THEATER FIVE by Dick Judge For further information, contact the author at: Theater Five was one of the American Broadcasting Company's last attempt to revive dramatic radio. It was and is a wonderful tribute to those who had contributed so much to the early days of radio. These were tightly scripted programs that packed excitement and suspense into a 25 minute package. If one listens to them these days, they are as fresh and enjoyable as they were almost forty years ago. Theater Five aired week days for 52 weeks with a total of 260 shows. Of that all are in circulaton except for five. Below you will note the titles for all of them, including the story lines and cast members. First show: Aug 3, 1964 Last show: Jul 30, 1965 The information below is divided into two parts - the first is the chronological order of the programs, the second being an alphabetical list. If you have any questions or comments about Theater Five, contact the author of this log - Dick Judge at ******************************************************************************* THEATER FIVE NO. DATE TITLE/STORY LINE CAST --- ------------ -------------------------------------- ----------------- 1 Aug 3, 1964 "Hit and Run" Gangster's brother picks up a young girl 2 Aug 4, 1964 "House of Cards" Vicki Vola, In a fall-out shelter after the bomb George Petrie Bryna Raeburn, Guy Sorel, Cecil Roy 3 Aug 5, 1964 "Terror from Beyond" Robert Dryden, Dead man is broight back to life, Ralph Camargo, but only one side of him Gilbert Mack 4 Aug 6, 1964 "Homecoming" Margaret Hamilton, Woman thinks her husband has come Mary Jane Higby back from the dead 5 Aug 7, 1964 "$245,000 Smile" Connie Lemke, Woman wants a man from escort Bryna Raeburn, service who has perfect teeth Bob Dryden 6 Aug 10, 1964 "Rebellion Next Week" Evelyn Juster, High school kids plan a revolution Bryna Raeburn, Ivor Francis 7 Aug 11, 1964 "Big Dog" John Griggs, 64 year old man who does commercials Ralph Camargo, suddenly can't remember his lines George Petrie, Bob Hastings, Marty Meyers Vicki Vola, Guy Sorel 8 Aug 12, 1964 "Jump! Jump!" Jack Manning, Man who wants to commit suicide is Jean Gillespie, egged on by the crowd to do it Ian Martin, Sam Raskin Ralph Bell, 9 Aug 13, 1964 "Melodrama" Rosemary Rice, What Broadway needs is an old- George Petrie, fashioned melodrama with a pretty Lon Clark girl and a villain 10 Aug 14, 1964 "Stranger" Elliott Reid, Housewife complains to her husband Elspeth Eric, about the strange man in their James Monks guest room 11 Aug 17, 1964 "Fun Party Gilbert Mack, Woman invites a man to a fun party George Petrie, Bryna Raeburn, Cliff Carpenter 12 Aug 18, 1964 "New Order" Jay Barney, People are worried about the Bob Dryden, "new" robots because they are too Jack Manning, lifelike Jack Grimes, Owen Jordan 13 Aug 19, 1964 "Ring of Evil" Vicki Vola, Fashion designer is getting obscene Roger DeKoven, phone calls calls Anne Costello, Elliott Reid, Hal Hackett 14 Aug 20, 1964 "Your Time is Up" Natalie Priest, Suburban wife has a premonition her Paul McGrath, husband will die aboard a commuter Betty Walker, train Norman Rose 15 Aug 21, 1964 "Molecule Masquerade" George Petrie, There are two Scott Douglas' and Luis Van Rooten, one of them must die James Monks, Vicki Vola, Peter Fernandez 16 Aug 24, 1964 "Caller at Midnight" Jackson Beck, Reporter wants to do a story on Ivor Francis, a former freelance former spy Mitzi Gould, Gilbert Mack, Ivor Francis 17 Aug 25, 1964 "Dream of Death" William Redfield, The strange and terrible effects Gertrude Warner, of hallucinogens Guy Sorel, William Griffis 18 Aug 26, 1964 "Late Matthew Dillard" Man just released from mental institution is real author of late famous book writer 19 Aug 27, 1964 "My Other Self" William Redfield, Man comes home from a 3 week Walter Kinsella vacation only to find he hasn't been away at all 20 Aug 28, 1964 "Incident at Apogee" Ralph Camargo, The first spacewalk Joan Shea, Jack Manning, George Petrie, Cliff Carpenter 21 Aug 31, 1964 "Scream" Roger DeKoven, As an old mansion is being torn Harry Bellaver, down, a woman's scream is heard Albert Openheimer, Peter Fernandez, Abby Lewis 22 Sep 1, 1964 "Outside Time" Al Hodge, Man who has chosen his place in time Maurice Tarplin, has a message for all mankind but he Jack Grimes, can't remember it George Petrie Richard Keith 23 Sep 2, 1964 "Fix" Cliff Carpenter, Addict needs a "fix" badly, but goes Staats Cotsworth, to a psychiatrist rather than an M.D. Ian Martin 24 Sep 3, 1964 "Trouble with Alfie" Jack Grimes, Alfie has a great imagination James Monks, Bryna Raeburn, Ian Martin 25 Sep 4, 1964 "Cry in the Night" Vicki Vola, Woman's cries for help in the night Luis Van Rooten, are ignored Ben Jaffe, Marilyn Moore 26 Sep 7, 1964 "Sorry to Let You Go" Ralph Camargo, After 10 years a man is fired, and is Evelyn Juster, replaced by a computer Anne Seymour, Robert Dryden, Gilbert Mack 27 Sep 8, 1964 "Incident at Shadow Valley" John Gibson, Trucker is sought after being Arlene Walker, involved in a fatal accident Jackson Beck, Robert Dryden, George Petrie 28 Sep 9, 1964 "Decoration" Kate Wilkinson, Woman gets a decoration for turning Abby Lewis, in her father as a traitor Mark O'Daniel Evelyn Juster, Owen Jordan 29 Sep 10, 1964 "First Encounter" Jackson Beck, First meeting with creatures from William Mason, outer space Toni Darnay, Bret Morrison, Robert Dryden 30 Sep 11, 1964 "To Whom It May Concern" Jackson Beck, Employee who has been stealing Larry Haines, company secrets is caught by a Robert Dryden, "bugged" phone Dan Ocho, Natalie Priest 31 Sep 14, 1964 "Noon Star" Paul McGrath, Is it true that a small boy can Cecil Roy, see stars at noon? Lorraine McMartin, Bryna Raeburn, Alice Yourman, Tom McDermott, Evelyn Juster 32 Sep 15, 1964 "My Brother's Keeper" Doctor is asked to treat his brother who is in trouble with the law 33 Sep 16, 1964 "Big Freeze" Is being frozen and put in cold storage the answer to waiting for a new heart? 34 Sep 17, 1964 "Understudy" If the understudy kills the star will he be the replacement? 