Nothing short of a furlough had the power to brighten a soldier's life in the 7th Mississippi more than a letter from home. Whether it was from a wife with news of the children or a simple note from a beloved father or mother assuring them that fervent prayers were being offered on their behalf, these letters had the power to boost the soldier's morale or urge him to declare peace on his own terms and go home via "French Leave". The ladies who sent their sons, brothers and husband off with the 7th Mississippi deserve an equal share in their glory. We hope you enjoy these letters posted here... Lest We Forget the Ladies!

Marian Pittman letters transcribed by: George Purvis
Selena Luper letters transcribedd by: Loretta White Hamler
Julia Magee letters transcribed by: George Purvis

The state of Miss,
Marion Co.,

April the 16. dear husban I seat myself to let you heare how we ar we ar not very well but we ar all up I hope these few lines will find you well dear husban I have heard that you have bin in a battle I have not heard from you since the fight though I have that brother Charls was wounded very bad and daniel Pittman was slightly wounded. Richard I want to hear from you worse than I ever in my life I want you to write to me all a bout the battle if you have not wrote before far I want to hear the strait of it I want you to come home as soon as you can. I have herd that Foxworth company is going to start next Tuesday the home gard was summon to go to Columbia yester but I cant say what it was for dear husban I hav had three letters wrote ever since you have been up there but I don’t now who it is that so smart I have got my book and was mity glad to get it. So I must bring my short letter to a close Remember when this you see

Maryann E. Pittman
write soon

NOTE: Charles is Charles Calvin Pittman of Co. F, died May 8, 1862 and buried in an unmarked grave at Oxford, Miss.

The State of Miss Marion Co.
September the 11, 1862

Dear husband I seat myself to let you hear from me and the children. We are all well but the baby he had the fever. I am as well as common except for a rising on my foot. Hit had bin on there 15 fifteen days. I hope those few lines may find you in good health. I have nothing to rite I though as long as I had the chance to send hit by hand I would rite you a few lines to let you hear from us the neighbor hood is all well your mother and Emmay Jane was well the last time I heard from them Mothers troubles are so grte that hit did not look like she would stand hit wee heard from the boys a bout too week ago. Daniel and James was well, John was sick but he was mending Jesse P is dead I have got nothing to rite you I will tell you you a litel a bout the caverly they is on station at Columbia and they have got the men a dodging a bout. They have several me they have James Turnage and Samuel Ball told give him a furlow There was 4 caverly here past here yesterday. You wanted to no a bout the sheep I wrote to you before now I dont know whither you got hit ornt I have got them you said in your other leter that the wedings had not stopyet they are marrying up more than ever Henry Johnson and Marthian Turnage is married they married last Wednsday you sai in you wanted to come home this fall and I wish you cold for me and the children want to see youas bad as we ever did, I heard that we was give up to the trianny and if hit is so I want you to come and be with us I have nothing more to rite I will bring my short leter to a close. You must excuse the bad writing and spelling all. So I want you to rite soon and rite allthe news. When this you see remember me tho many miles apart we be. So good by I remain your affectionate wife until death.

Mrs. Maryann E. Pittman
Mr. R. B. Pittman

NOTE: Emmay Jane is the sister of Richard Pittman and wife of Charles Bullock of Co. F. I am not sure who Jesse P is, Jesse Pittman survived the war. A rumor perhaps?

NOTE: These two letters were written by, the sister of Mary Ann Bullock Pittman, Selena Luper. Selena's husband is Pvt. William Luper, Co. F, 7th Miss. Inf Regt. William died March 6, 1862, at Jackson, Tn. Letters donated and transcribed by Loretta White Hamler.

