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Boot and Saddle    by JG Gilberd

Kings Troop, RHA - The Guns


The Troop has ten 13-prs all of which saw service during the Great War of 1914-18. During World War II after Dunkirk the Gunners were short on pieces of ordnance and they again saw service for a time.

The 13-pr gun owes its origin to the 'Horse and Field Gun Committee' which was convened as the Boer War drew to a close. The Committee drew up specifications for two new guns, the result being the 13-pr (Horse Artillery) and its larger brother the 18-pr (Field Artillery); these became the main armament for the Great War. They came into production about 1904 and were joined later by 4- and 5-inch howitzers.

Jim Gilberd, 1989

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