35 Sep 18, 1964 "Group" Guy Sorel, A murderer is part of a group Elspeth Eric, therapy class Bryna Raeburn, Bill Griffis, William Redfield, Harry Bellaver 36 Sep 21, 1964 "Kissoff" A con is released after 30 years in prison 37 Sep 22, 1964 "Odyssey of No. 14" John Thomas, An astronaut has been missing in Lanca Peterson, space for three weeks Jay Barney, Lon Clark, Cliff Carpenter 38 Sep 23, 1964 "We Are All Alone" Nat Polen, Noise pattern from outer space Teri Keane appears to be a message from an intelligent being 39 Sep 24, 1964 "Evil That Men Do" Ian Martin, Scientist discovers drug that Court Benson, reduces crime and anti-social Jackson Beck, behavior Jan Miner, George Petrie 40 Sep 25, 1964 "Genuine Crenotte" John Gibson, Couple buy a painting from a Fran Carlon, blind man Peter Fernandez, Larry Haines 41 Sep 28, 1964 "Look Who's Talking" William Redfield, Dolphins talk Bryna Raeburn, Evelyn Juster, Owen Jordan, June Graham, Ralph Bell, Edward Bryce 42 Sep 29, 1964 "Wrong Arm of Justice" John Seymour, Man is re-tried for murder George Petrie, George Baxter, Connie Lemke, Mark O'Daniels, Marty Meyers 43 Sep 30, 1964 "Very Private Phone Call" Joyce Gordon, A widow waits for a phone that Gertrude Warner, has never rung before, to ring Ben Jaffe, Ralph Camargo 44 Oct 1, 1964 "John Hansen, Hermit" Sam Watts, A man tries to live like Thoreau Fran Carlon, George Petrie, Evelyn Juster, Cecil Roy 45 Oct 2, 1964 "Subject Number 428-A" Donald Buka, Two men kill each other over a Ivor Francis, computer experiment Jack Manning, Court Benson 46 Oct 5, 1964 "Arithmetic of Honor" William Redfield, The wall between East and West Luis Van Rooten, Berlin. Danny Ocho, Evelyn Juster, Connie Lemke 47 Oct 6, 1964 "Last Land Rush" Dwight Weist, Population explosion Sam Raskin, Fran Carlon, Rosemary Rice, Cecil Roy 48 Oct 7, 1964 "Echo of Madness" Elspeth Eric, Amnesia and a strange night James Monks, Mary Jane Higby, Ivor Francis 49 Oct 8, 1964 "Justice is an Uncertain Thing" George Petrie, There are other ways to bring Francis Spanier, a man to justice other than Ralph Camargo, extradition Martin Rudy, Sam Udell 50 Oct 9, 1964 "I'm Sorry Mom" Peter Fernandez, Son and two pals plot to rob his Lorraine McMartin, mother of $100,000 Robert Dryden, Jackie Grimes, Frank Thomas 51 Oct 12, 1964 "All the Bright Young Ones" Ralph Camargo, Kids are taking over and everyone William Redfield, over 41 has to retire Lawrence Robinson, Rosemary Rice, Peter Fernandez 52 Oct 13, 1964 "Autocrat" Mary Jane Higby, Neurotically ill woman meddles into Connie Brigham, affairs of her daughter and her Humphrey Davies, husband's business career Court Benson, Nat Polen, 53 Oct 14, 1964 "Dog Killer" Abby Lewis, How would you feel if someone Alice Yourman thought you were a witch? Evelyn Juster, Rosemary Rice, George Petrie 54 Oct 15, 1964 "Good Samaritan" Ian Martin, What is a naked man doing on Gil Mack, the road? Alice Yourman, Vicki Vola Robert Dryden, Cliff Carpenter, Yaphet Kotto 55 Oct 16, 1964 "Captive Spirit" Paul McGrath, PI has his suspicions when he's Joan Lorring, asked to find a rich man's daughter Ian Martin, who has been gone only five hours Stan Watt 56 Oct 19, 1964 "Honorable Way to Die" A man really wants to die! 57 Oct 20, 1964 "The Man Who Loved Jelly Rolls" James Monks, What happens when you mix a golf Fran Carlon, club, a jelly roll and a bit of George Petrie, mind reading Gertrude Warner, Ralph Camargo 58 Oct 21, 1964 "Capt. Gamble's Uniform" Peter Donald, Ship is torpedoed during WW2 and Evelyn Juster, and the men land on an island and Guy Sorel the captain needs new clothing George Petrie, Gilbert Mack, Sam Raskin 59 Oct 22, 1964 "Including Murder" George Petrie, What's the worst news a woman can Lesley Woods get about her husband from a PI? 60 Oct 23, 1964 "Sacrifice" Maurice Tarplin, Story of a father's trial and Staats Cotsworth, temptation June Graham, Arlene Walker, Jack Manning 61 Oct 26, 1964 "Sirens in the Night" Grace Matthews, A couple walk home from the movies Kate Wilkinson, while police chase down some hot- Luis Van Rooten, rodders Robert Dryden 62 Oct 27, 1964 "Prodigal Son" Cliff Carpenter, A man has a double that affects him Ethel Everett, and three others Jackson Beck, Ian Martin, Joan Lorring 63 Oct 28, 1964 "Odds on the Tower" Frank Thomas, Air traffic controller in Los Vegas Ivor Francis gets mixed up in murder David Kerman, Yaphet Kotto, Gilbert Mack 64 Oct 29, 1964 "Nightmare" Rosemary Rice, Suppose you can't wake up from a George Baxter, nightmare because you happen to Peter Fernandez, be awake Stan Watt, Lorraine McMartin, George Petrie 65 Oct 30, 1964 "Second Chance" George Petrie, Hounded husband finds magic and Evelyn Juster, sorcer's book in the attic Ethel Everett, William Griffis 66 Nov 2, 1964 "June 17th, Where Are You?" Lesley Woods, Woman travler wants the day back Robert Dryden, that she lost when crossing the James Monks international dateline 67 Nov 3, 1964 "Why Can't Life Be More Like the Movies" Jack Grimes, Using their experience in the Arlene Walker, movies, three extras decide to Staats Cotsworth, go into kidnapping Ralph Bell, Marie Masters 68 Nov 4, 1964 "Body Without the Crime" Frank Thomas, The confession of a murderer Lanca Peterson, Ralph Camargo, Luis Van Rooten, Robert Dryden 69 Nov 5, 1964 "20 Minutes in the Life of Melinda Madison"Ian Martin, Donald Buka, Mix two parts sex appeal, one part Mary Jane Higby sleeping pills and two jiggers of John Gibson, bonded whiskey, add a dash of night- Guy Sorel, mare extract Vicki Vola 70 Nov 6, 1964 "Living Credit" Court Benson, One can get along with credit but no Cliff Owen, one can get along without records Evelyn Juster Mary Kay Wells, Vicki Vola, Robert Dryden 71 Nov 9, 1964 "Nameless Day" George Petrie, House was something out of a night- Ivor Francis mare; the girl was something out of Guy Sorel a dream Connie Lemke 72 Nov 10, 1964 "World Enough and Time" Donald Buka, What if you discovered that the George Baxter, years in your life were being taken Frank Thomas, away from you George Petrie, Jackie Grimes 73 Nov 11, 1964 "Gift" Ralph Camargo, What work of art is worth more than Evelyn Juster, house that a man has built with his Norman Rose, own hands George Petrie, Luis Van Rooten, Frank Thomas 74 Nov 12, 1964 "Brand New Life" George Petrie, Successful businessman with a nice Joan Shea, wife and family decides to forsake Court Benson, this, for a new life Ruth York, Ben Jaffe 75 Nov 13, 1964 "Deedle Deedle Dumpling, My Son X-1" Bryna Raeburn, Ant-like creatures take over a William Mason, child's body William Griffis, Peter Fernandez 76 Nov 16, 1964 "City Manager" Leon Janney, Councilman decides to run against Charles Randall, against the present City Manager Owen Jordan, Jack Hurdle 77 Nov 17, 1964 "Contract