PT 109-Motor Torpedo Boat Squadron Two
October 1942-February 1943

Lt. Rollin E. Westholm USN                                     Boat Captain/Squadron Commander
                                                                               MTBRON 2 (Sept. 1942-1 Feb 1943)
Ens. Bryant L. Larson                                               Boat Captain/Executive Officer
Ens. John D. Chester                                                 Executive Officer
QM1/c James G. Manning                                          Navigator
MoMM1/c Clayton M. Craig                                      Engineer
TM2/c Claude R. Dollar                                             Torpedoman
SC2/c Nicholas T. Mitrokas                                        Ship�s Cook
RM3/c Edward R. Guenther                                        Radioman
S1/c Adams S. Sennick                                               Gunnery
F1/c Lawrence R. Wallace                                          Engineer
F2/c James R. Marney                                                Engineer
MoMM1/c Royal D. Dunkin                                       Engineer
TM2/c Jack Edgar                                                      Torpedoman
RM2/c George A. Lewis                                              Radioman
SC 2/c Williams S. Jackson, Jr.                                    Ship�s Cook
GM3/c William H. McMillan                                       Gunnery
S2/c James M. Bartlett                                                Gunnery
F1/c William E. Griffin                                                Engineer
F1/c Merrill D. Payton                                                 Engineer

10 Oct. 42                                                       Hoisted aboard SS Roger Williams.
14 Oct.                                                           Underway
11 Nov.                                                          Arrived in Noumea.
17 Nov.                                                          Unloaded, waterborne.
20 Nov.                                                          Underway for Espiritu under tow
                                                                        of USS McKean.
23 Nov.                                                          1245 hrs. Arrived at Espiritu Santo.
                                                                      1930 hrs. Left Espiritu, again in tow
                                                                       of USS McKean.
25 Nov.                                                          Arrived at Sesapi, Tulagi Island.
26 Nov.                                                          Ens. John D. Chester transferred to PT 44. Lt. Rollin
                                                                      E. Westholm USN, Commander MTB Squadron 2,
                                                                      reported aboard as boat captain.
27 Nov.                                                           Patrol-no contact.
1 Dec.                                                             0715 hrs. Picked up 94 survivors of USS Northampton.
                                                                       0900 hrs.Unloaded survivors at Tulagi.
3 Dec.                                                              Patrol, crew of PT 1 aboard. No contact.
5 Dec.                                                              Patrol-no contact.
7 Dec.                                                              Patrol, no contact. Pulled PT 59 off reef.
8 Dec.                                                              Patrol, crew of PT 47 aboard. No contact.
9 Dec.                                                              Patrol, no contact.
10 Dec.                                                            Patrol, crew of PT 47 aboard (Lt. Wertz) no contact.
11 Dec.                                                            Patrol, Lt. John M. Searles at conn. Sighted enemy vessels, started
                                                                        torpedo run, was fired on by unseen DD, laid smoke and retired
                                                                        unable to fire torpedoes. Attempted a second attack, no success.
                                                                       The enemy was reported gone at 0100 hrs on the 12th. Picked up
                                                                        survivor (Fireman Dowling) of PT 44.
12 Dec.                                                            Patrol, crew of 47 boat aboard. No contact.
13 Dec.                                                            Patrol-no contact.
17 Dec.                                                            Patrol-no contact.
18-22 Dec.                                                       Installed radar set.
22 Dec.                                                            Patrol, 47 boat crew aboard. no contact.
23 Dec.                                                            Patrol, PT 7 crew aboard, Lt. Westholm at conn. No contact.
25 Dec.                                                            Patrol-fired on barges at 0615-0630 on the 26th.
27 Dec.                                                            Patrol-no contact.
31 Dec.                                                            Patrol-no contact.
1 Jan 43                                                           Patrol-no contact
2 Jan.                                                              2015 hrs. Underway for night patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn.
                                                                       2350 hrs. Enemy plane dropped two bombs near boat, off port beam.   
                                                                       2355 hrs. Enemy ship opened fire off port quarter, boat laid smoke
                                                                                      and retired.
                                                                       2358 hrs. Resumed patrol.
                                                                       2359 hrs. Sighted enemy ship, swing left to make torpedo run.
3 Jan.                                                              0000 hrs. Night patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn.
                                                                       0001 hrs. Commenced torpedo run on enemy ship.
                                                                       0003 hrs. Fired two torpedoes. Torpedo run normal.
                                                                   0003.30 hrs. Observed target turn toward the boat, torpedoes
                                                                                       passed ahead of the target. Enemy ship opened fire off
                                                                                       port quarter, boat laid smoke and retired toward Savo
                                                                        0007 hrs. Enemy plane fired .50 cal. in wake of boat.
                                                                                       Retired and took patrol station east of Savo Island.
                                                                         0135 hrs. Underway for base, Sesapi, Tulagi Island.
8 Jan                                                                 1620 hrs. QM1/c James M. Manning reported to sick bay
                                                                                        for tropical fever.
                                                                         1830 hrs. Underway for patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn.
9 Jan.                                                                 0000hrs. Night patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn.
                                                                         0500 hrs. Left patrol to search southwest of Savo for missing pilot.
                                                                         0730 hrs. Abandoned search and proceeded to patrol station.
                                                                         0845 hrs. Fired .50 caliber and 20mm guns at stores on beach,
                                                                                       destroyed same.
                                                                         0850 hrs. Fired on by enemy on beach�returned fire and
                                                                                        departed for base.
