Frederick DeBourg Richards (1822-1903) appears to have been directed by antiquarians Charles A. Poulson, and John F. Watson to document old buildings in Philadelphia in some 120 photographs taken during the years just before the Civil War. Further information may be found in Laurie A. Baty, "'Proud of the Result of My Labor,' Frederick DeBourg Richards (1822-1903)," Daguerreian Annual, 1995.
Note: The Library Company of Philadelphia has agreed to make these digital surrogates of them accessible via the web exclusively for consultation by researchers, students, educators, and others pursuing their curiosity. No item may be reproduced, redistributed, or republished in any way without the express prior written permission of the repositories that have provided them. You must agree to accept these conditions in order to use this website.
The format of the list is as follows:
Bell Tavern
[286 S.8th St.]
May 1857
"West side of Eighth Street, North of Sansom Street- (A Primitive Building.)
By Richards May 1857---Demolished May 1858"
(2) 2526.F.6a
Pepper's Brewery
[5th St., bet. Market and Minor Sts., W. side]
No date
"Pepper's Brewery. And dwelling house the latter on Northwest corner
of Fifth and Minor Street; with a view in perspective of the houses on the
west side of Fifth Street to the corner of Market Street- also part of the
house on N.W. corner of Market and Fifth Street."
(3) 2526.F.55
Carpenter's Hall
[320 Chestnut St.]
May 1859
"May 1859, Carpenter's Court and Hall (in perspective). Chestnut St.,
bet. Third and Fourth Street"
John Clayton Monument at Dover
[Dover, Delaware]
c. 1860
"Marble Monument to Mr. John Clayton at Dover Del. Executed by J. Struthers
and Son, Philadelphia"
[S.E. cor. 5th and Arch Sts.]
No date
"The Hole in the Wall, of Christ Church burial ground; on the Southeast
corner of Arch and Fifth Street; opened for the purpose of exhibiting the
tomb of Benjamin and Deborah Franklin, which is immediately in front - nearest
to the surface of the ground on Arch Street."
(3) 2526.F.27
Chestnut St.
[Address unknown]
No date
(3) 1322.F.73d
Associate Presbyterian Church
[Walnut St. above 4th St.]
July 1854
"Associate Presbyterian Church, Walnut Street, Philadelphia. Built
A.D. 1750. Taken down A.D. 1854."
Note: 3 copies.
(5) 2526.F.130; (4) 1322.F.35d; (4) 1322.F.34b
Holy Trinity Church
[6th and Spruce Sts.]
No date
"1858-73 Holy Trinity (Romish) Church. North-west corner of Spruce
and Spring St."
(2) 2526.F.149
Old Swede's Church
[929 S. Water St.]
May 1854
"Southwark from the So. West."
(5) 2526.F.96
Old St. Michael's Church (German
[S.E. cor. Fifth and Cherry Sts.]
No date
"On the Southeast corner of Fifth and Cherry St. The grounds bounded
on the south by Appletree Alley."
(3) 2526.F.109
St. Paul's Church
[3rd St. bel. Walnut St.]
April 1859
"East Side of Third Street, opposite Willing's Alley."
St. Stephen's Church. (Episcopal)
[10th St. ab. Chestnut St.]
April 1859
"Dr. Ducachett, Rector. Tenth St. East Side corner of College avenue.
The broken gorund in the foreground is the remains at the time the picture
was taken of the old wooden houses now removing to give place to a new market-house.
See next picture-"
(3) 2526.F.49
St. Thomas' (African) Church
[S.W. cor. 5th and Adelphi Sts.]
May 1859
"Southwest corner of Fifth and Adelphi street. (Episcopal)."
(3) 2526.F.151
Sansom Baptist Church
[S.E. cor. 9th and Chestnut Sts.]
March 1858
"Samson So. Side E. of Ninth street, as viewed from the Nortwest, across
the foundation walls of the New Hotel on the S.E. corner of Chestnut and
Ninth Street."
