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Rod Simpson

Rodney Simpson

I am of the baby boomer generation . My father was from a long line of English village parsons, although he broke the mold and served with distinction in the Royal Navy's submarines in WW11.

My own reasons for joining the NZ Army 20 odd years later were much less meaningful though, being probably the result of teenage rebellion in the 60's .

Regardless of the reasons, my parents said I needed discipline and with my mediocre education, and having given little thought to what I wanted to do with my life, I found myself one day in 1968 in the Army Hall at Whangarei looking at pictures of Vietnam on the wall with a forceful looking sergeant beside me suggesting I should 'give it a go'.

I'll always be glad I was selected for the Artillery, (as a 'driver operator') rather than the infantry because if nothing else I have always believed I have some ability with words, so to my mind I was selected to do what I did best.

I served with 161 Battery in 1969-1970, during which time I spent about 6 months in Angus Rivers FO party. I was essentially a youthful looking, rather naive, country boy, but I believe I adapted quickly and did a reasonable job. Certainly Angus and I had some interesting times in the Long Hais.

I am glad I experienced Vietnam, thankful I took the opportunity ,and regard it as a valuable life experience. But although I was probably an impressionable young man at the time, I don't believe 'the Vietnam experience' has had any lasting influence on my adult life.

Back in NZ, John Masters asked if I would like to stay with the Army, but I chose not to (which I sometimes regret), and I drifted for a while, until in 1974 I set off to wander the planet ... even managed a stint in 'Apocalypse Now'. I went back to Vietnam for a visit in 1987, before it became 'commercialized'.

Essentially I have made Auckland my home for the last 20 years, and at times have done reasonably well in real estate, and a number of other ventures. I have never settled though, and prefer the bachelor lifestyle.

In recent times I regard myself as an 'unemployed aspiring writer' and have committed myself to writing a screen play about my father's endeavours set in Malta in WW11. Meanwhile, life goes on....... in fact it gets better.


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