The following is a roster of the Eleventh U.S. Infantry Association 1898-1902, as was recorded in 1942. Some men are recorded in more than one company, and some have several letters after their names, indicating service in more than one company.
The Roster:
Arlien, Daniel F
Baker, F.D.
Baker, Jacob C
Barber, Benson A
Cahill, Richard T
Campion, James, Sr.
Carson, Samuel W
Cote, A.E.
Dewees, Wilmer
Downward, Herbert J.
Faux, Charles E.
Gardner, John B.
Harris, Matt
Heavey, John W. (A,E,H)
Hilkert, Emory A.
Hilton, Jeff M.
Hoag, Charles
Jansen, Herman
Jouett, Joel W.
Kilmartin, James F.
Kiste, Henry E
LeBarnes, George
Lewis, Joseph H
Milne, O.G.C.
Porter, Charles W
Seaman, Jacob J
Siler, Charles H
Smith, Royal L.
Strutz, Louis J.
Twombley, Oscar C.
Veach, R.B.
Aubut, Napoleon
Bendeich, Charles
Black, Howard T
Burbidge, Jesse
Cheever, Herbert M.
Cowley, A.C.
Davis, J. T.
Dugan, Francis B.
Duncan, Clayborn E.
Erwin, Benjamin C.
Fields, William B.
Flegal, P.E.
Freud, Joseph V.
Fricke, Otto H
Gibson, William O.
Griffith, John J
LeDoux, J.P.
Major, C
Mann, R.L
McCormick, John T
McVeigh, Luke,
Meredith, Carlton
Milne, O.G.C.
Moran, Martin M
Murphy, Harry A
Patrick, James
Rogers, Wesley
Spiegel, Frank H.
Thomas, Benjamin H
Thune, Ernest
Vaughn, T.C.
Voelker, John L
Waggoner, Press
Woodburn, Alexander M.
Alexander, Robert A.
Anderson, Charles S
Belz, Charles
Carlton, Patrick
Clark, Joseph C.
Collison, John R
Dearborn, H. W.
Green, John W.
Hawthorne, J.J
Hickey, Richard
Jackson, J.R.
Leuthold, Calvin D
Milbauer, Charles
Milne, O.G.C.
Mumbauer, Howard
O’Connell, John J
O’keefe, Dan
Peerce, Lee
Peerce, W.M.M
Pierce, Carleton H
Powell G.B.
Quigley, G.F.
Roane, Joseph
Seefeld, F.W.
Seeman, Charles
Stevens, J.W.
Thomas, Arthur H
Thompson, George W.
White, P.W.
Wigmore, Stephen
Wright, Walter
Young, M.R.
Zickefoose, Braxton W.
Bostick, Deane R
Coggswell, G.T.
Crank, Paul
Daly, Owen P
Day, F.C.
Dent, James, R
Dyer, Warren W
English, James K
Everhard, Clay
Figel, Henry B
Hart, William
Hogan, William H.
Holl, Herman
Lawton, William A.
Martin, W.B.
Maston, John
Medlin, Simon S
Norton, Harry
Potter, William H
Pugh, James W.
Slusser, Charles
Smith, Edward T.
Smith, Edward T.
Smith, William K
Welty, Clarence E
White, A.P.
Ball, J.C.
Bostick, Dean E
Bowdish, Beecher S
Brady, Henry
Brown, George F
Burbidge, Jesse
Cahill, Richard T.
Carroll, George W.
Chapman, Arthur L.
Cole, Charles N.
Deering, George
Dentler, Clarence E
Dorr, Harry R
Ellison, Morris
Harelson, James W
Harrington, Henry D.
Harrison, H.J.
Johnson, Oliver C
Magner, Charles
Mann, Alfred
Marriott, Alfred L
Menifee, Rush
Miller, Orlando
Morgan, Warren D
Murray, Charles A
Neptune, Frank S.
Nilson, Charles
Norris, William
Pedrix, C. T.
Phillips, William A
Reau, Oscar V
Robinson, Thomas B.
Ross, Frank H
Vandengurg, C.L.
Williams, Joseph N.
Wilson, James W
Wood, Harry K
Workosky, Andrew
Adamek, Frank
Baird, Charles W.
Boston, Roy
Boyles, William E
Denton, Frank R.
Green, George W
Hanson, Walter M
Hensen, Albert M.
Hicks, Theodore F.
Hughes, Raymond G
Kerns, Patrick
Kyle, William H
Leonard, Voline
Milburn, B.F.
Moore, William H
Powell, William B.