1862 April the 24
The state of Miss., Marian County Dear sister I take my pen in hand to inform you that myself and family is well with the family except my baby had bin mity sick but is mending I think dear sister I want you to come and see me as quick as you can marian I heard that brother Charles was cripple in the battle*. If you can hear eny late nuse from him I want you to rite to me if you can get eny chance send a letter I want you wright about richard marian hit looks like that we are unlucky one of our brothers went off and dide and the other wounded and my husband is dead i thought it was bad enof canch wen he went off to stay but a year but it is aheep wurs now i don?t know what i shall do I feel like I am broke up i never had nothing to hurt me as bad before kimber* sed it was the pnewmonia that kild william marian I want you to write to me a bout amajane family if you has heard from them. I has got??? this year. this is badly reten. I hope these this letter will find you and family well. Nothing more at present only remaining your sister until death.

Selena Luper To mariann pittman her sister.

NOTE: * Family legend says the battle of Vicksburg, it has been proven the Battle of Corinth (GLP) * Kimber not sure of the name or who it is (GLP)

The state of Missp.
May 23, 1862

Dear sister i take my pen in hand to inform you that i am well at this time hoping that these few lines will find you and you family well dear sister i was sory to hear that one of your boys was sick dear sister i you to let me no when Richard* comes home again i want i want you to be share and come and see me and you can come to if you can and i will go home with you I want to go to charles* in about too weeks i want you to rite to me whether charles has got home or not dear sister you rote to me to give William up the best i could i give him up as good as I culd but if you hear that your husband was dead you would say that you never was hurt as bad before in your life the children send howdy to you all dear sister i hant got much to rite i thought that i would rite a few lines to let you no that we air all well i have got a tolerable good crop of corn and potatoes sister i herd eunoc and charles pitman* was dead i want you to rite to me whether it is so or not i never rote anything about my children but I will say something about them i have got ninento sons my last son is named William daniel* i must come to a close now you must excuse my bad hand rite so i will say nothing more only remaining your sister until death

Selana Luper to her Sister marian Elizabeth pitman

NOTE: * No periods or other punctuation and I capitalized where she did. Where she named her son William, she wrote his name bigger than any other word in the letter. It wasn't all capitals but the word was bigger. My note: Wm Luper, age 8, is found on the 1870 Lawrence Co MS census in the Lewis Bridges household (Salena remarried Oct 1867) but he is not found in 1880. (LWH) *Richard B. Pittman, Pyt. Co. F, 7th Miss. Inf. * not sure if middle name is Daniel (LWH) *Charles Bullock, Pvt. Co. F, 7th Miss., brother to Selena and Marian, see also letters by Julia Magee (GLP) *Enoch and Charles Pittman, Pvts. Co. F. 7th Miss. Inf. Brothers to Richard B. Pittman (GLP) *Wife of Richard B. Pittman (GLP)

NOTE: George Purvis; This letter I believe is to Stephen Pittman simply because I do not know of another brother in law who would be named Stephen.

Dear Stephen,

Mr. Bullock wishes you to send the note you find enclosed to Mrs. Bullock to her as soon as you can. He is so anxious to get that he is not willing to wait until he is sent for. My family is not well Dr. has been from home for several days. I am expecting him this evening. My love to all.

Your sister in law,
Julia A.Magee
Summit May 13, 62 NOTE: This letter is from Julia Magee, Charles Bullock's ( Co. F) aunt. Charles is the brother- in- law of Richard B. Pittman. The Mrs. Bullock in this letter is Emma Jane Pittman. I do not know who Crawford Rankin is. Charles Bullock died after being moved from Dr. Magees house and is buried in a marked grave in Baxterville, Ms. I am also not sure of the name of Dr. Magee if he was a CSA doctor or not.

Summit Mississippi

Mrs. Bullock

By Mr. Bullocks request I write to you to say for him that he wishes you to send for him as soon as convieniant, as he is very anxious to go home & seems to think that he is now able to travel or will be by the time you send. Mr. Bullock has not been improving as fast for the last few days, he has a light fever, severe headaches & is exceedingly anxious to get home, which you is natural after being from home so long. Mrs. Bullock when you send your wagon out for Mr. Bullock please get the cheeses from Mrs. Crawford Rankin & send to me & I will send the money to pay for them by the person that comes for Mr. Bullock by so doing you will oblige me much

Yours Respectfully.
Julia A Magee