(3) 2526.F.117
The Second Presbyterian Church
[412 Pine St.]
May 5, 1859
"And the burial grounds belonging to it, and that of the first presbyterian
church. On the South-west corner of Pine and Fourth street; As recently
altered and improved."
(3) 2526.F.125
Unitarian Church
[N.E. cor. 10th and Locust Sts.]
April 1859
"Northeast corner of Tenth and Locust Street."
Construction of Marell's
[611 Jayne St.]
No date
Note: Not annotated by Richards but handwritten on mount: "Decatur
[Street] from Jones Hotel [Marell's 611 Jayne St.]"
1322.F(7) 73c
[N.W. cor. 6th and Carpenter Sts.]
June 1857
"North-west corner of Carpenter and Sixth street, north of Chestnut
Street. Gray's building is partially seen on the right of the picture: -
Where the "sign" is now, was, in my remembrance a picture - full-length
- of Sir John Falstaff, as represented in the Chestnut street Theatre by
William Warren, the Manager."
8339.F.40 D.72
422 Walnut
Jan. 1859
Note: Newspaper Clipping lower left dated [March 26_59.] reads: "On
the south side of Walnut street, below Fifth, the old mansion, at one time
one of the most fashionable boarding houses in the city, and lately used
for offices, has been torn down, and a fine new building, with ornamental
front, is now being erected on the site. Next week, Messrs. Bayard Robinson
and John Craig will commence the erection, on Franklin street, east side,
below Master, of eight three story dwellings, with three story back buildings
and side yards, each lot having a front of 23 feet, the buildings to be
of 18 feet front. These houses will cost $6000 each. On the opposite side
of the street is a row, nearly similar, except they have no side yards."
See also Historical Society of Pennsylvania Evans Bb 862 Ev 15 #186.
Academy of Germantown
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"Mr Watson writes - 'Up School [house] lane. It was built before the
war and has some history-' 'See Annals.'"
(3) 2526.F.141
The Bank of Germantown
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"Of this building Mr. Watson, the Annalist thus writes:_[M S]_ 'It
was the residence of Clarkson (city Mayor) now altered on the bank end.
It was the office of Thomas Jefferson, then Secretary of State, and Randolph,
attorney Genl. (both in the fever of 1793). It was still later the residence
of John J. Watson [the annalist] while cashier; and there, in the front
second story chamber, (North end) he wrote out in one summer his annals
of Philadelphia: rising at four [o'clock] and ending at eight [o'clock],
Michael Bilmeyer's House
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"And printing office-his bookstore in portion of the house nearest
the eye-it was the next "place" above Chew's place. Mr. Watson
writes_ 'It is a good one [to be photographed]. At its south end Genl. Washington
stopped on horseback during the battle of Germantown. The house is on the
Main Street.'"
(3) 2526.F.85
Engle's House
[5938 Germantown Ave]
April 1859
"Of this house Mr. Watson writes - 'The house of Engle's, a tanner,
next north of the Town Hall; It marks a very superior house as the erection
of one hundred years ago. It has no history.' On the Main Street of Germantown.
Built 1758."
(3) 2526.F.135
The House and Farm of Godfrey
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"...on the corner of Limekiln Road and Church Lane."
P2294 D.206
John George Knorr's house
[6100 Germantown Ave.]
May 5, 1859
"This house, (the central in the picture) was built by the grandfather
of my maternal grandfather - he occupied it many years - then by his son
J.G.K., the 2nd - then by my grandfather John Knorr - then by Michael Keyser,
who married my great aunt, up to the time of their death when it was sold
by the heirs and has since been variously occupied. The original founder
of this house emigrated to this country July 20, 1706. It is nearly oppposite
Dr. With's old house - now 'Congress Hall boarding house,' and, Mr. Watson
informs me, 'the first of three stories [in height] in Germantown.' [See
page 77-]."
