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Lt Gen Sir Richard James Holden Webb KBE CB
January 1990

The New Zealand Army invited members of our Association to be represented at the funeral service for Sir Richard held at the Wellington Cathedral on the 30th January 1990. In addition to those attending from the Wellington area, a number of our Auckland and Taupo members were able to be present, and were deeply appreciative of the transport and catering provided by the Army and by the Royal New Zealand Air Force.
His Excellency the Governor General was represented by his ADC and the service was attended by past and present Chiefs of Defence, and by past and present Chiefs of General Staff of the NZ Army from which group the Pall Bearers were drawn. Also present were serving and retired members of the three services and veterans of 2NZEF including the President of NZRSA.
The guard of honour was provided by the NZ Army.
As the hour approached for the commencement of the service the Cathedral quickly filled to capacity. As the procession entered, all stood and sang 'Praise my soul, the King of Heaven' to accompaniment of both Band and Cathedral Organ.
The service was conducted by the Rev Peter Sutton, Bishop of Nelson, assisted by the Sub-Dean. The First Lesson was read by LtGen J Mace CB OBE, Chief of Defence Staff, and the second by Maj (Retd) S Toogood QSO ED.
The Eulogy was given by MajGen RDP Hassett CB CBE, Colonel Commandant RNZA, and Patron of our Association.
At the conclusion of the Cathedral Service the casket was placed upon the gun carriage and the cortege moved slowly off to the Crematorium Chapel at Karori where the Guard of Honour had re-formed.
The Committal was accompanied by the Firing of Vollies, the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille, and the Blessing.
It was a sad occasion marked by the impressive ceremonial befitting the service and achievement of the late LtGen Sir Richard (Dick) Webb.
RH Dyson
NB: A further service for the committal of Sir Richard's ashes was held at the Church of St John the Baptist, Waimate North, on 17 Feb 90.

Issue 65
March 1990

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