PT 40-Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Two
September 1942/January 1943


Lt. Allen H. Harris                                  Boat Captain
Lt.(jg)Ralph O. Amsden                          Executive Officer
QM2/c C.L. Smith                                  Quartermaster
GM2/c F.A. Ziether                                Gunnery
TM2/c Crowder                                     Torpedoman
S1/c Champion 
RM2/c A.C. Davis                                  Radioman
MM2/c T. Ryan                                     Engineering
MoMM2/c Tenney                                 Engineering
MoMM2/c Edward Servatius                   Engineering
SC1/c W. Landy                                     Ship�s Cook

9 Sept.                                                   Hoisted aboard SS Robin Wently.
11 Nov.                                                 Arrived in Noumea.
16 Nov.                                                 Underway for Espiritu, towed by USS Trevor
                                                             (broke towline).
18 Nov.                                                 Arrived Espiritu.
19 Nov.                                                 Underway for Tulagi.
20 Nov.                                                 Arrived at Tulagi, night patrol, no contact.
22-23 Nov.                                            Patrol-no contact.
25-28 Nov.                                            Patrol, no contact.
2-5 Dec.                                                Patrol, no contact
7-8 Dec.                                                Patrol, no contact.
10-11 Dec.                                            Patrol, no contact.
12 Dec.                                                 Patrol, Lt. Henry S. Taylor in command. In company with
                                                            PT�s 45 and 59. Enemy contact-fired torpedoes, results undetermined.
                                                            Three sailors brought aboard, dead. U.S. Navy officer (Lt.(jg) Charles
                                                            M. Melhorn) brought aboard.
13 Dec.                                                 Patrol-no contact.
17-18 Dec.                                            Patrol-no contact.
19 Dec.                                                 Patrol-fired two torpedoes at ship off Guadalcanal,
                                                             results unobserved.
20 Dec.                                                 Patrol-no contact.
24 Dec.                                                 Patrol with PT 45. Made torpedo run on object resembling
                                                            enemy ship. Object found to be Kokumaronki Island. Three U.S.
                                                            dive bombers dropped flares. Two planes dived upon PT 40 and PT 45,
                                                             dropping four bombs. All were near misses. One plane then attempted to
                                                             strafe PT 40. No injuries.
25-26 Dec.                                            Patrol-no contact.
30 Dec.                                                 Patrol-no contact.
2 Jan. 43                                               Patrol-fired two torpedoes at an enemy destroyer.
                                                            Sighted two other DD�s off Cape Esperance, but lost contact.
3 Jan.                                                   Patrol-no contact.
9 Jan.                                                   Patrol-no contact.
10 Jan.                                                 Patrol-Lt. Clark W. Falkner at conn. Enemy contact.
                                                            Fired three torpedoes at Japanese DD and saw two explosions
                                                           (one hit confirmed on IJN DD Hatasukaze.)
12 Jan.                                                  Patrol-no contact.
14 Jan.                                                  Patrol-Enemy contact, sighted two destroyers,
                                                             illuminated by flare to starboard, saw DD heading east.
                                                             Fired two torpedoes and headed for base.
17 Jan                                                    Patrol-no contact.
19 Jan.                                                   Patrol-no contact.
25 Jan.                                                   Patrol-no contact.
28 Jan.                                                   Patrol-no contact.
29 Jan.                                                   Patrol-no contact.