(3) 2526.F.79
Macknett's Tavern
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"'It is picturesque,' writes Mr. Watson; 'it existed in the time of
the Revolution, and was then, and afterward, the prominent tavern for visits
of city gentlemen. It is now owned by George W. Carpenter and has no history.'
- On the Main Street, this side of 'Congress Hall' - Germantown."
(3) 2526.F.129
Mennonite Church
[6121 Germantown Ave.]
April 1859
"Of this Mr. Watson writes - 'A stone church and a graveyard, near
Congress Hall [above on the same side of the street] but I mean to say nothing
of church. From the wall of the ground they shot Genl. Agnew [during the
revolutionary battle of Germantown]. If that place should be taken [photographed]
include the adjoining house of Samuel Keyser, because it is very old - and
shows itself [see picture] elevated one whole story above the road in front
- and on that very hill was the chief fight in the war - (See annals)."'
(3) 2526.F.87
Roberts' Mill
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"'To go back the Church Lane,' writes Mr. Watson, 'there is Robert's
mill and dam, holding the place, and probably much of the original of the
first mill if Philadelphia county.' [See picture and note of Godfrey's House
on pg. 89.]"
(3) 2526.F.91
Nutz's House
[Address unknown]
No date
Note: Information on underside taped to mount. Can't access.
The Rock House
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"'So called,' writes Mr. Watson, 'because it rests on an exposed rock
(large) - situated at the junction of Shoemaker's Street ['lane' in old
times], and the railroad. It has no particular history but it is picturesque
and ancient.'"
(3) 2526.F.131.D207
[Subject unknown]
April 1859
"And printing office. Mr. Watson, in his letter writes:- "The
house of Sower the Printer, and earliest Bible publisher in our country,
and also of an early German newspaper - See facts in annals. - The house
stands vis a vis Indian Queen Street, near Wister's.' My grandfather Zachariah
Poulson, the 1st was a pupil of Christopher Sower, and here taught 'the
art and mystery of Printing.' See p. 80."
(3) 2526.F.81
Old Washington Tavern
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"At the corner of Washington Lane and the main street - Germantown."
(3) 2526.F.133
Residence of Genl. Washington
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"This house, writes, Mr. Watson, was once the residence of Genl. Washington,
and before him, Genl. Howe and the prince youth, afterwards King William
[IV of England], now Samuel B. Morris' residence [lately deceased]; It was
the best house in the place, [Germantown]."
(3) 2526.F.93
Watson's house
[Address unknown]
April 1859
"This house is situated on Price St. was built by, and now occupied
by the venerable and respected and esteemed John J. Watson, in Germantown.
Of it, he thus writes, 'if sufficiently curious - is the house of J.J.W.
the annalist, being the first built house in Price Street, now occupied
some twelve years. There was about the centre of an old apple orchard of
the Revolution, where there was much fighting, and many were killed and
wounded.' Mr. Watson will be eighty years old in June 1859."
(3) 2526.F.73
C.G. Henderson and Co.
[528 Arch St.]
Oct. 1857
"Northwest corner of Fifth and Arch Street. (A primitive house)."
Note: Also known as "Henderson H.H. & Co." (2) 2526.F.33
Arcade Hotel
[615-625 Chestnut St.]
Jan. 1858
"North side of Chestnut Street, west of Sixth Street - on the lot of
ground formerly occupied by Chf. Justice Tilghmann's mansion house - Photograph
by Richards. - Jany 1858"
(3) 2526.F.39 D.105
Girard House Hotel
[823-827 Chestnut St.]
March 1858
"Northeast corner of Chestnut and 9th Street. As viewed from the Southwest
across the foundation walls of the new hotel on the S.E. corner of Chestnut
and Ninth Street."
Yohe's, late Jones' Hotel
[618 Chestnut St.]
No date
"On the South Side of Chestnut Street, next to the Clymer mansion (afterwards
Geo. Harrison's residence) between Sixth and Seventh St. The site, in the
Olden tiems, of the celebrated 'Oeller's Hotel."
