Taxter Ridge
200 acres
The land is owned by the Holy Spirit Association/Unification Church. The County, the town of Greenburgh, and local residents involved in the Committee to Preserve Taxter Ridge are trying to acquire the property.
Biologist Michael Klemens found populations of box turtles, spotted salamanders, and wood frogs.
It is hoped that a number of parks can be linked in a ridge corridor running parallel to the Hudson River that would be the largest park and open space corridor in southern Westchester. This would secure 700 contiguous acres. The parks involved would be: East Irvington Nature Preserve, Irvington's Reservoir Park, V.E. Macy Park, Taxter Ridge and Westwood.
It would also provide a link to the Old Croton Aqueduct Trail.
It is also hoped that a east-west corridor route would extend from the Croton Aqueduct Trail in the west and head through Taxter Ridge to East Irvington Preserve, then follow a proposed “escarpment” trail to a link with the Rumbrook, Ridge Road Park, Harts Brook Park, the Greenburgh Nature Center, and finally the Bronx River Parkway.
(Source: The Greening of Greenburgh, 1973 to 2003. The Aquisition of
Wildlife Habitat and Protection of the Environment, by William Lawyer, Executive
Director Greenburgh Nature Center.