Maker" Jackie Grimes, There are people alive who are June Graham, totally unconscious of pending doom Martin Wolfson, Martin Rudy 78 Nov 18, 1964 "Little Piece of Candle" Peter Fernandez, A bit of candle saves men trapped Dave Kerman, in a mine cave-in Robert Dryden, William Bassett 79 Nov 19, 1964 "To Be or Not to Be - Maybe" Stan Watt, Woman bungles suicide attempt June Graham, Arlene Walker, Jack Hurdle 80 Nov 20, 1964 "Nothin' Place" Frank Thomas, Story about a man whose gimmick Donald Buka, leads to a nothing place Arlene Walker 81 Nov 23, 1964 "Dark Appointment" Evelyn Juster, Man seeks revenge for the person Stan Watt, who left him for dead Nat Polen, Owen Jordan, Robert Dryden 82 Nov 24, 1964 "Talkers" Donald Buka, Human speech is the music of Robert Dryden civilized man and it is the senti- mental memory of men who were once civilized 83 Nov 25, 1964 "Little Knowledge" Toni Darnay, Unidentified dead body turns out to Ethel Everett, be a very dangerous man Vicki Vola, Paul McGrath 84 Nov 26, 1964 "Neighbor" Bryna Raeburn, Woman complains to her husband her Ralph Camargo, husband that the new neighbor has Lon Clark, no face Luis Van Rooten 85 Nov 27, 1964 "Lesson" Grace Matthews, Woman wakes up in a hotel being Court Benson, called by a strange name George Petrie, Peter Fernandez, Bill Griffis 86 Nov 30, 1964 "To Helen With Love" Lesley Woods, Two women travel to France Robert Dryden Ethel Owen, George Petrie Abby Lewis 87 Dec 1, 1964 "Finders Can Be Losers" Jack Grimes, Young girl looks for an finds her Jimsey Somers, father - but does she? Harry Bellaver, Gar Wood 88 Dec 2, 1964 "Found Money" Cliff Carpenter, Why not invest in a Burmese gold Ian Martin, mine? Evelyn Juster, Stan Watt, James Monks 89 Dec 3, 1964 "Fog" Vicki Vola, Troubled alcoholic mother and her Evelyn Juster, sick daughter Mary Michael, Stan Watt 90 Dec 4, 1964 "Sound Track of a Happy Family" Augusta Dabney, A tragic end to a happy family Peter Fernandez, Bill Griffis George Petrie, Rosemary Rice 91 Dec 7, 1964 "Bug Off" Bernard Grant, Party line and an emergency phone Evelyn Juster, call attempt Jimsey Somers, Rosemary Rice, Donald Buka, Cecil Roy 92 Dec 8, 1964 "Congratulations Mr. Mayor" Ian Martin, Being mayor can be deadly Nat Polen, Mary Jane Higby, Joyce Gordon, Danny Ocho, Jackson Beck 93 Dec 9, 1964 "Weapons at Hand" Wayne Tippett, It's Viet Nam and a combat Fran Spanier, photographer is wounded and helped Jack Manning by a local girl 94 Dec 10, 1964 "I Love You" Mildred Dunnock, A woman teacher and a problem child Rosemary Rice, Paul McGrath, Evelyn Juster 95 Dec 11, 1964 "Bang, Bang, You're Dead" Bill Cappola, Man fixing a flat tire is confronted Bryna Raeburn, by three small kids Ruth York, Evelyn Juster, Cecil Roy 96 Dec 14, 1964 "Now Listen to the Tiger" Ralph Bell, The land belongs to the tiger James Monks, Peter Ferandez, Bryna Raeburn, George Petrie 97 Dec 15, 1964 "Victim" Elliott Reid, Woman meets a man at the scene of Gilbert Mack a mugging Vivian Smolen, Jay Barney 98 Dec 16, 1964 "Average American Murder" George Petrie, There are 8500 murders in the USA Robert Dryden, a week, most frequent day is pay day Arlene Walker, Humphrey Davis 99 Dec 17, 1964 "Just Call Me Lucky" Wayne Tippet, A card shark in Alaska Ben Jaffe, Dave Kerman, Sam Loudell, Stan Watt 100 Dec 18, 1964 "Nuptial Flight" Honeymooning couple are terrorized by people in another car 101 Dec 21, 1964 "Six Foot Flower Box" Augusta Dabney, Is there or isn't there a dead Alan Hewitt, husband in the flower box? Connie Lemke, Mary Jane Higby Robert Dryden 102 Dec 22, 1964 "Finders Keepers" A strange briefcase 103 Dec 23, 1964 "Flea Circus" Jack Grimes, Love triangle at the circus brings Cliff Carpenter, death George Petrie, Rosemary Rice, Guy Sorel 104 Dec 24, 1964 "Wish Fulfillment Machine" Ivor Francis, Who would ever dream that a woman Bryna Raeburn, wants to grow older Jeff Davis, George Petrie, Bill Mason 105 Dec 25, 1964 "Look at My Record" Jackie Grimes, After 187 fights a boxer wants to Jackson Beck, hang up his gloves Ralph Bell, Natalie Priest, Al Oppenheimer 106 Dec 28, 1964 "Five Strangers" Augusta Dabney, Passengers for a flight are wait- Evie Juster, ing out the bad weather. Plane Court Benson, finally takes off and it crashes Robert Dryden, William Redfield 107 Dec 29, 1964 "Charlie, the Beautiful Machine" John Gibson, A meek office clerk is replced by Jack Grimes, a machine Arlene Walker, Arthur Anderson 108 Dec 30, 1964 "Blue-Eyed People" Francis Spanier, Senator's 10 month old baby is Stan Watt, kidnapped Mark O'Daniel, June Graham, Owen Jordan 109 Dec 31, 1964 "Presence of Mind" Bryna Raeburn, Mexican don sells his house to an Grace Matthews, American couple but his housekeeper Court Benson, objects Guy Sorel 110 Jan 1, 1965 "Discotheque" George Petrie, Man looking for his wife ends up Larry Haines, in a discotheque club Ethel Rainey, Evelyn Juster, Constance Parker, Jeff Davis 111 Jan 4, 1965 "Blank Check" Ralph Bell, Dress manufacturer's business is Pert Kelton, failing, his former partner wants Elliott Reid, to help Danny Ocho, Bryna Raeburn 112 Jan 5, 1965 "Devil Dust" George Petrie, What would an old Indian want with Abby Lewis, with a fancy car - one that he Humphrey Davis, didn't drive? Peter Fernandez, John D. Seymour 113 Jan 6, 1965 "Corporation" John McGovern, Woman emplyee gets a note - resign Guy Sorel, or die! Mary Jane Higby, James Monks 114 Jan 7, 1965 "Don't Call Me, I'll Call You" George Petrie, All-American boy is a Russian spy Bryna Raeburn, William Redfield, Bernie Grant 115 Jan 8, 1965 "Delinquents" Vicki Vola, An old couple face a juvenile Abby Lewis, court - the tables are turned George Petrie, Peter Fernandez 116 Jan 11, 1965 "Button Stealers" Ralph Camargo, Three buttons contain valuable George Petrie, sensitive information David Kerman, Danny Ocho 117 Jan 12, 1965 "Bravo! Bravo!" Mildred Dunnock, 73 year old dancer lives in the past Jeff Davis, Betty Garde, Bill Griffis, Elliott Reid 118 Jan 13, 1965 "Man on the Canyon Wall" Jackson Beck, Man takes off with the mob's $80,000 George Petrie, Evelyn Juster, Jack Grimes 119 Jan 14, 1965 "Wandering Spaceman" Donald Buka, Futuristic legend Francis Spanier, Jeff Davis, David Kerman 120 Jan 15, 1965 "Trophy" Evelyn Juster, Is the man in the morgue really dead? George Petrie, Ethel Everett, Bill Griffis, Jeff Davis 121 Jan 18, 1965 "Wheel" Ian Martin Grief-stricken mother can't