(3) 2526.F.113
Academy of Natural Sciences
[N.W. cor. Broad and Sansom St.]
July 1855
"(undergoing 'raising') And the 'La Pierre House' Hotel; with the private
dwelling house at the S.W. corner of Broad and Chestnut Street."
Jayne Building
[242 Chestnut St.]
No date
"Chestnut, between 2nd and 3rd."
(6) 1322.F 75b
Philadelphia Library
[N.E. 5th and Library Sts.]
No date
1322.F (Vol. 6) 10e
Philadelphia Library
[N.E. cor. 5th and Library Sts.]
No date
"On the corner of Fifth and Library Street."
[500 Chestnut St.]
February 22, 1861
"Lincoln at [the Independence Hall.]" (3) 1322.F.76
Loxley House
[S.E. Second and Little Dock Sts.]
Jan. 1854
"Corner S.E. - little Dock and Second Street."
(5) 2526.F.66
Free Quaker's
Meeting House
[S.W. cor. Fifth and Arch Sts.]
Mar. 1859
"On the Southwest corner of Arch and Fifth Street. Benjamin Tucker's
schools, for many years, were kept in upper portion of this building."
Friends' Pine
Street Meeting and School House
[S.E. cor. Second and Pine Sts.]
No date
"On the South side of Pine Street, East of Second Street. The gable
end of the large double house S.E. corner of Pine and Second Street in this
perspective. In olden times this, last named house, was the residence of
the Marquis de Casa de Gjujo, ambassador from Spain. He was present at the
installation of John Adams as the president of the U.S. - in full costume
- he married a daughter of Gov. Thomas McKean. [See my MS copy of 'Lang
Syne Papers' Art 'Washington' vol. II, pg. 27."
(3) 2526.F.65
[125 S.5th St.]
Dec. 1858
"On the Southeast Corner of Fifth and Library Street."
(3) 2526.F.111
Bartram's Garden
[54th St. and Lindbergh Boulevard]
January 1854
(5) 2526.F.98
[2xx Pine St., S. side]
May-June, 1859
"Rev. Dr. Blackwell's house and residence until his decease, on the
South Side of Pine street, between Second and Third streets. . .in the picture
opposite the public street-lamp. Gov. John Penn's residence where he deceased,
(in the picture), next-East of Dr. Blckwell's. Both houses are still standing,
in excellent repair and condition, this day July 11th 1864. Govenor Penn
was the grandson of the founder, William Penn."
Burd Mansion
[900 Chestnut St.]
April 1859
"Mansion of Joseph Sims, Esq. On Southwest corner of Chestnut and Ninth
street-the grounds extending to George, now Sansom street, on which latter
it has a frontage, with stables, equal to that on Chestnut Street. After
the failure in business of Mr. Sims, it was occupied for many years, until
his decease, by Mr. Sims' son-in-law, and family, Edward P. Burd, Esq. Mrs.
Burd, his widow, still resides there."
(3) 2526.F.53
Cliveden- Chew's house
[6401 Germantown Ave.]
April 1859
(3) 2526.F.83
Residence of Wm. Crammond
[S.W. cor. Third and Spruce Sts.]
June 1859
"S.W. corner of Third and Spruce streets."
(3) 2526.F.85
Graff- Jefferson
[S.W. cor. Seventh and Market Sts.]
April 1855
"S.W. corner of Market and Seventh streets."
Notes: 2 copies
(7) 1322.F.33a
Henry Hill-Physic
[321 S. 4th St.]
Feb. 1859
"North-east corner of Fourth and Union street."
(3) 2526.F.63
The Old Hurst Mansion
[N.E. cor. 5th and South Sts.]
Dec. 1858
"'Standing Back,' facing the west, on the Northeast corner of Fifth
and South street."
(3) 2526.F.119
Keene Mansion
[S.W. cor. 10th and Chestnut Sts.]
c. March 1860
"S.W. 10th and Chestnut"
Kohn's Mansion
[311 Chestnut St.]
