Inclosed in a cover addressed to M[r.] Anderson
/ Two days since I received a letter without date or Signature, / informing
me that S[ir]. Henry ------ was obliged to me for intelligence / communicated,
and that he placed a full confidence in the Sincerity / of my intentions,
etc. etc. On the 13th Instant I addressed a letter / to you expressing
my Sentiments and expectations, viz, that / the following Preliminaries
be settled previous to cooperating. - / First, that S[ir]. Henry secure
to me my property, valued at ten thou- / sand pounds Sterling, to be paid
to me or my Heirs in case of / Loss; and, as soon as that happens [strike
out] shall happen, ---- hundred / pounds per annum to be secured to me
for life, in lieu of the / pay and emoluments I give up, for my Services
as they shall / deserve - If I point out a plan of cooperation by which
S[ir}. H[enry]. / shall possess himself of West Point, the Garrison, etc.
etc. etc. twenty / thousand pounds Sterling I think will be a cheap purchase
for / an object of so much importance. At the same time I request / thousand
pounds to be paid my Agent - I expect a full / and explicit answer - The
20th I set off for West Point. A / personal interview with an officer that
you can confide in / is absolutely necessary to plan matters. In the mean
time / I shall communicate to our mutual Friend S[tansbur]y all the / intelligence
in my power, until I have the pleasure of your answer. / Moore / July 15th
[1780] / To the line of my letter of the 13th / I did not add seven.
[By Odell:] N.B. the postscript only relates to the manner
of composing the
/ Cypher in the letter referred to