Cedar Creek Marsh
East Rutherford, Hudson County, New Jersey
5.3 acres
Located on the edge of the Continental Arena parking lot.
The marsh is a five-acre island of mud and tall reeds contaminated by heavy metals and hidden behind chain-link fencing. It is a remnant of what was once called the Cedar Creek Marsh.
The creek that feeds it is splintered into segments by intersecting roads.
1978 – Continental Arena was built. They chose to build around the marsh rather than fight to eradicate it.
2003 – the Mills Corp. backed off mall plans for 600 acres of wetlands known as the Empire Tract. As part of its substitute plan to build super-mall Xanadu, the Mills Corp. agreed to donate the tract to preservationists.
The proposed $1.3 billion, 4.7 million-square-foot retail and entertainment complex known as Xanadu is to be built by the Mills Corp. and Mack-Cali. The developers do not want to continue saving Cedar Creek Marsh.
Some environmentalists are still fighting the Xanadu Mall project.
(Source: Colleen Diskin, 4/24/2004; Fighting Over Mud and Reeds, Bergen Record http://www.sierraactivist.org/article.php?sid=44388)