March 1859
"Chestnut street, west of Fourth stree, North side. Late 'Parkinson's
Restaurant, confectionary, garden.'"
(3) 2526.F.68
Residence of John
McAllister, Jr., country
[716 Erie St.]
March 1860
"John Mcallister Jr to C.A. Poulson. March 29, 1860: 'I have lately
had photographic views taken by Mr. Richards of my Father's old residence
on the [Front] St. Road, and of my own residence on Penn Square...'"
Note: 2 copies. House built 1799.
(6) 1322.F.173a; (6) 1322.F.30
Residence of John
McAllister, Jr., city
[14 Merrick St.]
March 1860
"John Mcallister Jr to C.A. Poulson. March 29, 1860: 'I have lately
had photographic views taken by Mr. Richards of my Father's old residence
on the [Front] St. Road, and of my own residence on Penn Square..."
(6) 1322.F.88b
The Pennington Mansion
[1117 Race St.]
March 1859
"On the Northwest corner of Race and Crown street."
(3) 2526.F.99
Louis Phillipe's
[426 Walnut St.]
March 1859
"Second place of residence of Phillipe. After residing at the housee
of the partners of the firm Cunningham & Nesbitt on Front below Walnut st.,
two or three weeks he boarded in the above pictured house; on the arrival
of his brothers from France, he with them commenced house-keeping the building,
still standing, at the N.W. corner of Fourth and Prune street. The Western
portion of Rev. Mr. Marshall's Presbyterian church (old, but renovatedm
enlarged, lately) is on the left of the picture and a front view (in the
sky) of the spire of St. Peter's church, on Pine and Third street."
Notes: 2 copies
(3) 2526.F.95; (6) 1322.F.35c
Rittenhouse mansion
[N.W. cor. 7th and Arch Sts.]
March 1859
"Northwest corner of Arch and Seventh street. Sometimes called 'Fort
(3) 2526.F.75
Joseph Sims' old
[1xx 3rd St., w. side]
March 1859
"Next south of St. Peter's church ground on the West side of Third
Street near Lombard St. (Part of the church, and Pine St. houses in the
(3) 2526.F.107
[N.W. cor. 4th and Prune Sts.]
Sept. 1857
"House N.W. corner of Prune and Fourth street."
(5) 2526.F.5b
Willing Mansion
[327 Monroe St.?]
May 1856
"Corner S.W. Willings Alley and Third street, from the Northeast."
(5) 2526.F.76
Ruins of Museum Building
[1xx S.9th St.]
July 1854
"9th below Chestnut st."
(5) 2526.F.13b D.158
German Lutheran School
[4xx Cherry St.]
ca. 1865
"Next to the N.E. corner of Cherry and Fourth St., on Cherry st. There
was originally a front-door, where the central window now appears in the
first story, with high steps, a platform and porch."
Hand-written note on copy 1: "I went to school in that building, 1820.
J.J. Weer."
Notes: 2 copies.
P.9260.461; (3) 2526.F.91
Old First High School
[xx S. Juniper St.]
Jan. 1854
"Juniper Street, Penn Square."
Notes: 2 copies.
(5) 2526.F.96; (6) 1322.F.115c
Friends' School House
[1xx S. 4th St.]
April 1859
"4th St., south of Chestnut."
William Penn's mansion
[S.E. cor. 2nd St. and Novu's Alley]
August, 1854.
"Or the 'Slate-Roof house' S.E. corner of Novu's(?) Alley and second
Note: Accompanied by newspaper article, from April 23, 1864. (2) 2526.F.31
State House
[500 Chestnut St.]
(3) 1322.F.7a
U.S. Mint
[1425-40 Chestnut St.]
No date
Note: 2 copies. Attached newspaper article about the establishment of a
(5) 2526.F.63; (7) 1322.F.31d
Old London Coffee
[100 Market St.]
