James Monroe Memorial Park

Dey Grove-Bergen Mills Road, Monroe Township, Middlesex County, New Jersey

16 acres


1982 – the park was built using Green Acres funding. It is maintained by Monroe Township's Department of Public Works. The park is the largest municipal park in the township.

2002 – Monroe Township received a $275,000 low-interest loan from the state to make improvements to the park. The park will be expanded because a developer donated a 35-acre stretch of land near the park. The parking lot will be enlarged and a fourth baseball field added. In addition, more walking paths will be added.


recreational fields; "tot lot"


Monroe Township Parks and Recreation; http://www.monroetwp.com/recreation.html

Lynn K. Barra Staff Writer. Township plans park upgrades. Sentinel. April 18, 2002; http://ebs.gmnews.com/News/2002/0418/Bulletin_Board/021.html