11 Jan.                                                               0500 hrs. Received word that crew of PT 109 were picked
                                                                                          up as survivors of PT 112; no serious casualties.
                                                                         0530 hrs. The following men were admitted to sickbay at
                                                                                        Government Landing, Tulagi for shrapnel wounds:
                                                                                        TM2/c Claude Dollar USN and MoMM1/c Clayton Craig USN.
14 Jan.                                                               2000 hrs. Underway for night patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn. 
15 Jan.                                                               0000 hrs. Night patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn.
                                                                          0030 hrs. Enemy plane dropped three bombs near boat.
                                                                         0620 hrs. Left patrol station to search Cape Esperance area for enemy
                                                                                        personnel or stores.
                                                                          0715 hrs. Fired on by enemy shore battery. Received three holes in
                                                                                         boat. No casualties. Retired from scene and proceeded to
                                                                                         SW Florida Island to assist PT 2 (PT 45: Lt. Lester Gamble)
                                                                                         off reef.
                                                                          0800 hrs. Mustered crew on stations, no absentees.
                                                                          0855 hrs. Retired to Sesapi, Tulagi Island, unable to assist PT 2.
16 Jan.                                                                1000 hrs. QM1/c James M. Manning and MoMM1/c Clayton A.
                                                                                         Craig USN returned to duty from sickbay.
18 Jan.                                                                1000 hrs. The following men were transferred to Base Force,
                                                                                          Sesapi, Tulagi Island in accordance with the verbal
                                                                                          orders of Lt. Westholm, Commander, MTB Ron 2:
                                                                                          MoMM1/c Clayton A. Craig USN, RM3/c Edward R.
                                                                                          Guenther, SC2/c Nicholas T. Mitrokas, TM2/c Claude
                                                                                          R. Dollar USN, S1/c Adams S. Sennick,  F2/c James R.
                                                                                          Marney USN, and F1/c Lawrence R. Wallace.
                                                                                          Reporting aboard for duty in their place:
                                                                                           MoMM1/c Royal D. Dunkin USN, TM2/c Jack Edgar,
                                                                                          RM2/c George A. Lewis,  SC2/c William S. Jackson, Jr.
                                                                                          S2/c James M. Bartlett, GM2/c William H. McMillan USN.
                                                                           1930 hrs. Underway for night patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn.
19 Jan.                                                                 0000 hrs. Night patrol. Lt. Westholm at conn. No contact.
                                                                           1530 hrs. Underway for guard mail trip, Ens. McMann at conn.
                                                                           1900 hrs. Moored at Sesapi with guard mail.
                                                                           1930 hrs. Underway for night patrol. Ens. McMann at conn.
20 Jan.                                                                 0000 hrs. Night patrol, Ens. McMann at conn. No contact.
                                                                           1300 hrs. F1/c William E. Griffin USN reported for duty in accordance
                                                                                          with verbal orders of Lt. Westholm Commander MTB Ron 2
22 Jan.                                                                 0915 hrs. Put boat in drydock to exchange screws.
                                                                           1300 hrs. F1/c Merrill D. Payton reported aboard for duty in accordance
                                                                                          with verbal orders of Lt Westholm Commander MTB Ron 2.
23-28 Jan.                                                                           Drydocked
28 Jan.                                                                 1100 hrs. Completed putting on port and starboard screws.
                                                                           1410 hrs. Put boat in water.
29 Jan.                                                                 1545 hrs. Put boat in drydock and changed center screw.
                                                                           1735 hrs. Put boat back in water.
31 Jan.                                                                1300 hrs. TM2/c Jack Edgar reported back to duty from sickbay.
1 Feb.                                                                 0800 hrs. In accordance with the orders of the Bureau of Personnel,
                                                                                          Lt. Westholm was this date transferred to MTB Flotilla 1
                                                                                         and detached as Commander MTB Squadron 2.
                                                                          2125 hrs. Underway for night patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn.
                                                                          2150 hrs. Observed .50 caliber fire from enemy floatplane on PT
                                                                                          patrol near Savo Island.
                                                                          2215 hrs. Took patrol station off Lunga Point.
                                                                          2320 hrs. Enemy reported sighted headed for Cape Esperance, shifted
                                                                                         patrol to East Savo.
                                                                          2323 hrs. Observed gunfire and flashes and three burning objects
                                                                                         believed to be ships.
2 Feb.                                                                 0000 hrs. Night patrol, Lt. Westholm at conn.
                                                                          0240 hrs. Shifted patrol near Cape Esperance to investigate
                                                                                         burning object, found to be enemy ship.
                                                                          0310 hrs. Observed enemy ship sinking.
                                                                          0410 hrs. Commence search for missing PT boats.
                                                                          0620 hrs. Sighted PT 115 and PT 38 on the beach at
                                                                                         Savo Island.
                                                                          0640 hrs. Pulled PT 115 off beach.
                                                                          0700 hrs. Pulled PT 38 off beach. Proceeded to search
                                                                                         area for missing PT survivors.
                                                                          0755 hrs. Picked up CGM John J. Brown, dead, burned badly,
                                                                                          with many shrapnel wounds in lower part of body.
                                                                          0800 hrs. Mustered crew on stations, no absentees.
                                                                          0835 hrs. Transferred body of CGM Brown to PT 36 for
                                                                                          transportation to Govt. Landing. Resumed search
                                                                                          for survivors.
                                                                          1115 hrs. Abandoned search and proceeded to base.
                                                                          1210 hrs. Moored at Sesapi.