The Teahouse Detective A complete log of the Teahouse Detective stories, broadcast as part of the 'Afternoon Play' series broadcast on BBC Radio 4. The original character, played by Bernard Hepton in the series, was created by Baroness Orczy of Scarlet Pimpernel fame, The Detective solved cases while sitting at a corner table in Lyon's Corner House (a fashionable London teashop famous in the first half of the 1900's) Each show runs for 45 minutes (approx.) and employes a variety writers. 1st Show Broadcast Date Programme Title ---------------- ---------------------------- 14 May 1998 The York Mystery 1st Series Broadcast Date Programme Title ---------------- ---------------------------- 10 December 1998 The Metropolitan Line Murder 17 December 1998 The Body In The Barge 24 December 1998 The De Genneville Peerage 2nd Series Broadcast Date Programme Title ---------------- ---------------------------- 31 May 2000 The Dublin Mystery 07 June 2000 The Edinburgh Mystery 14 June 2000 The Brighton Mystery 21 June 2000 The London Mystery Log submitted by Roy Moore e-mail: