Boston state route log (inside 128)
Boston Post Rd
Boston area interchanges
Circles and squares in the Boston area
Route log for all of MA (Paul Schlictman)
New England Interstate Highways of the 1920s (Mike Moroney)
Dead Boston Highways
Boston's Cancelled Highways (Scott Moore)
Plans for redoing some downtown intersections, including extending many routes
Old maps (includes a 1969 Boston map)
Old maps (Paul Schlictman)
Old Boston maps (Neil Kelly) (includes a 1933 Boston map)
Historic USGS Maps of New England
Current maps of state routes from MassGIS info (John Carr)
Boston photos
Boston exit lists with links to others
MA/RI control cities
Boston signage (similar to exit lists)
Boston exit numbers over the years
MIT/MassGIS Orthophoto Project aerial photos of Boston
An article about the BU Bridge
Other MA road links including Big Dig info (ODP)
MIT building oddities (not road related)
Please email me if you have any comments or corrections.
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