First of all I would like to thank Mr Josef Mairinger.
Mr Josef Mairinger, Stalingrad veteran,
went in Russian captivity end January 1943.
After being prisoner in several Russian P.O.W. camps he was released
in October
1947. He was one of the lucky few who stayed alive and came back home.
If you like to order his book "Meine jugend in Stalingrad" please contact
I believe he's working on a English edition. By reading his book I
became addicted
to the Battle for Stalingrad.
A very big thank you to Mr K.R. who visited
me for several days
and gave me "loads" of information about Stalingrad. Poor guy, it was
the whole day and night when he drove his 1100 km back home.
I had a great time the 5 days that I was your guest in Austria. (End
October 1999)
I think we became good friends.
Then I would like to thank the several German Stalingrad veterans that
I' ve met.
Also members of the German 16.Panzer Division
who I've met in Münster
Germany, September 1999. Especially Mr Gerd W.
Doepner and Mr Heinz Streffing.
A special word for Mr Jason Mark (Australia)
and Mr Hans Wijers (The Netherlands).
Both researching the Battle for Stalingrad as no-one did before. Without
their help this site
would not be like it is now.
Also THANKS to :
Allen Milcic for the Croatian Regiment
369 page.
Simon Gibbs for mailing me several pictures
of German High Command Generals
Valera Potapov, my Russian amigo, for his
help and fixing of the Eastern Front code
(several times) and ofcource for the use of several gifs that I took
from his site.
Russian Military Zone :
International Library :
Pedro Escobar Fernandez for the information
I received concerning Stalin, Beria and others.
Jason Mark for the
pictures of the German commanders at Stalingrad and the
complete Knights Cross winners list.
Michael Angern and his dad for
the information on Lt. General Günther Angern.
Jim Pence for his information about the
44th Infantry Division "Hoch- und Deutshmeister".
Alexei Nikiforov for his information about
the 62nd Army
that he mailed me.
Boris Masinovsky for the Russian-German
translations !
Thanks Boris !
Ralph Zuljan for the Hitler Directives.
David H. Lippman -
for all kind of info about WW II
Great Page ! 3 years of work !
Alain DeBonville for the information about
German Stalingrad Generals.
Wolf for the German leaflets and
some of the pictures.
Thanks Wolf !
Gerald Kämpfert for finding several
fantastic book about the
Battle for Stalingrad.
Mr Limmenroth for the info about several
German Stalingrad commanders
Mr Michael Müller for his help of
several translations Dipl. Ing. Konrad Schnitzler : division
Georgi Zelma
Ivan Shagin
Arkady Shaikhet
Mark Markov-Grinberg
Dmitri Baltermants
Epifanow- Mayer
Januzs Piekalkiewicz
Geert Rottiers
Hans Wijers
Jason Mark
The German Bundesarchives
My good old Encyclopedia Brittanica.
For several parts of biographies.
They are online too !
As for the Order of Battle for the 369th
Croatian Regiment, I used George F. Nafziger's
"German Order of Battle in WW2" book, Volume
7 (Russian, Croatian and
Italian Soldiers in the Wehrmacht) as a source
of information. If you would
be interested in contacting Mr. Nafziger (who
is a private researcher of
military history), he can be contacted at: G.F.
Nafziger, P.O. Box 1522,
West Chester, Ohio, 45069-1522, USA. He has an
extensive published
collection of Orders of Battle!