get over her son's death 122 Jan 19, 1965 "Across the River from Grandma's House" Ralph Bell, Young girl helps an escaped Ethel Rainey, prisoner Norman Rose, Evie Juster 123 Jan 20, 1965 "Dream of a Scheme" Elliott Reid, Man murders his wife and leaves Ralph Bell, false clues Arlene Walker, John McGovern, Jack Hurdle 124 Jan 21, 1965 "Imposters" Arnold Moss, Woman accepts job as a housekeeper Claudia Morgan, for a recluse couple Lesley Woods, Jeff Davis, Ian Martin 125 Jan 22, 1965 "First Weekend" John Gibson, Caring for a daughter who has just Arlene Walker, been released from a youth house Jack Grimes, Evie Juster 126 Jan 25, 1965 "Where Art Thou Romeo?" James Monks, Man facing a jail term is helped Ivor Francis, by his valet to fake his death Robert Dryden, Gilbert Mack 127 Jan 26, 1965 "Mr. Horn's Holiday" David Burns, Satan pays a visit June Graham, George Petrie 128 Jan 27, 1965 "Tomorrow 6-1212" Rosemary Rice, Woman picks up her phone and is George Petrie, speaking to someone 60 years from Marjorie Masters, now Donald Buka, Arlene Walker 129 Jan 28, 1965 "Hostage" Jack Grimes, Deli owners are held hostage by a Ethel Everett, kid on the run from the cops Jackson Beck, Lon Clark 130 Jan 29, 1965 "I've Got Your Number" Donald Buka, Threatening phone calls Rosemary Rice, Nat Polen, Lesley Woods, Guy Sorel 131 Feb 1, 1965 "Boy" Joyce Gordon, How a New England seaman met his Connie Lemke, future wife William Redfield Robert Dryden, Luis Van Rooten 132 Feb 2, 1965 "Time, the Place, the Death" Paul McGrath, Man is told by fortune teller that Bryna Raeburn, he is to die in the near future Ian Martin, Elliott Reid 133 Feb 3, 1965 "Hunters" George Petrie, Boy and his father go hunting for Peter Fernandez, mountain lions Fran Carlon, Jack Hurdle, Mark O'Daniel 134 Feb 4, 1965 "Greater Love Hath No Man" Robert Dryden, Who should get the kidney June Graham, replacement - a doctor's mentor Stan Watt, or a young girl patient? Evelyn Juster, Arlene Walker 135 Feb 5, 1965 "Underdeveloped Nation" Ralph Camargo, Auntie Em stuff Cliff Carpenter, Anne Seymour, John McGovern, William Griffis, Robert Dryden 136 Feb 8, 1965 "Cold Storage" George Petrie, Group of people think they are to be Jack Grimes, transported ahead in time but in Arlene Walker, reality they are to be for the Evelyn Juster, future Donald Buka, Cecil Roy 137 Feb 9, 1965 "Eye of the Storm" Court Benson, Hurricane approaching and a group Alice Yourman, of people seek safety on higher Cecil Roy, ground Staats Cottsworth, Audrey Marsh, Ben Jaffe 138 Feb 10, 1965 "Lovely Boy" David Burns, Couple's daughter has a new beau Joan Lorring, who seems to be just perfect Betty Garde, Ed Zimmerman, Jimsey Somers 139 Feb 11, 1965 "Sybil of Sycamore Lane" Fran Carlon, Woman tells of the future Stan Watt, Evelyn Juster, Casey Allen 140 Feb 12, 1965 "Chain" Robert Dryden, Nuclear disarmament George Petrie, Gil Mack, Natalie Priest, Stan Watt 141 Feb 15, 1965 "Forgotten" Jean Gillespie, A man has learned much when he has Felice Camargo, learned how and when to die William Griffis, Abby Lewis, Larry Robinson 142 Feb 16, 1965 "Little Game on Saturday Morning" Court Benson, Kids play war games David Kerman, Peter Fernandez 143 Feb 17, 1965 "Post Time" Jack Griggs, Racing sportscaster calls a phantom Jane Graham, race Robert Dryden, Ian Martin 144 Feb 18, 1965 "It's a Work of Art" Paul McGrath, Four men are asked to assemble a Bill Mason, machine that they have no idea what George Petrie, what it's supposed to do Hal Studer, Donald Buka 145 Feb 19, 1965 "Listen Mother" Barbara Baxley, Nagging mother interteres in her Connie Brigham, son's life Ann Houston, Arthur Anderson, Ed Zimmerman 146 Feb 22, 1965 "Tale for the Nursery" Fran Allison, Woman has nursery in home that the John Griggs, bank wants. She gets children to Elliott Reid, picket George Petrie 147 Feb 23, 1965 "Elevator" Lesley Woods, Murder plans begin in an elevator George Petrie, Corrine Orr, James Monks, Jim Campbell, Dirk Fredericks 148 Feb 24, 1965 "Man Who Heard Everything" Norman Rose, Man can suddenly hear the thoughts Ralph Bell, of others Mary Jane Higby, Evelyn Juster, John Gibson 149 Feb 25, 1965 "Toby's Wonderful Egg" John McGovern, Old Toby thinks he has seen a sea Robert Dryden, serpent Betty Garde, John Gibson, Arthur Anderson 150 Feb 26, 1965 "Little Girl, Little Girl" Shopkeeper is terorrized by a little girl 151 Mar 1, 1965 "You Bet Your Life" Jack Grimes, Betting on horses may eventually Arlene Walker, lead to betting on your life Robert Dryden 152 Mar 2, 1965 "French Quarter" Claudia Morgan, Man visits his cousin, needing Clifford Carpenter, money badly to settle a debt David Kerman, Larry Haines, Guy Sorel 153 Mar 3, 1965 "Annie is Watching" Bryna Raeburn, Cleaning woman discovers some June Graham, terrible things will happen Arlene Walker, Kenneth Harvey, Arthur Cole 154 Mar 4, 1965 "Land of Milk and Honey" Greta Tyson, If you live a good life you'll Danny Ocho, end up in the land of honey Ivor Francis, George Lloyd 155 Mar 5, 1965 "April Snowfall" Elliott Reid, Fortune teller predicts that Ruth Gillette, a woman will die a violent death Cecil Roy, Augusta Dabney, Bryna Raeburn, Philip Houston 156 Mar 8, 1965 "Last Ride on the Merry-go-round" Gertrude Warner, Welfare worker wants to find out George Petrie, if a mother and her children Kenneth Harvey, need help Maurice Tarplin, John Seymour 157 Mar 9, 1965 "Just for Kicks" Peter Fernandez, Bored teenagers commit a carjacking Ron Liss, Larry Robinson, Elliot Reid, John Grimes 158 Mar 10, 1965 "Broken Image" Santos Ortega, Doctor's son who ran away 10 years Bernard Grant ago is found and he wants to come Ethel Everett home and return to college 159 Mar 11, 1965 "Publish or Perish" George Petrie, College professor will lose his job John Seymour, if he doesn't publish an original Fran Carlon, piece of research Ralph Bell 160 Mar 12, 1965 "Janitor" Frederick O'Neill, Grammar school janitor is falsely Court Benson, accused of child molesting Grace Matthews, Susan Melvin, Joseph Bell 161 Mar 15, 1965 "Divorce, American Style" George Petrie, An acimonious divorce Evelyn Juster, Vicki Vola, Alan Openheimer 162 Mar 16, 1965 "Any Port in the Storm" Betsy von Furtsenberg, Shipwrecked honeymooners wash up on George Petrie, an island where hydrogen bombs were Ethel Rainey, tested John Griggs 163 Mar 17, 1965 "Across the River to Grandfather's House" Alan Bunce, For 5 years 