May 1854
"S.W. Corner Front & Market St."
Old house
[6th and Cherry Sts.]
June 1859
"Corner of 6th and Cherry streets"
(3) 2526.F.67
The Ellis House
[2xx S.8th St.]
May 1859
"On 8th below Walnut, East side"
(3) 2526.F.157
Goodwin House, by
[S.W. cor. 9th and Market Sts.]
March 1859
"West Side of Ninth Street from the Southwest corner of Markt and Ninth
street, southerly to Chestnut street. Including a view of the buildings
of the University of Pennsylvania (part of the house on the S.E. crner of
Market and Ninth St. on your left-hand)."
(3) 2526.F.97
Old Wooden houses
[10th St., bet. Marble and Chestnut Sts., w. side]
March 1859
"Extending southwardly from the corner of Marble street, on the west
side of Tenth st., to Miss Sally Keene's, late May. Lenarch's property and
residence, built by 'Col' Peter L. Berry-N.W. corner of Chestnut and Tenth
(3) 2526.F.51 D.57
Chestnut St. Theater
[199 Chestnut St. (before 1857)] May 1854.
(7) 1322.F.71c; (9) 1322.F.61b
Aaron Wolff's Old
Wine Store
[701 Chestnut St.]
April 1859
"On the Nothwest corner of Chestnut and Seventh street."
Note: 2 copies. Multiple newspaper articles attached to second copy.
(6) 1322.F.113f; (3) 2526.F.70
Jersey Market Terminus
[Front and Market Sts.]
May 1854.
"Front & Market street."
Note: 2 copies; one is oversized. (6) 1322.F.86; (5) 2526.F.27 1/2
239 Arch St.
No date
"Old houses, on the North side of Arch Street, between Second and Third
Streets. No. 89 (Mund Tailor) in 'Betsy Ross House'."
3xx Arch St., n. side
March 1859
"Old Houses, on the North side of Arch Street, West of Third and of
the New Hotel."
(6) 1322.F.xx
McAllister & Co.
[48 Chestnut St.]
Dec. 1, 1854 "McAllister & Co. 48 Chestnut St. Proprietors on sidewalk
facing camera; women at Second floor windows. South side of Chestnut Street,
West from Second Street."
(6) 1322.F.55d
Poulson Mansion
[310 Chestnut St.]
No date
"The Poulson Mansion. Lately No. 106 Chestnut Street. Now No. 310."
(3) 2526.F.72
203-205 Chestnut St.
"Southwest corner of Chestnut and Second street. McMackim Tailor; Maas
Printing. McAllister; etc. Richards & Botts. Photographers. 179 Chestnut
(6) 1322.F.75c
10xx Chestnut St.
No date
"Chestnut St. bet. 10 & 11."
915-919 Chestnut St.
No date
"Chestnut along 9th St."
(7) 1322.F.55g
McAllister & Co.
[48 Chestnut St.]
c. 1854.
"McAllister & Co. 48 Chestnut St. South side of Chestnut St., West
of Second St."
(6) 1322.F.73c
Broadbent & Co.
[425-429 Chestnut St.]
Jan. 1859
Note: 2 copies.
1859_5; (6) 1322.F.69b
Hart's Building
[539 Chestnut St.]
June 1851
"Hart's Building. North side of Chestnut, East from 6th."
(6) 1322.F.83b
Fred Brown's Store.
[441 Chestnut St.]
July 1854
"Fred Brown's old store. N.E. corner of Fifth and Chestnut Sts. See
page 29. Photographed by Richards & Botts. July 1854."
(5) 2526.F.46
McAllister & Co.
[48 Chestnut St.]
Dec. 12 1854.
"McAllister & Co. 48 Chestnut Street. Commercial properties. South
side of Chestnut St., West from Second St."
(6) 1322.F.94a
The Fisher House
[226 S. Front St.]
April 1859
"The Fisher House. Formerly No. 110, now No. 226 South Front Street.
