The Obituary of Jesse Couch,

4th Texas Volunteer Infantry

Contributed by David Minton


Below is the obituary for Jesse Couch of the 4th Texas Volunteer Infantry. He was buried at South Park Cemetery, Roswell NM, Chaves County, New Mexico.

The Obituary:

Couch Funeral Today

The funeral for Jesse Couch, who was killed here a few days ago through the explosion of a gasoline tank on which he was working , was held this afternoon from the Dilley parlors on Third Street.  The burial was in charge of the local camp of Spanish-American War veterans, who attended in a body.  The Institute band headed the procession that preceded the funeral cortege to the grave in South Park.  A large number of people  assembled on Third Street  to witness the procession as it left the undertaking parlors.


Friday, January 23, 1914 Roswell Dailey Record.

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