3 cousins have been James Monks, having daily meetings to learn Alice Ghostley, who killed their grandfather Court Benson 164 Mar 18, 1965 "If the Spirit Moves You" Court Benson, Ghost of man's former boss comes Jim Ducas, calling in the middle of the night Grace Matthews, Robert Dryden 165 Mar 19, 1965 "They Call Me Howie" Elliott Reid, Howie is 8 & he suddenly talks of Evelyn Juster, being from another time Stan Watt, S. S. Melvin 166 Mar 22, 1965 "Bad News for Mrs. Bristol" Ann Houston, Bride of three month is told her Jackson Beck, husband is an escapee from a hospital Ed Zimmerman, for the criminally insane Sam Raskin 167 Mar 23, 1965 "Hazelton Story" Ethel Rainey, Woman calls board meeting of her Maurice Tarplin, company to find out who is under- Jim Campbell, mining the firm's integrity Rosemary Rice, Dave Kerman 168 Mar 24, 1965 "Point of Impact" Joan Lovejoy, A foreign country's rocket is coming Ralph Camargo, this way Robert Dryden, Stan Watt, Larry Robinson 169 Mar 25, 1965 "There's One Born Every Minute" Bernard Grant, Story of an everyday conman Abby Lewis, Arthur Cole, Gilbert Mack, Ralph Bell John McGovern 170 Mar 26, 1965 "Widow" Helen Carew, Woma and her daughter hire a boy George Petrie, to destroy their sick dog Larry Robinson, Corrine Orr 171 Mar 29, 1965 "Avenger" Paul McGrath, Man who claims to talk to the dead Peter Fernandez, confronts a man who killed a woman Bryna Raeburn, in a car accident Gil Mack, David Kerman 172 Mar 30, 1965 "Bright House, New House" Joan Loring, New house, bright house - everything Terry O'Sullivan a blushing bride could hope for, but... 173 Mar 31, 1965 "Eye of Kali" Donald Buka, Two men plan to steal this valuable Peter Gerald, jewel from the museum Marty Myers, Wayne Tippett 174 Apr 1, 1965 "Three on a Death" Joan Lovejoy, Three men plan the murder of a man Larry Haines, who has stolen one man's wife, Elliott Reid, ruined another's business and runs William Griffis, around with the other's daughter Arnold Moss 175 Apr 2, 1965 "Get Away with Murder" Hal Studer, Boy who has been expelled from Ian Martin, college, has allowance cut off, Cliff Carpenter, steals his own car and sets off on Mary Jane Higby, wild joyride Arthur Anderson 176 Apr 5, 1965 "Welcome Lady" Ruth York, Welcome lady turns out to be former Larry Robinson, owner of a demolised haunted house Connie Brigham located in a new housing tract 177 Apr 6, 1965 "Til Death Do Us" Elspeth Eric, Golf pro and his married girl friend Bill Mason, arrange a suicide pact Hal Burdick 178 Apr 7, 1965 "Mirror, Mirror on the Wall" Martha Scott, On her 39th birthday woman looks into Joan Loring, mirror and hears a voice tell her that Court Benson, from now on every year she will be Paul McGrath, be given a physical change Peter Fernandez 179 Apr 8, 1965 "Million Miles to Nowhere" William Griffis, Bank vice president loots a half Vicki Vola, million dollars using carefully Jack Grimes, laid plans John Gibson, Ann Houston, Ed Zimmerman 180 Apr 9, 1965 "It's My Funeral" Abby Lewis, Widow on public assistance refuses Stan Watt, to sign a waiver that will allow Bryna Raeburn surgeons to save her life George Petrie 181 Apr 12, 1965 "Matter of Pride" Arlene Walker, Woman and her husband who has been Jack Grimes, blinded on his construction job, are Jim Ducas, victimized by a killer Ruth York, Alan Bergman 182 Apr 13, 1965 "Lion Who Wasn't There" Joan Lovejoy, Woman plots her husband's death Peter Gerald, with the help of her lover Ralph Camargo, Guy Sorel, Scott Cunningham 183 Apr 14, 1965 "Come Home Daughter, All is Forbidden" Bethel Leslie, Senator's daughter is having an Elliott Reid, affair in Rome with a well-known Gilbert Mack, criminal Bernard Grant, Jack Grimes 184 Apr 15, 1965 "Panic" Augusta Dabney, Fiance of girl who has just Nat Polen, inherited $100,000 plots to get her Jim Ducas, declared incompetent so he can get Owen Jordan her money 185 Apr 16, 1965 "He Was a Good Boy" Alice Yourman, Woman can't believe that her Natalie Priest, grandson died of a drug overdose Larry Robinson, George Petrie, Hal Studer, Ronald Liss 186 Apr 19, 1965 "Incident in Ceylon" Mary Kay Wells, American wife of an English tea Guy Sorel, plantation owner feels she is under Ed Zimmerman, some sort of curse Ian Martin 187 Apr 20, 1965 "You've Gotta Cry Sometime" Maggie McNamara, Tomboy meets a promoter who develops David Kerman, her skills into Olympic ones Ed Zimmerman 188 Apr 21, 1965 "Wonderful Stamps from El Dorado" Court Benson, Math teacher tells the story of a Stan Watt, friend who came to visit him and Guy Sorel, visit him and simply disappeared Robert Dryden, Jim Campbell 189 Apr 22, 1965 "Said the Spider" Vicki Vola, Three women driving to Oregon hear Joyce Gordon, hear that a man is killing women Ralph Camargo, women whose cars break down Susan Melvin, Ivor Francis 190 Apr 23, 1965 "Poor Little Greek Girl" Bernard Grant, Trying to get evidence that a man Wayne Tippett, has killed his Greek girl friend George Petrie, Jackson Beck, Evelyn Juster, Ira Lewis 191 Apr 26, 1965 "Greener Pastures" Mary Jane Higby, Man married for 20 years is really Bryna Raeburn, lonely; meets another lonely person, George Petrie, a woman, in the park Jim Stevens 192 Apr 27, 1965 "Lorna is a Strange Child" Rosemary Rice, Lorna shows up in high school class Abby Lewis, and refuses to say who she is or Stan Watt, where she came from Maurice Tarplin, John Seymour 193 Apr 28, 1965 "Beneficiary" Paul McGrath, Man inherits millions and the only George Petrie, condition is that he must spend it Vera Ellen, on himself and not give it away Ann Hilton, Abby Lewis 194 Apr 29, 1965 "Junior" Eleanor Phelps, Protective mother defends her son Joan Loring, because she thinks he has killed Court Benson, his girlfriend Cliff Carpenter 195 Apr 30, 1965 "Make My Name Clean" Santos Ortega, Press agent is hired to to PR work James McCallion, for a dying crime lord Joan Loring 196 May 3, 1965 "Driver's Seat" Haila Stoddard, Stockbroker will do anything to keep David Kerman, his rich client but does not like Martha Cole, the attention his wife is giving him Ed Zimmerman, Alan Howard, Guy Repp 197 May 4, 1965 "Incident on U.S. 1" James Earl Jones, Owner of diner thwarts black holdup James McCallion, man and ends up offering him money Robert Dryden money to further his career as a race car driver 198 May 5, 1965 "Name Game" Jim McCallion, Cab driver assumes the identity of a Jack