Europe�s Soap Shortage 

Eased By Help Of 
Lever Soap, Radio Listeners

"It�s the great C.A.R.E./Swan Soap campaign."
                                                                     --- Hy Averback
"You�ll want to get on this great plan of Swan�s." 
                                                                  --- Bob Hope

Lincoln, Me.  (DG)---

World War II was a time everyone did their part in helping the Allied forces defeat the Axis powers.  When the war ended, Europe was in complete shambles.  There would be a lot of rebuilding of the towns and cities in the European countries--- and the lives of the people who had to regroup after the horrendous destruction. Unfortunately, the rebuilding process took years. 

Swan Soap C.A.R.E. PromotionFour years passed since the end of the war, and there was still a desperate need for help.  Among other necessities of life, there was a soap shortage in Europe.  The health of babies and small children were threatened due to the lack of soap.  With the help of a gracious gesture by Lever Brothers and C.A.R.E., the American people were asked to do their part in eliminating Europe�s soap shortage. 

Listeners who tuned in to NBC�S BOB HOPE SWAN SHOW heard an unusual promotion.  Usually, these radio promotions were either contests or premium offers.  In this case, the only compensation the listeners received was a good feeling. 

Ordinarily on the SWAN SHOW, Bob Hope and announcer Hy Averback used humor for the opening Swan commercials.  With the serious nature of this promotion, both men kept the comedy in check as they informed the radio listeners of the soap shortage in Europe--- and what they could do about it. 

Averback asked the radio listeners to buy as many cakes of Swan Soap as possible and to send in the wrappers to C.A.R.E.  The listeners could keep and use the soap, but for every two Swan Soap wrappers sent to C.A.R.E., Lever Brothers included a regular size cake of Swan in a C.A.R.E. package to be sent to Europe.  Of course, the more wrappers sent in, the more soap to be included in the C.A.R.E. package. As if the listeners needed any assurance, Averback stated that both Lever Brothers and C.A.R.E. guaranteed delivery of the packages. 

This promotion may not give away money and prizes as others did, but it did give the many listeners who participated a good feeling of doing something to help the children of post war Europe.