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Volume 8, issue 1 (summer-fall 2000) Byz-NizConferenties/Conferences20008-10 December. "Ancient Studies & New Technology: The World Wide Web and Scholarly Research, Communication, and Publication in Ancient, Byzantine, and Medieval Studies". Salve Regina University, Newport, Rhode Island, USA. Conveners: Michael DiMaio, Ralph Mathisen, Thomas Martin. 20018-11 March. Fourth Conference on Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity. "Travel, Communication and Geography in Late Antiquity". To be held at the Downtown Centre of San Francisco State University, San Francisco, USA. Enquiries re program to Prof. Linda Ellis: [email protected]; all other enquiries to Prof. Frank Kidner: [email protected]. 28 March-2 April. Byzantine Spring Symposium. Society for the Promotion of Byzantine Studies, Exeter College, Oxford. Theme: "Rhetoric". Convenor: Elizabeth Jeffreys. Call for papers to be announced shortly. 30 March-1 April. "Conference on Byzantine Monasticisms". Faculty of Theology, University of St Michael's College, Toronto, Canada. An interdisciplinary conference on the varieties of ascetical life in the Byzantine empire (6th-13th century), with emphasis on the current state of scholarly research and areas in needs of further study. For registration and other details see the faculty web site: http://www.utoronto.ca/stmikes/theology 20-22 April. "Byzantium and the West". Twelfth Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, University of Western Australia. Conf. Organiser: John Melville-Jones. Deadline for submission of Abstracts: 29 January 20001. For registration details check the web site (late November): http://www.mcauley.acu.edu.au/AABS/. 4-7 May. Dumbarton Oaks Symposium: "Late Byzantine Thessalonike". Check out the web site for details: http://www.doaks.org Tentoonstellingen/ExhibitionsThe Mother of God: Representations of the Virgin in Byzantine Art, Benaki Musum, Athens, 15th october 2000 - 15th january 2001. This will be the high point in the celebrations of the anniversary of the Birth of Christ. Exhibited works of art in all media, dating from the 6th to the 15th centuries are included. Tijdschriften/JournalsNew Byzantine Web JournalSettegiorni, appearing quarterly, containing articles about art,
culture, religion, litterature and other subjects concerning the
'Second Rome'. Neue Zeitschrift GöttingenEin Bericht von: Alexander Sideras und Brita Bayer (Herausgeber) Holger Gutschmidt und Carsten Peust (Verleger): Wir freuen uns, Ihnen hiermit die neue Zeitschrift Göttinger Beiträge zur Byzantinischen und Neugriechischen Philologie (GBBNP) ankündigen zu dürfen. Eine wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, die auf die Philologie der byzantinischen und neugriechischen Zeit spezialisiert ist, fehlte bislang. Diese Lücke sollen die Göttinger Beiträge zur Byzantinischen und Neugriechischen Philologie füllen, die im Peust & Gutschmidt Verlag, Göttingen, erscheinen werden. Dabei sollen beide Teilbereiche, die byzantinische und neugriechische Sprachwissenschaft sowie die byzantinische und neugriechische Literaturwissenschaft, gleichermassen berücksichtigt werden. More information about lay out of articles for can be received at: Seminar fuer Klassische Philologie New online tool Italian Medieval periodWe introduce a new site that will become a new research tool for the study of the medieval period in Italy: Rassegna storica on line. This web site is part of a larger project that the editor of Medioevo Italiano has been developing for some time now. Medioevo Italiano and its daughter project are electronic 'magic boxes', where scholars may send their articles, reviews or opinions about Italian history in the Middle Ages and beyond. Accepted contributions will be published 'on line' or in electronic format as CD-ROMS. Rassegna storica on line is a biannual journal. Articles and contributions that are submitted to the editor in the first part of the year will be published in the spring issue, while the others will appear in autumn. At present we will publish contributions individually, but at the end of the semester we will publish a revised and corrected volume. http://www.medioevoitaliano.org Angelo Gambella HugoyeThe July 2000 issue of Hugoye: Journal of Syriac Studies is available at http://syrcom.cua.edu/Hugoye. The issue contains 4 papers delivered at the special conference on Michael the Syrian, held at Maarat Saydnaya, the headquarters of the Syriac Orthodox Church in Damascus. Provinciae Byzantinae anno 2000Op 24 april 2000 werd de 85ste gedenkdag gevierd van de Armeense Genocide van 1915. Twee miljoen Armeense burgers werden toen door de Ottomaanse overheid systematisch vermoord. Tot op heden wordt deze volkerenmoord door de Turkse regering ontkend. Dit jaar bezocht de Israelische minister van onderwijs, Yossi Sarid, de gedenkdag in Jerusalem, waarbij hij zijn aanwezigheid onderstreepte door te verklaren dat hij ernaar streefde om de Armeense Genocide in de geschiedenislessen op scholen in Israel op te nemen, hetgeen voorheen gedwarsboomd werd door het Israelische ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken, dat repercussies vreest van de Turkse regering. (Via suryoyo online, http://f16.parsimony.net/forum26093/messages/1705.htm) Op 19 oktober heeft de senaat van de Verenigde Staten een resolutie verworpen om de genocide op Armeniërs te veroordelen op strategische gronden: House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) issued a statement this evening pulling the Armenian Genocide resolution (HR 596) from the agenda of the House of Representatives for the remainder of the 106th Congress, thus killing the resolution. In his statement, the Speaker cited "national security concerns" brought forth by President Clinton relating to the ongoing Middle East Peace process. "I have asked the Majoirty Leader to take H.Res. 596 off the schedule for the remainder of the 106th Congress," said Hasterst in the statement. Both Speaker Hastert and President Clinton failed to use the word Genocide when characterizing the 1915 systematic and planned murder of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks. For updates on this and other breaking news, please visit our website at http://www.asbarez.com. (From: Asbarez daily, 19-10-2000) De Volkskrant en Metro berichtten op 9-11-2000 dat de Franse Senaat en Assemblée de genocide erkend hebben. De Assemblée moet nogmaals stemmen. OntvangenSalsus Books Catalogue 37: Liturgy, Biblical Studies, Theology, Patristics, Church History. See also: http://www.books93.freeserve.co.uk/ Newsletter, Society for Armenian Studies, vol. 24, no. 2 (56), Spring 2000. Overleden - DeceasedMarie-Hélène Congourdeau reported this to a Byzantium discussionlist, via bit.listserv.hellas: Highly acclaimed Byzantinist Nikos Economides, president of the Hellenic Institute of Culture, died in hospital on Wednesday at the age of 66 due to an inflammation of the lungs. Economides was a professor at Athens University and until recently director of the Byzantine Studies Institute at the National Institute for Research (EIE). Born in 1934, Economides studied history and archaeology at Athens University and did post-graduate studies in Paris, where he received his doctorate in 1961. After working as a researcher at the Byzantine Studies Centre in Athens until 1969, he accepted a post teaching Byzantine history at Montreal University in Canada, where he stayed until 1989. During that time, as well as having a distinguished academic career, he was also highly active in opposing the 1967-1974 junta in Greece. In 1987 he was elected professor of Byzantine history at Athens University's department of history and archaeology. In 1995 he was appointed director of the EIE's Byzantine Studies Centre for five years, while in May 1997 he was elected vice-president and acting president of the EIE's board of directors. A highly regarded researcher and teacher, Economides' work on Byzantium had been published in the most respected periodicals in his field and he had received many international distinctions. He had acted as visiting teacher at many universities and research institutes, including Washington's famous Dumbarton-Oaks Center for Byzantine Studies, where he was a consultant on Byzantine seals. |