Grimes, passenger after he finds his wallet William Griffis, Guy Sorel, Robert Dryden 199 May 6, 1965 "Reunion" Augusta Dabney, Man returns to his hometown to marry Lon Clark, the girl he left behind, but now she Evelyn Juster, is married Donald Buka 200 May 7, 1965 "Ten Year Old Car" Laura Stewart, Man is killed and his car leads to Ed Zimmerman, to the apprehension of the murderer Diane Russo, Owen Jordan 201 May 10, 1965 "Lift to Beyond" Edgar Stehli, Elevator operator and the elevator Ian Martin, are to be retired after forty years Betty Garde, James McCallion 202 May 11, 1965 "Nightmare at 26,000 Feet" Mary Kay Wells, Deranged airlines exec kills pilot John Griggs, of passenger plane after he has Corrine Orr, been fired by the company Ethel Rainey 203 May 12, 1965 "Around the Corner from Nowhere" June Graham, Reporter calls morgue for a murder Jim Stevens, report and a strange girl answers Jim Ducas, Arlene Walker 204 May 13, 1965 "Wrong Turning" Jim McCallion, Man and woman cheating on their William Griffis, mates hit a boy on a bike who turns Jimmy Blaine out to be the woman's son Rosemary Rice, Bryna Raeburn 205 May 14, 1965 "Birthday Present" George Petrie, Man asks his brother to take in his Ann Hilton, girl since he has to go away for Cliff Carpenter, awhile Alan Howard, Robert Drden 206 May 17, 1965 "Gandy Walker" Bernard Grant, Woman thinks her husband is going Teri Keane, to have a nervous breakdown Guy Sorel, Ed Zimmerman, Mary Jane Higby, Peter Fernandez, Carl Caruso 207 May 18, 1965 "Will Integrity Ruin Clint Marble" Show not in circulation 208 May 19, 1965 "Blind Man's Bluff" Stotts Cotsworth, Blind newstand operator is falsely George Petrie, accused of fingering a criminal Maurice Tarplin, Robert Dryden, Ronald Liss, Ruth York, Carl Caruso 209 May 20, 1965 "Death of an Old Flame" Sammy Davis Jr., Piano player gets drawn into the Bernard Grant, troubles of an old girlfriend Joan Lovejoy, Ralph Bell, Evelyn Juster 210 May 21, 1965 "Two Birds, One Stone" William Griffis, Man retuns to his old employer after Ralph Camargo, spending 15 years in jail for Vicki Vola embezzling $25,000 211 May 24, 1965 "Rocky Loves Julie" Donald Buka, Rocky is obscene phone caller; Joan Lorring, Julie is the one he calls Corrine Orr 212 May 25, 1965 "Dance Hall" Frankie Thomas Jr., Man is convicted of killing and his George Petrie, attorney tries to get him off since Eric Rhodes, it was a case of circumstantial Toots Thielman, evidence Arthur Cole 213 May 26, 1965 "Incident at Phong Trang" Robert Dryden, Army soldier captured in Vietnam Gilbert Mack, is questioned about a new electronic Larry Robinson, device, a scanner James Monks 214 May 27, 1965 "Barefoot in Athens" Cliff Carpenter, Ferry boat operator falls for a John Gibson, rich girl; her mother objects Abby Lewis, John McGovern, Elspeth Eric, Elliott Reid, Holly McIntire 215 May 28, 1965 "Protective Circle" Joan Lovejoy, Woman keeps getting crank calls and Toni Darnay, her maid decides to create a James McCallion, protective circle around her Georgia Burke, Jerry Hausner 216 May 31, 1965 "Lake Toplitz" Lydia Parchiczak, Girl witnesses Nazis putting trunk Theo Getz in a lake; convinces others that there is gold inside it 217 Jun 1, 1965 "Mama's Girl" Elaine May, Married woman returns home after William Griffis, spending time with her sick mother Claudia Morgan to find things have changed 218 Jun 2, 1965 "Noose of Pearls" Margaret Hamilton, After 14 years, girl's boyfriend Ralph Camargo, returns Joan Loring, George Petrie, Luis Van Rooten 219 Jun 3, 1965 "And Dream No More" Show not in circulation 220 Jun 4, 1965 "Untrue Confession" Ivor Francis, Hit and run accident; was it the Fran Carlon, father or the son? Peter Fernandez, Robert Dryden, David Kerman 221 Jun 7, 1965 "Two Came Back" Ian Martin, Two men, a flirtatious wife and George Petrie, treasure hunters in New Guinea Ed Zimmerman, Greta Tyson 222 Jun 8, 1965 "Skeletons" Bernard Grant, Man's past comes back to haunt him Stan Watt, Arthur Cole 223 Jun 9, 1965 "Big Lonely" Show not in circulation 224 Jun 10, 1965 "Wishing Stone" Alan Howard, Boy and his sister find a wishing Mary Jane Higby, stone; rubbing it makes their Susan Melvin, dreams come true Leon Janney, George Petrie 225 Jun 11, 1965 "Bottom of the Bottle" Show not in circulation 226 Jun 14, 1965 "Manor House" Barbara Britton, Bootlegger's son wants to buy a George Petrie house from a former wealthy woman now down on her luck 227 Jun 15, 1965 "Bad Day's Work" Alan Alda, Rookie patrolman on Harlem assign- Natalie Priest, ment shoots a thief on his first Frederick O'Neil, day and feels remorse Robert Hastings 228 Jun 16, 1965 "Incident at Simbarunde" Ed Zimmerman, Reporter wants to interview the Wayne Tippett, general of a small African country Ian Martin, that is under rebellion Ralph Camargo 229 Jun 17, 1965 "Country Boy" Joan Lorring, College girl returning to school Bob Hastings finds herself stranded; country boy offers help 230 Jun 18, 1965 "Banana Ball" Mel Allen, Golf pro with a banana ball vows Lesley Woods, he'll quit if he doesn't win the Whitfield Connor, tournament he's playing in Court Benson 231 Jun 21, 1965 "Roper" Stan Watt, Treasurer of small city dies; audit William Griffis, of his books shows a $30,000 shortage Mary Kay Wells, Ivor Francis, Dwight Wiest 232 Jun 22, 1965 "Pigeon" Ed Begley, Man who is retiring is eager to please George Petrie, and takes on all dull routine work Robert Dryden, Jack Grimes, Carol Martin 233 Jun 23, 1965 "Goodbye Matt" Ed Zimmerman, Married man is having an affair and Guy Sorel, needs woman's $5000 to get out Margaret Hamilton, of debt Evelyn Juster, Joan Lovejoy 234 Jun 24, 1965 "Cup of Snow for Lt. Vogel" Show not in circulation 235 Jun 25, 1965 "Ride with Death" Elliott Reid, Man has been in a hospital for Alan Hewitt, three days, has amnesia Elizabeth Morgan, Teri Keane 236 Jun 28, 1965 "Custody of a Mother" Court Benson, Daughter seeks out her father who Larry Robinson, she hasn't seen in 17 years Rosemary Rice, Grace Matthews 237 Jun 29, 1965 "You Can't Fight City Hall" Ethel Everett, Man fights a condemnation order Joseph Buloff, that will destroy his building Elliott Reid, Robert Hastings 238 Jun 30, 1965 "Method in the Madness" Leon Janney, Plot to assassinate the president Roger DeKoven, Kathleen Cordell, George Petrie 239 Jul 1, 1965 "Teacher, Teacher" Bryna Raeburn, Substitute teacher faces an Evelyn