Gouden Hoorn/Golden Horn

Volume 7, issue 2 (winter 1999-2000)


Edip Aydın is in the 3rd year of a Master of Divinity program at St.Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood, New York and writing his thesis on 'The History of the Syrian Orthodox Church in North America: Challenges and Opportunities'. Also, he is involved in Christianity A to Z, the Bimillenium Christian Dictionary project, contributing up to seventy entries about the lives of the saints in the Syriac liturgical tradition.

Karin White is in the final year of her PhD degree. Her research is focussed on the relationship between Roma (Gypsies) and settled people in Byzantium in comparison with such relationships today, in former Byzantine territories.

Ann Moffatt is a lecturer in the Department of Classics and Modern European Languages at Australian National University and one of the founding members of AABS.