commands in different Quarters --- Concerting the
/ means of a blow of importance.--- fomenting / any party which
when risen to a height might / perhaps easily be drawn into a desire of
accomodation / rather than submit to an odious Yoke.--- Magazines, -- /
where any new are forming --- To interest himself in / procuring an exchange
of Prisoners for the honour of / America. / The other Channel you mentioned
to me this morning / thro' which a communication was formerly held / must
be kept unacquainted with this and with / Regard to it the same may be
said as with Regard / to Monk that liberal Acknowledgments will / infallibly
attend conspicuous Services. / You leave me with a long book similar to
yours. / Three Numbers make a Word the 1st is the Page and the / 2d the
Line the third the Word a comma is placed / between each word
when only the first letter of the line / is wanted in order to compose
a Word not in the book, / the number representing the Word be
/ Unit with a stroke through.
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