Famous Laxative Brand
Gives Beauty To Skin
"These are the only face creams made
from genuine Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia."
--- Beatrice de
Lincoln, Me. (DG)-
generations, the original Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia has helped
to maintain the proper bodily functions a laxative is famous for maintaining.
What you may not know--- it was also used as a cosmetic for skin care.
Of course, the original Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia was made
a liquid form, and it was impossible to apply directly to the face without
spilling it onto the floor. As far as I know, floors aren’t in need
of a soft, smooth complexion--- or even to perform the call of nature for
that matter! In order to make a product that could be easily applied
onto the face, the Chas. H. Phillips Company had to create a
special product just for that purpose. In fact, they created 2 products---
Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia Cleansing Cream (in
the white jar) and Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia Texture Cream
(in the dark blue jar).
The reason why Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia would even be considered
for skin care was for its antacid ability. While we may not have seen
our faces reach for the Tums (that would be an amazing trick),
the complexion had a problem with excess acid just like the typical human
stomach. When it accumulated enough excess fatty acid, the skin became
dull and develop unsightly faults such as blackheads, oily shine, dryness,
and other unpleasant stuff. The combination of Phillips' Texture
Cream and Phillips' Cleansing Cream neutralized the
excess acid on the face, while it helped to overcome the blemishes.
In order to introduce both Phillips' Face Creams to the housewives
in the listening audience, the 2 products sponsored HOW TO BE CHARMING,
a daytime beauty tips program on NBC’s Red Network. Beatrice
de Sylvara hosted the program. During the 1930’s, Ms. de Sylvara was
one of the 5 most experienced experts on beauty, as she advised many famous
Hollywood actresses of the era. On HOW TO BE CHARMING,
she offered the same beauty advice to the housewives. One of the tips
she advised was to use both Phillips' Face Creams, which came
in handy since both products sponsored the program.
HOW TO BE CHARMING went off the air in 1938, but the connection
between Ms. de Sylvara and Phillips' Face Creams continued.
She was the commercial spokeswoman for the 2 products on different radio programs,
and continued to highly recommend both Phillips' Face Creams
into the 1940’s.
In 1941, Phillips' Texture Cream went through a slight change
in its name. It was still the same product and packaged in the same
dark blue jar. The only difference was the new name, Phillips'
Milk Of Magnesia Skin Cream. The listeners were aware of the
change when the heard the announcer comment in this lengthy and slightly confusing
sentence: "Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia Skin Cream, formerly
called Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia Texture Cream."
With Ms. de Sylvara’s recommendation and the acid neutralizing ability
of Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia, it wasn’t surprising
that both Phillips' Milk Of Magnesia Face Creams were popular
products with the women who used them. The 2 products continued to keep
their complexions soft, smooth, and healthy looking well into the 1940’s.