Juster, unruly class Ralph Camargo, William Griffis 240 Jul 2, 1965 "Children of Death" Wendy Barrier, Perfect killers - fish who fight David Kerman, are called children of death George Petrie, Paul McGrath, Jack Manning 241 Jul 5, 1965 "Devotion" Ralph Bell, A man is saved from hanging, in Harry Bellaver, the Old West Robert Dryden, Dean Carlton, Jack Grimes 242 Jul 6, 1965 "Jail Break" Jackson Beck, Sheriff who is also executioner Bob Readick, helps a condemned man escape Margaret Hamilton, because he hates to hang people Jack Grimes, Roger De Koven 243 Jul 7, 1965 "Don't Hestitate to Call" Ed Zimmerman, Creative TV man is in charge of George Petrie, super production of a famous Vicki Vola, Broadway star Duane Morris 244 Jul 8, 1965 "Matter of Appearance" Rosemary Rice, Cheating husband gets caught Jim Stevens, Stan Watt, Gilbert Mack 245 Jul 9, 1965 "Ed's War" Paul McGrath, A war between the old people and Evelyn Juster, the young people Ruth York, Cliff Carpenter, Alan Manson 246 Jul 12, 1965 "Casualty of a Small War" William Griffis, Couple kidnap a senator Elizabeth Morgan, Walter Grezay 247 Jul 13, 1965 "Marked Man" Ralph Bell, Football player is seriously injured Ronald List, in a game and wants to call it quits Donald Bucha, Corrine Orr 248 Jul 14, 1965 "Walls of Poison Ivy" Elliott Reid, It's a 25th college reunion and Guy Sorel, an alumni is afraid he's going to George Petrie, commit a murder Helen Choate 249 Jul 15, 1965 "Big Waves" Natalie Priest, ESP is used and mis-used in crime John Gibson, detection George Petrie, Mark O'Daniels 250 Jul 16, 1965 "Flies with Honey" Joan Lovejoy, Insurance agent tries to settle a Melvin Ruark, death claim Larry Haines, Lesley Woods, John Griggs 251 Jul 19, 1965 "Summer's End" Hildy Parks, Teacher finds love on the beach Jack Grimes, during her summer vacation Ed Zimmerman, Evelyn Juster 252 Jul 20, 1965 "Flights of Angels" Arlene Francis, Famous actor is now a down and Ralph Bell, out drunk Martin Gabel Ruth York, Arthur Cole 253 Jul 21, 1965 "In Time of Trouble" Eileen Heckart, Screams in the night; couple are Ian Martin, awakened by a man struggling with Jack Grimes, a woman Bernard Grant, Robert Dryden, Ethel Rainey 254 Jul 22, 1965 "Jazz Festival" Ed Zimmerman, A girl, a guy and a jealous boyfriend Evelyn Juster, come together at a jazz festival Teri Keane, Peter Fernandez, Jack Grimes 255 Jul 23, 1965 "Whatever Happened to the 5:25?" Stan Watt, Consequences that face a man after Jerry Hausner, the outbound 5.25 train is dropped Gilbert Mack, Carol Ann Daniels 256 Jul 26, 1965 "In Absence of All Intelligent Life" William Redfield, Story of the first man to step on Cliff Carpenter, an inhabitable planet Guy Sorel 257 Jul 27, 1965 "I Spy Sister Sarie" Walter Abel, Convicted murderess and her lawyer Vicki Vola, try to prove her innocence Joan Loring, Jerry Hausner 258 Jul 28, 1965 "Death Watch" George Petrie, Boy seeks a doctor for his sick Evelyn Juster, mother Don Scardino, Ronald Liss 259 Jul 29, 1965 "Big Deal on Sutton Street" Elliott Reid, Mature man is kidnapped; captors Ralph Bell, think he is still a child since all Ethel Owen, they have is an old photograph of him Jack Grimes 260 Jul 30, 1965 "Joey" (last show) Peter Donald, Couple face losing their 10 month Cecil Roy, old foster child Natalie Priest, Nat Polen ******************************************************************************* Below, of course, is an alphabetical listing of the series... (Those with "*" are not in circulation) DATE TITLE -------------- --------------------------------------------- Aug 7, 1964 $245,000 Smile, #5 Nov 5, 1964 20 Minutes in the Life of Melinda Madison, #69 Jan 19, 1965 Across the River from Grandma's House, #122 Mar 17, 1965 Across the River to Grandfather's House, #163 Oct 12, 1964 All the Bright Young Ones, #51 Jun 3, 1965 And Dream No More, #219* Mar 3, 1965 Annie is Watching, #153 Mar 16, 1965 Any Port in the Storm, #162 Mar 5, 1965 April Snowfall, #155 Oct 5, 1964 Arithmetic of Honor, #46 May 12, 1965 Around the Corner from Nowhere, #203 Oct 13, 1964 Autocrat, #52 Mar 29, 1965 Avenger, #171 Dec 16, 1964 Average American Murder, #98 Jun 15, 1965 Bad Day's Work, #227 Mar 22, 1965 Bad News for Mrs. Bristol, #166 Jun 18, 1965 Banana Ball, #230 Dec 11, 1964 Bang, Bang, You're Dead, #95 May 27, 1965 Barefoot in Athens, #214 Apr 28, 1965 Beneficiary, #193 Jul 29, 1965 Big Deal on Sutton Street, #259 Aug 11, 1964 Big Dog, #7 Sep 16, 1964 Big Freeze, #33 Jun 9, 1965 Big Lonely, #223* Jul 15, 1965 Big Waves, #249 May 14, 1965 Birthday Present, #205 Jan 4, 1965 Blank Check, #111 May 19, 1965 Blind Man's Bluff, #208 Dec 30, 1964 Blue-Eyed People, #108 Nov 4, 1964 Body Without the Crime, #68 Jun 11, 1965 Bottom of the Bottle, #225* Feb 1, 1965 Boy, #131 Nov 12, 1964 Brand New Life, #74 Jan 12, 1965 Bravo! Bravo! #117 Mar 30, 1965 Bright House, New House, #172 Mar 10, 1965 Broken Image, #158 Dec 7, 1964 Bug Off, #91 Jan 11, 1965 Button Stealers, #116 Aug 24, 1964 Caller at Midnight, #16 Oct 21, 1964 Capt. Gamble's Uniform, #58 Oct 16, 1964 Captive Spirit, #55 Jul 12, 1965 Casualty of a Small War, #246 Feb 12, 1965 Chain, #140 Dec 29, 1964 Charlie, the Beautiful Machine, #107 Jul 2, 1965 Children of Death, #240 Nov 16, 1964 City Manager, #76 Feb 8, 1965 Cold Storage, #136 Apr 14, 1965 Come Home Daughter, All is Forbidden, #183 Dec 8, 1964 Congratulations Mr. Mayor, #92 Nov 17, 1964 Contract Maker, #77 Jan 6, 1965 Corporation, #113 Jun 17, 1965 Country Boy, #229 Sep 4, 1964 Cry in the Night, #25 Jun 24, 1965 Cup of Snow for Mt. Vogel, #234* Jun 28, 1965 Custody of a Mother, #236 May 25, 1965 Dance Hall, #212 Nov 23, 1964 Dark Appointment, #81 May 20, 1965 Death of an Old Flame, #209 Jul 28, 1965 Death Watch, #258 Sep 9, 1964 Decoration, #28 Nov 13, 1964 Deedle Deedle Dumpling, My Son X-1, #75 Jan 8, 1965 Delinquents, #115 Jan 5, 1965 Devil Dust, #112 Jul 5, 1965 Devotion, #241 Jan 1, 1965 Discotheque, #110 Mar 15, 1965 Divorce, American Style, #161 Oct 14, 1964 Dog Killer, #53 Jan 7, 1965 Don't Call Me, I'll Call You; #114 Jul 7, 1965 Don't Hestitate to Call, #243 Jan 20, 1965 Dream of a Scheme, #123 Aug 25, 1964 Dream of Death, #17 May 3, 1965 Driver's Seat, #196 Oct 7, 1964 Echo of Madness, #48 Jul 9, 1965 Ed's War, #245 Feb 23, 1965 Elevator, #147 Sep 24, 1964 Evil That Men Do, #39 Mar 31, 1965 Eye of Kali, #173 Feb 9, 1965 Eye of the Storm, #137 Dec 1, 1964 Finders Can Be