Transport CITY OF PARA
City of Peking

This is a view of the transport CITY OF PARA, chartered from the Pacific Mail Steamship Company. She was used as a transport on the Pacific, taking part in the third expedition to the Philippines. She carried the 13th Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, which was part of Gen. of Arthur MacArthur's (father of Douglas MacArthur) force of 4,847 troops, the seven thousand miles to Manila. General Merritt, who would command all of the U.S. troops in the Philippines accompanied this expedition aboard the NEWPORT. The expedition of eight ships departed San Francisco, CA between June 25 and 29, 1898, with the CITY OF PARA departing on the 26th. This was her sole trip for the Navy.


Clerk of Joint Comittee on Printing, The Abridgement of Message from the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899), Vol 1.

Cohen, Stan. Images of the Spanish American War, April-August 1898.  (Missoula:
Pictorial Histories Publishing Co., Inc., 1997), 196-197.

Mitiuckov, Nick, Naval historian, Izhevsk,Russia (personal correspondence).

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