Manasquan River Linear Park

Freehold and Howell Townships, Monmouth County, NJ


There is parking at Southard Ave. 1/2 mile south of intersection with Yellow Brook-Squankum Rd.; at West Farms Rd. between Casino Dr. and Yellowbrook-Squankum Rd.; and Ketcham Rd. between Casino Dr. and Rt. 524.

Preserved as open space- includes a canoe launch.

Canoe and Kayak access from three parking lots at bridge crossings in Howell Township between Farmingdale and the Manasquan Reservoir.


March 27, 2004. We stopped at the Manasquan River Access just 0.2 of a mile down Ketcham Road from its intersection with Route 524. The parking area is on the right. The trail heads down to the river where one can put a canoe into the river.


Dr. Patrick L. Cooney

* = blooming on date of visit, March 27, 2004


Carpinus caroliniana (musclewood)

Liquidambar styraciflua (sweetgum)

Picea abies (Norway spruce)

Pinus strobus (white pine) planted

Quercus alba (white oak)

Quercus rubra (red oak)

Robinia pseudoacacia (black locust)



Euonymus alatus (winged euonymus)

Ligustrum sp. (privet)

Lindera benzoin (spice bush)

Lonicera sp. (honeysuckle bush)

Rosa multiflora (multiflora rose)

Rubus sp. (blackberry)



Celastrus orbiculatus (Asiatic bittersweet)

Hedera helix (English ivy)

Lonicera japonica (Japanese honeysuckle)

Toxicodendron radicans (poison ivy)



Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard)

Allium vineale (field garlic)

Cardamine hirsuta (hairy bittercress) *

Rumex obtusifolius (broad leaved dock)

Symplocarpus foetidus (skunk cabbage)