possible for strong mobile forces to
advance northwards and, in conjunction
with the Northern Army Group
operating out of East Prussia in
the general direction of Leningrad, to destroy
the enemy forces operating in the
Baltic area. Only after the fulfilment of this
first essential task, which must
include the occupation of Leningrad and
Kronstadt, will the attack be continued
with the intention of occupying
Moscow, an important
center of communications and of the armaments
Only a surprisingly rapid collapse
of Russian resistance could justify the
simultaneous pursuit of both objectives.
The most important task of Group
XXI, even during these eastern operations,
remains the protection of Norway.
Any forces available after carrying
out this task will be employed in the North
(Mountain Corps), at first to protect
the Petsamo area and its iron ore mines
and the Arctic highway, then to
advance with Finnish forces against the
Murmansk railway and thus prevent
the passage of supplies to Murmansk
by land.
The question whether an operation
of this kind can be carried out with
stronger German forces (two or three
divisions) from the Rovaniemi area and
south of it will depend on the willingness
of Sweden to make its railways
available for troop transport.
It will be the duty of the main body
of the Finnish Army, in conjunction
with the advance of the German North
flank, to hold down the strongest
possible Russian forces by an attack
to the West, or on both sides of Lake
Ladoga, and to occupy Hango.
The Army Group operating South of
the Pripet Marshes will also seek, in a
concentric operation with strong
forces on either flank, to destroy all Russian
forces west of the Dnieper in the
Ukraine. The main attack will be carried out
from the Lublin area in the general
direction of Kiev, while forces in Romania
will carry out a wide enclosing
movement across the lower Pruth. It will be the
task of the Romanian Army to hold
down Russian forces in the intervening
When the battles north and south
of the Pripet Marshes are ended the pursuit
of the enemy will have the following
aims :
In the South the early capture of
the Donets Basin, important for war industry.
In the North a quick advance to Moscow.
The capture of this city would
represent a decisive political and
economic success and would also bring about
the capture of the most important
railway junctions.
B. Luftwaffe
It will be the duty of the Luftwaffe
to paralyze and eliminate the effectiveness
of the Russian Air Force as far
as possible. lt will also support the main
operations of the Army, i.e. those
of the central Army Group and of the vital
flank of the Southern Army Group.
Russian railways will either be destroyed
or, in accordance with operational
requirements, captured at their most
important points (river crossings)
by the bold employment of parachute and
airborne troops.
In order that we may concentrate
all our strength against the enemy Air Force
and for the immediate support of
land operations, the Russian armaments
industry will not be attacked during
the main operations. Such attacks will be
made only after the conclusion of
mobile warfare, and they will be
concentrated first on the Urals
C. Navy
It will be the duty of the Navy during
the attack on Soviet Russia to protect
our own coasts and to prevent the
breakout of enemy naval units from the
Baltic. As the Russian Baltic fleet
will, with the capture of Leningrad, lose
its last base and will then be in
a hopeless position, major naval action will be
avoided until this occurs.
After the elimination of the Russian
fleet the duty of the Navy will be to
protect the entire maritime traffic
in the Baltic and the transport of supplies
by sea to the Northern flank (clearing
of minefields!).
IV. All steps taken by Commanders-in-Chief
on the basis of this directive
must be phrased on the unambiguous
assumption that they are precautionary
measures undertaken in case Russia
should alter its present attitude towards
us. The number of officers employed
on preliminary preparations will be kept
as small as possible and further
staffs will be designated as late as possible
and only to the extent required
for the duties of each individual. Otherwise
there is a danger that premature
knowledge of our preparations, whose
execution cannot yet be timed with
any certainty, might entail the gravest
political and military disadvantages.
V. I await submission of the plans
of Commanders-in-Chief on the basis
of this directive.
The preparations made by all branches
of the Armed Forces, together with
timetables, are to be reported to
me through the High Command of the
Armed Forces.