The residence of Samuel R. Fisher, where he deceased. His son (only) Thomas
then occupied the house where he died, on Tuesday morning, February 12th
1856. The house is remarkable from the 'pent' roof over the front door,
where the second or upper door appears in the picture there was a window
similar to that remaining. S.R.F.'s counting house and storehouses were
in the rear of this on Dock Street. The houses northerly in view to the
N.W. corner of Front and Granite Street. No. 27 (old) Dock St."
408 Library St.
Jan. 1859
"Library St. South side, between Goldsmith's Hall and Fourth St."
747-753 Market St.
May 1859
"May 1859. Photograph by Richards."
(3) 2526.F.153
Edward Pennington's countinghouse
[409 Race St.]
No date
"Edward Pennington's countinghouse. On the Northeast corner of Race
and Crown Street, his sugar factory was in the rear, facing Crown Street;
the building in view is an extensive enlargement of the old 'Sugar house'.
(3) 2526.F.101
4xx Spruce St.
June 1859
"Spruce between 4th & 5th South side looking West. Photograph by Richards.
June 1859."
(3) 2526.F.159
87-91 Chestnut St.
June 1859
"No. '1' Residence of Rt. Rev. Dr. William White, Bishop of Pennsylvania,
No. 2 Residence of Chas. Chauncey, Esq. No. 3 his law office, these houses
on Walnut Street. NO. 3 being next , but one to the N.W. corner of that
and Third Street. Photograph by Richards. June 1859."
(3) 2526.F.87
Bullock's old Mansion
[32 N. 3rd St.]
May 1859
"Bullock's old Mansion. 3rd, North of Market."
(2) 2526.F.95
Fourth & Union St.
[4th St., bet. Union and Pine Sts., E. side]
March 1859
"Old Houses, from the Southeast corner of Fourth and Union street,
to the Northeast corner of Pine and Fourth street."
(3) 25266.F.60
Wistar-Shippen House
[S.W. cor. 4th and Prune Sts.]
Sept. 1857
"House S.W. corner of Prune and Fourth Street & house built and occupied
by Joseph P. Norris, jr., and also St. Mary's church, the part of a house
on the right of the picture, is that occupied by Louis Phillipe, of France,
see next page. The first house here pictured, was originally occupied by
Dr. Shippen , afterwards by Dr. C. Wister; there was then a two-storied
brick office, on the south of it, on Fourth Street, which gave place to
the present mansion, now occupied by John Cadwalader. J.B. Tyson now lives
in the 'Wister house'. April 4th 1858."
(5) 25266.F.5a
Fourth St. opposite Union St.
[80 S. 4th St.]
No date
"Old houses, West side of Fourth St. opposite Union St., and the 'Hill
mansion', for a picture of which see page 62. Frederick Dreer's old residence,
old No. 152 S. 4th St., moved there 1814. House with 4 windows. Between
Pine and Spruce."
(3) 2526.F.64
S.E. cor. 5th and Spruce Sts.
No date
"Old House, on the Southeast corner of Fifth and Spruce street."
(3) 2526.F.63
Sully's residence
[23 S. 5th St.]
No date
"Old houses, on the East of Fifth street, with entrance to a 'court'
to Fred Brown's iron buildings N.E. corner of Chestnut and Fifth sts."
Notes: Written at the bottom of the photograph were "Thomas Sully's
Residence" and "Blakes Music Store".
(3) 2526.F.56a
Sully's residence in distance.
[23-27 S. 5th St.]
No date
"The 'Blackbear' tavern ; Girard estate offices; the residence of Thomas
Sully, and his studio, and the music store of George E. Blake; up to Fred
Brown's iron building and apothecary shop at the N.E. corner of Fifth and
Chestnut St.; and the East side of Fifth St. continued, below (S. of Chestnut
in the perspective.) The original Black bear tavern was on south side of
Market east of Fifth Street. The stables are on the same lot that fronted
Market Street."
(3) 2526.F.58