Leonard Schine Preserve
Ford Road, Glendenning parking lot, Westport, Fairfield County, Connecticut
20 acres
Aspetuck Land Trust
Merritt Parkway to exit 42; turn right onto Weston Road heading north under the Merritt Parkway; turn left onto Ford Road which parallels the Saugatuck River; after a short distance you will see a road and bridge heading to the other side of the Saugatuck River; It is a private road with private parking areas, so find a pull-off place to park along Ford Road and walk over the bridge. The preserve land starts on the other side of the river on the left.
11/09/2005. We did not walk the area. We were discouraged by all the private signs, although I guess we could have gotten away with it. Connecticut is just too "private" for my tastes. Dr. Patrick L. Cooney..