Tree Booklet and Shrub and Vine Booklet from the New Jersey Forest Service
Martine, Christopher T.
2000 Trees of New Jersey and the Mid-Atlantic States. New Jersey Forest
2002 Shrubs and Vines of New Jersey and the Mid-Atlantic States. New Jersey Forest Service.
These are two handsome spiral-bound booklets that can be easily used by field botanists. The booklets aim to familiarize the user with the most common woody species in the area. There are 95 tree species, one species per page of the booklet, 77 shrubs, one per page, and 9 vine species. There is a drawing of each species, including flowers and/or fruit, along with a great deal of information for each species (reminiscent of the Audubon guides): family; other common names; habitat and range; leaves; stems; flowers; fruit, description of similar species; and a narrative of interesting facts.
In addition, there are a lot of other helpful features to aid the beginner and the more experienced field botanist. There are drawings of types of leaves, leaf arrangements, types of fruits and parts of the flower; a glossary of terms; species locator keys; specialized keys for some of the genera more difficult to identify; and a breakout of the species by plant communities.
One of the nice features of the booklets is that they include some of the "more horticultural," non-native species that field botanists often see in the area but which are often not covered in guidebooks.
If you are interested, you can order the booklets from :
Forest Resource Education Center
370 East Veterans Highway
Jackson, NJ 08527
(732) 928-0987
email: [email protected]