
Here are just a few links to some of my favorite sites. I'm going to try to keep this brief, but what I have now is just a start. More will be added. Webmasters, would you like to swap links, then e-mail me.

Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers Div. 373 Unofficial site of the BLE union for NJT.
Central Jersey Railfan Page Its back and better then ever!
Central PA Railfan Guide I used it to plan a trip to PA. Its the best for the area!
D&S Hobbies The ultimate HO scale store. They have everything!!!
Eastern Pennsylvania Rail Page Photos, sounds, info and more.
Fallen Flag Railroads of NJ Historical maps and track diagrams.
Garden State Railroading Switchyard Links to NJ rail clubs, retailers and excursions.
Garden State Central Great model railroad club in Asbury Park, NJ.
Gerald's Railroads of NJ Photos, maps, and more.
HobbymastersWide selection of trains from "Z" through "G".
Idiot Railfan!!! Nice page, lots of humor.
ITL Enterprises Sells used real railroad signals and traffic lights and parts.
NJ Transit Train Schedules Online schedules and other info.
NY City Subway ResourcesNYC Subway and other local commuter railroads.
Pine Creek Railroad Website Official site of Allaire, NJ tourist line.
PRR's Northeast Corridor Past and present of NEC
Railnuts Western MA railfanning.
Railpace Magazine News, photos, links and more
RailServe Over 2000 Rail Links.
S&J Custom Models Excellent HO scale custom painting and building.
The Railroad Press Official website for The Railroad Press print magazine.
Tony Hill's Railfan Page Nice site, includes list of hotspots for U.S.
Trainweb Every aspect of railroads.
Unofficial Black River & Western RR All aspects of BR&W covered.
Unofficial NJ Transit Website Wealth of NJT info and photos.
Waldwick Yard Railroading in northern New Jersey.

Central Jersey Rails Home

� 2000 Shaun Whitman