Losers, #87 Dec 22, 1964 Finders Keepers, #102 Sep 10, 1964 First Encounter, #29 Jan 22, 1965 First Weekend, #125 Dec 28, 1964 Five Strangers, #106 Sep 2, 1964 Fix, #23 Dec 23, 1964 Flea Circus, #103 Jul 16, 1965 Flies with Honey, #250 Jul 20, 1965 Flights of Angels, #252 Dec 3, 1964 Fog, #89 Feb 15, 1965 Forgotten, #141 Dec 2, 1964 Found Money, #88 Mar 2, 1965 French Quarter, #152 Aug 17, 1964 Fun Party, #11 May 17, 1965 Gandy Walker, #206 Sep 25, 1964 Genuine Crenotte, #40 Apr 2, 1965 Get Away with Murder, #175 Nov 11, 1964 Gift, #73 Oct 15, 1964 Good Samaritan, #54 Jun 23, 1965 Goodbye Matt, #233 Feb 4, 1965 Greater Love Hath No Man, #134 Apr 26, 1965 Greener Pastures, #191 Sep 18, 1964 Group, #35 Mar 23, 1965 Hazelton Story, #167 Apr 16, 1965 He Was a Good Boy, #185 Aug 3, 1964 Hit and Run, #1 Aug 6, 1964 Homecoming, #4 Oct 19, 1964 Honorable Way to Die, #56 Jan 28, 1965 Hostage, #129 Aug 4, 1964 House of Cards, #2 Feb 3, 1965 Hunters, #133 Dec 10, 1964 I Love You, #94 Jul 27, 1965 I Spy Sister Sarie, #257 Oct 9, 1964 I'm Sorry Mom, #50 Jan 29, 1965 I've Got Your Number, #130 Mar 18, 1965 If the Spirit Moves You, #164 Jan 21, 1965 Imposters, #124 Jul 26, 1965 In Absence of All Intelligent Life, #256 Jul 21, 1965 In Time of Trouble, #253 Aug 28, 1964 Incident at Apogee, #20 May 26, 1965 Incident at Phong Trang, #213 Sep 8, 1964 Incident at Shadow Valley, #27 Jun 16, 1965 Incident at Simbarunde, #228 Apr 19, 1965 Incident in Ceylon, #186 May 4, 1965 Incident on U.S. 1, #197 Oct 22, 1964 Including Murder, #59 Feb 18, 1965 It's a Work of Art, #144 Apr 9, 1965 It's My Funeral, #180 Jul 6, 1965 Jail Break, #242 Mar 12, 1965 Janitor, #160 Jul 22, 1965 Jazz Festival, #254 Jul 30, 1965 Joey, #260 (last show) Oct 1, 1964 John Hansen, Hermit, #44 Aug 12, 1964 Jump! Jump!, #8 Nov 2, 1964 June 17th, Where Are You? #66 Apr 29, 1965 Junior, #194 Dec 17, 1964 Just Call Me Lucky, #99 Mar 9, 1965 Just for Kicks, #157 Oct 8, 1964 Justice is an Uncertain Thing, #49 Sep 21, 1964 Kissoff, #36 May 31, 1965 Lake Toplitz, #216 Mar 4, 1965 Land of Milk and Honey, #154 Oct 6, 1964 Last Land Rush, #47 Mar 8, 1965 Last Ride on the Merry-go-round, #156 Aug 26, 1964 Late Matthew Dillard, #18 Nov 27, 1964 Lesson, #85 May 10, 1965 Lift to Beyond, #201 Apr 13, 1965 Lion Who Wasn't There, #182 Feb 19, 1965 Listen Mother, #145 Feb 16, 1965 Little Game on Saturday Morning, #142 Feb 26, 1965 Little Girl, Little Girl, #150 Nov 25, 1964 Little Knowledge, #83 Nov 18, 1964 Little Piece of Candle, #78 Nov 6, 1964 Living Credit, #70 Dec 25, 1964 Look at My Record, #105 Sep 28, 1964 Look Who's Talking, #41 Apr 27, 1965 Lorna is a Strange Child, #192 Feb 10, 1965 Lovely Boy, #138 Apr 30, 1965 Make My Name Clean, #195 Jun 1, 1965 Mama's Girl, #217 Jan 13, 1965 Man on the Canyon Wall, #118 Feb 24, 1965 Man Who Heard Everything, #148 Oct 20, 1964 Man Who Loved Jelly Rolls, #57 Jun 14, 1965 Manor House, #226 Jul 13, 1965 Marked Man, #247 Jul 8, 1965 Matter of Appearance, #244 Apr 12, 1965 Matter of Pride, #181 Aug 13, 1964 Melodrama, #9 Jun 30, 1965 Method in the Madness, #238 Apr 8, 1965 Million Miles to Nowhere, #179 Apr 7, 1965 Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, #178 Aug 21, 1964 Molecule Masquerade, #15 Jan 26, 1965 Mr. Horn's Holiday, #127 Sep 15, 1964 My Brother's Keeper, #32 Aug 27, 1964 My Other Self, #19 May 5, 1965 Name Game, #198 Nov 9, 1964 Nameless Day, #71 Nov 26, 1964 Neighbor, #84 Aug 18, 1964 New Order, #12 May 11, 1965 Nightmare at 26,000 Feet, #202 Oct 29, 1964 Nightmare, #64 Sep 14, 1964 Noon Star, #31 Jun 2, 1965 Noose of Pearls, #218 Nov 20, 1964 Nothin' Place, #80 Dec 14, 1964 Now Listen to the Tiger, #96 Dec 18, 1964 Nuptial Flight, #100 Oct 28, 1964 Odds on the Tower, #63 Sep 22, 1964 Odyssey of No. 14, #37 Sep 1, 1964 Outside Time, #22 Apr 15, 1965 Panic, #184 Jun 22, 1965 Pigeon, #232 Mar 24, 1965 Point of Impact, #168 Apr 23, 1965 Poor Little Greek Girl, #190 Feb 17, 1965 Post Time, #143 Dec 31, 1964 Presence of Mind, #109 Oct 27, 1964 Prodigal Son, #62 May 28, 1965 Protective Circle, #215 Mar 11, 1965 Publish or Perish, #159 Aug 10, 1964 Rebellion Next Week, #6 May 6, 1965 Reunion, #199 Jun 25, 1965 Ride with Death, #235 Aug 19, 1964 Ring of Evil, #13 May 24, 1965 Rocky Loves Julie, #211 Jun 21, 1965 Roper, #231 Oct 23, 1964 Sacrifice, #60 Apr 22, 1965 Said the Spider, #189 Aug 31, 1964 Scream, #21 Oct 30, 1964 Second Chance, #65 Oct 26, 1964 Sirens in the Night, #61 Dec 21, 1964 Six Foot Flower Box, #101 Jun 8, 1965 Skeletons, #222 Sep 7, 1964 Sorry to Let You Go, #26 Dec 4, 1964 Sound Track of a Happy Family, #90 Aug 14, 1964 Stranger, #10 Oct 2, 1964 Subject Number 428-A, #45 Jul 19, 1965 Summer's End, #251 Feb 11, 1965 Sybil of Sycamore Lane, #139 Feb 22, 1965 Tale for the Nursery, #146 Nov 24, 1964 Talkers, #82 Jul 1, 1965 Teacher, Teacher, #239 May 7, 1965 Ten Year Old Car, #200 Aug 5, 1964 Terror from Beyond, #3 Mar 25, 1965 There's One Born Every Minute, #169 Mar 19, 1965 They Call Me Howie, #165 Apr 1, 1965 Three on a Death, #174 Apr 6, 1965 Til Death Do Us, #177 Feb 2, 1965 Time, the Place, the Death; #132 Nov 19, 1964 To Be or Not to Be - Maybe, #79 Nov 30, 1964 To Helen With Love, #86 Sep 11, 1964 To Whom It May Concern, #30 Feb 25, 1965 Toby's Wonderful Egg, #149 Jan 27, 1965 Tomorrow 6-1212, #128 Jan 15, 1965 Trophy, #120 Sep 3, 1964 Trouble with Alfie, #24 May 21, 1965 Two Birds, One Stone, #210 Jun 7, 1965 Two Came Back, #221 Feb 5, 1965 Underdeveloped Nation, #135 Sep 17, 1964 Understudy, #34 Jun 4, 1965 Untrue Confession, #220 Sep 30, 1964 Very Private Phone Call, #43 Dec 15, 1964 Victim, #97 Jul 14, 1965 Walls of Poison Ivy, #248 Jan 14, 1965 Wandering Spaceman, #119 Sep 23, 1964 We Are All Alone, #38 Dec 9, 1964 Weapons at Hand, #93 Apr 5, 1965 Welcome Lady, #176 Jul 23, 1965 Whatever Happened to the 5:25?, #255 Jan 18, 1965 Wheel, #121 Jan 25, 1965 Where Art Thou Romeo?, #126 Nov 3, 1964 Why Can't Life Be More Like the Movies? #67 Mar 26, 1965 Widow, #170 May 18, 1965 Will Intgrity Ruin Clint Marble, #207* Dec 24, 1964 Wish Fulfillment Machine, #104 Jun 10, 1965 Wishing Stone, #224 Apr 21, 1965 Wonderful Stamps from El Dorado, #188 Nov 10, 1964 World Enough and Time, #72 Sep 29, 1964 Wrong Arm of Justice, #42 May 13, 1965 Wrong Turning, #204 Mar 1, 1965 You Bet Your Life, #151 Jun 29, 1965 You Can't Fight City Hall, #237 Apr 20, 1965 You've Gotta Cry Sometime, #187 Aug 20, 1964 Your Time is Up, #14