“Push, Pull, Click, Click!”
Begins New Era In Shaving

“Push, Pull, Click, Click!
Change blades that quick
with a quick, quick, Eversharp Schick.”


Lincoln, Me. (DG)—

Push Pull Click ClickThe creation of the Eversharp Schick Injector Razor gave men who shaved back then a new, easy, and pleasant alternative in getting a closer, cleaner, and comfortable shave. At that time, it was the world’s only razor with automatic blade changer.  All was required was to inject the Eversharp Schick Injector Blade dispenser into the razor (“Push”); pull the handle on the dispenser from one end to the other to insert a new blade into the razor (“Pull”); and take out the dispenser and let the razor set the new blade in place (“Click Click!”).  With a new blade in the razor, it was time to shave.  You might notice there was no handling of the blades; the twisting and turning of the razor; or excess time needed to put in a new blade.  The blade was in, and the razor was ready for shaving. 

In order to point out this new era in shaving, Eversharp Schick took its act to radio.  The product was remembered over the airwaves 2 ways.  First, on every radio program Eversharp Schick sponsored, the program’s theme music was “Buy Eversharp”* in tribute to the product--- and second, since the Eversharp Schick Injector Razor was unique, the commercials focused on inserting a new blade into the razor.  The radio listeners knew this amazing procedure for the sounds it made--- “Push, Pull, Click, Click!” 

For honest, serious advertising, Eversharp Schick was the sponsor of TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT, DUFFY’S TAVERN, MAISIE, LET YOURSELF GO, and other different radio programs. For honest, but humorous advertising, Eversharp Schick also sponsored THE HENRY MORGAN SHOW? on ABC Radio.    

During a typical broadcast of this half hour comedy/variety show, there was a completely different set of Eversharp Schick commercials.  One commercial was a serious message narrated by announcer Charles Irving.  From time to time, in place of Irving’s commercial, there was the Eversharp Schick Shave-A-Thon” with sportscaster Ted Husing.  This was an actual test where 3 men appeared on stage with lather on their faces.  2 men used razors from other brands, and the third man shaved with an Eversharp Schick Injector.  All 3 men had to shave within the commercial time.  Once the bell sounded, all 3 men started to shave.  In the heat of the competition, Husing gave a “blow by blow” account of the shaving.  When the bell sounded ending the Shave-A-Thon, Husing declared the man who used the Eversharp Schick the winner.  The other commercial was presented by Henry Morgan, himself.  If you know his reputation with sponsors, Morgan’s commercials were anything but serious.  With his return to network radio after a stint in the service, Morgan still had the sharp wit that made him a popular figure with the radio listeners during the HERE’S MORGAN years.  He still had the ability to make sponsors cringe--- and to “Old Man Adler’s”** relief, the latest victim who found out about Morgan’s sharp tongue was Eversharp Schick.   

As expected, Morgan took great delight in ribbing the Eversharp Schick Injector Razor, Injector Blades, and especially the “Push, Pull, Click, Click!” phrase.  For example, Morgan presented a commercial concerning an imaginary guy who owned an Eversharp Schick Injector Razor.  Although he was the proud owner of the razor, this poor fellow had tremendous difficulty in being popular--- especially with the ladies.  With his best John J. Anthony imitation, Morgan had the solution.  Forget about dating girls and don’t go out.  Spend a pleasant evening at home playing “Push, Pull, Click, Click” with the Eversharp Schick Injector Razor.  Morgan stated as long as the guy had the razor and a 20 blade Eversharp Schick Injector Blade dispenser, the girls will continue to hate his guts, but the fellow had Morgan as a friend. 

Henry MorganIn the April 14, 1947 issue of Life Magazine, there was an article about Henry Morgan.  Of course, it was good public relations to feature a plug about the Eversharp Schick Injector Razor.  Morgan did just that--- although Eversharp Schick wished he didn’t necessarily bother.  In the article, there was a picture of Morgan standing in front of an ABC microphone, praying to the Heavens.  Over his head was a large picture of a Eversharp Schick Injector Razor.  The picture sounds like good PR, right?  It was up to that point, but let me tell you about the rest of the picture.  Morgan’s face had numerous bandages where he (supposedly) shaved with an Eversharp Schick Injector Razor.  To make a long story short, if anyone else (except Arthur Godfrey) did that, sponsorship was immediately cancelled.  Morgan could get away with it, because he sold Eversharp Schick Injector Razors--- and Eversharp, Inc. knew what they were getting into by sponsoring THE HENRY MORGAN SHOW?

Even with Morgan’s picture and comments, the Eversharp Schick Injector Razor way to shave was faster and easier than with single edge or double edge razors of the era.  The best news of all, using the modern Eversharp Schick Injector Razor didn’t cost any more to use than other razors--- and if some men couldn’t get dates, it was indeed fun to spend an evening playing “Push, Pull, Click Click.”  In fact, I’m sure that Eversharp, Inc. would have loved that!