Pyle, Walton
Ruby, James
Shipley, Thomas L
Stover, M.L.
Watson, Robert T
Wilcoxon, Alpha D.
Wirt, Arthur U.
Yeager, John W.
Alger, Lee F.
Chamnes, Elmer R
Chumbley, Lee
Delaporte, W.B.
Donley, Curtis J
Holder, Herbert
Marsh, Edward
Nelson, Charles
O’Brien, John J
O’Neill, John E.
Osborn, Daniel E
Paul, Evan A
Peerce, Lee
Rafter, Joseph A.
Reisner, B.F.
Reynolds, Herbert M.
Shillings, Jacob
Thune, Ernest
White, Jeremiah F
White, William L
Williams, Melvin
Ayer, A.E.
Bailey, Hugh
Bass, Don L
Bloss, W.B.
Bramhall, Thomas
Cornelius, Valentine
Davis, Albert Travilla
Farrill, Stephen P
Fisher, Franklin D.
Fitzpatrick, John J
Gossinger, Joseph F
Hedrick, Bert E.
Hudson, A.W.
Hukill, B.G.
Hunt, B.L.
Koontz, George C
Martin, James L
Maynor, James T.
McAdams, Walter Q.
McCaslin, Thomas G
McGlumphy, William R.
Pegler, Albert
Pierce, Charles E
Post, William
Reed, Louis E
Reinhardt, John A
Reynolds, Samuel C
Rice, Leander B
Russell, Amza (H&L)
Scott, Winfield
Sharp, Winfield B
Smith, Harry T
Smith, Wyckliffe J
Sovern, Joseph D.
Storer, Otis D
Sutter, Frederick, D
Vandiver, Albert
Whetsel, Cornelius
White, P.W.
Williams, Louis, J (H&L)
Braen, Daniel F
Davis, Sam W
Douglas, Silas A.
Drew, Morrill
Etter, Frank
Faulk, Albert S
French, LeRoy E.
Grayson, John M
Jackson, Clyde A
Kennedy, Josepy
King, Clarence H
Lanning, Charles F
Long, Claude L
McAllister, Edgar M.
Middleton, Albert R
Milne, O.C.G.
O’Connell, John J
Presson, James R
Sheffer, Benjamin F.
Springer, Nathan J
Thornburgh, S.J
Thune, Ernest
Waggoner, Press
Walker, Clay A
White, C.S
Belcher, John A
Brewer, Jefferson J
Crommett, Charles W
Evans, Charles W
Hilton, Square W
Marks, John A
Schoolcraft, Daniel L
Steinheiser, Fred A
Taylor, George
White, Jeremiah F
Woods, W.W.
Bell, Joseph R.
Carroll, George W
Dempsey, P.J.
Gray, Wayne
Hughes, Robert
Meredith, Carlton
Short, Chalmer M
Stokes, Lloyd E
Thomas, William M
Wilt, Otto
Benshaw, Albert
Christianson, Ole
Dentler, Clarence E (Col)
Harmon, Richard J.
Madosh, John W
Pyle, Charles F
Shupp, Daniel
Sullivan, William J
Waldron, C.F.
Winstead, Joseph R
Beam, Charles
Boyles, William E
Butler, John E
Cunice, William J
Davis, Charles S
Doyle, W.J
Eads, W.H.
Foley, James P.
Goldthwait, Edward P
Goode, Samuel P
Goodwin, Robert
Grissom, Charles
Livengood, Enoch
Ludwig, William
Mullins, F.W
Norton, James P
O’Brien, Charles
Robertson, G.W.
Sayre, Harry B
Thomas, Alvin J
Walters, S.V.
Aronson, Fred
Conway, Frank
Davidson, Edward
Frohner, Charles
Gaw, P.L.
Gorgas, Sterling
Harrington, Henry D
Hicks, Theodore F
Hodges, L.J.
Kayser, Herman P
Murphy, Timothy
Pinski, Frank
Rothrock, Tom
Scannell, John
Seaton, Oliver R
Yocum, John
Cruzan, C.E.
Fenner, Lyman J
Jelinek, Stephen
La Guardia, Fiorello H
Learned, Ebenezer H
Marcotte, Joseph O
Freeman, Luther A
Jones, Leroy A
Kennedy, Don C
Shortridge, Ernest R
Unclassified (company not known):
Evans, George W
Garry, John A.
Hammond, Allen A
Jackson, C.J.
Marks, Samuel
McShane, Jess
Mickalak, Mich.
O’Leary, C.J.
O’Reilly, James F
Pickerall, Evan
Siler, Jacob F
Staton, Charley