Sources - Books
Enemy at the Gates - The Battle for Stalingrad
Was gesach nach Stalingrad
Der Feldzug nach Stalingrad
The Battle for Stalingrad - The 1943 Soviet Study
Stopped at Stalingrad
Stalingrad - Konflikt und Konsequenz
Stalingrad - Memories and reassessments
Die Stalingrad Madonna
In Letzter Stunde
Die Luftwaffe ringt um Stalingrad
Operatie Barbarossa
The Secret of Stalingrad
Vom Bug bis Kaukasus
Stalingrad - Wie es wirklich war
Bildband 2 der 79.Infanterie Division
Geschichte der 16,Panzer Division
Der Schwere Entschluss
Laatste vlucht uit Stalingrad
199 days - The Battle for Stalingrad
Mit Tanne und Eichenlaub - 100.Jäger Division
44.Infanterie Division
Angriffshöhe 4000
Tragödie Deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in Stalingrad
Stukageschwader 2 - IMMELMANN
Heeresgrruppe Süd
Stalingrad - Paulus
Verratene Grenadiere
Stalingrad - Bis zum letzte Patrone
Luftbrücke Stalingrad
Lost Victories
The German Army
Kampfgeschwader 4
Lagebesprechungen im Führerhauptquartier
Het verraden leger - na de slag om Stalingrad
Stalingrad - Kampf und gefangenshaft
Stalingrad - Der verlorene Sieg
Die verratene Armee
De Slag om Stalingrad
Tatsachenbericht - STUKA
Erinnerungen und Gedanken - 2 parts
Die Schlacht des Jahrhunderts
Wende an die Wolga
Stalingrad - Anatomie einer Schlacht
Entscheidung an der Wolga
Sache des ganzen Lebens
Rote Reiter voran
Der Himmel bleibt unser
Erde iM Feuer
48 Km vor Stalingrad
Die Tragödie von Stalingrad
Stalingrad - Ausbruch ? (copied book)
Meine Jugend in Stalingrad - Erinnerungen
Artz in Stalingrad
Laatste Brieven uit Stalingrad
Tussen Don en Wolga
Stalingrad - Juillet 1942 - Fevrier 1942
Gefangen in Stalingrad
Honden wilt ge eeuwig leven
Stalingrad und die verantwortung des Soldaten
Die Weltkrieg II - Flugzeuge
Hitler's Generals
Stalingrad - Het graf
Opmars en ondergang
Rusland in oorlog
Stalingrad artikel
Stalingrad artikel
Sowjetische Kriegsgefangen in Deutschland.
Hitler's Stalingrad decisions
Histoire de l'armée allemande 1939 - 1945
Anatomy of an Agony
Stalingrad |
Written by
William Craig
Horst Zank
Adelbert Holl
Hans Doerr
Louis Rotundo
Hayward Joel
Walther von Seydlitz - Kurzbach
Joachim Wieder and Heinrich Graf von Einsiedel
Martin Kruse
Arno von Lenski
Herhudt von Rohden
John Keegan
Walter Kerr
Eberhard von Mackensen
Günther Toepke
Hans Sänger
Wolgang Werthen
Wilhelm Adam
Lucien van Welde
Edwin P. Hoyt
Hans Neidhardt
Dettmer - Jaus - Tolkmitt
Cajus Bekker - Kriegstachbuch der Luftwaffe
Epifanow - Mayer
Holger Nauroth
C. Wagener
Edited by Walter Görlitz
Antony Beevor
Helmuth Welz
Heinz Schröter
Frans Kurowski
Erich von Manstein
Matthew Cooper
Karl Gunderlach
Helmut Heiber
Heinrich Gerlach
Wolfgang Haidin
Friedrich Lenz
Heinz Schröter
Heinrich Gerlach
Ronald Seth
Theodor Plevier
Valentin Mikula
G.K. Shukow
Wassili Grosman
Janusz Piekalkiewicz
Luitpold Steidle
Oberts a.D. Herbert Selle
Josef Mairinger
Hans Dibold
Heinz Schröter
Heinrich Gerlach
Paul Carrel
Franz Sapp
Fritz Wöss
Geoffrey Jukes
Joachim Wieder/Heinrich Graf von Einschiedel
Kenneth Munson
Vasili Ivanovitsj Chuikov
Correlli Barnett
Jan Smet
William Craig
Alexander Werth
Weekblad Knack
Weekblad Humo
Jean Marbire
Geoffrey Jukes
Philippe Masson
V.E. Tarrant
Manfred Kehrig |