Manumuskin River Preserve
Maurice River Township, Cumberland County, NJ
3,503 acres
Manumuskin is from Menen, "to drink," muskee, "swamp" and ink, "Place."
1782-1889 -- an earthen dam across the Manumuskin River at Port Elizabeth lowers the water level four feet permitting agricultural settlement.
1790s -- settlement of Fries Mill (its remains listed on the Cumberland County Register of Historic Structures and Sites)
1889 -- dam destroyed by tidal flooding.
early 1900s -- start of long history of sand and gravel mining operations.
1982 -- preserve established: managed by TNC.
open mudflats, upland forest, grassy meadows, white cedar lowland swamps; freshwater tidal marsh
Rare plants:
Aeschynomene virginica (sensitive joint-vetch)
Desmodium strictum (stiff tick-trefoil)
Eupatorium resinosum (pine barrens boneset)